Me 262 - Projects, Pre-Projects And Variants

In Hugh Morgans book a drawing of a Me 262 pre-project is shown, already posted by hesham
probably the P.1065, It shows the contemplated low and midwing layouts and their landing gear
arrangements. I stumbled across the layout for the low wing variant, where the main gear legs
aren't attached on the chord line. For getting the wheels on the same line, the main gear hinges
would have to had different angles, an arrangement I haven't seen on other aircraft, I think.
May have resulted in a more complicated production and maybe in problems with the adjustment
of the damping characteristic to my opinion.
Two questions resulting out of curiosity andmy special interest for landing gears:
- Was such an asymmetrical landing gear actually used on an aircraft ?
- The Me 262 was designed for ease of production, but were the main gear legs interchangeable ?


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Jemiba said:
In Hugh Morgans book a drawing of a Me 262 pre-project is shown, already posted by hesham
probably the P.1065, It shows the contemplated low and midwing layouts and their landing gear
arrangements. I stumbled across the layout for the low wing variant, where the main gear legs
aren't attached on the chord line. For getting the wheels on the same line, the main gear hinges
would have to had different angles, an arrangement I haven't seen on other aircraft, I think.


the B-52 had a somewhat similar asymmetric landing gear arrangement:

"The main landing gear retraction process was fairly complicated, with the wheels swiveling through almost 90 degrees before folding to lie flat within the storage bays. The retraction was asymmetric, with the port units folding forward and the starboard units folding aft."

Thanks for that clue.I always regarded it as central wheel arrangement, but every group consists
of two independent bogeys, you're right.
From Kryl'ya Rodine 2/1994,

here is some Messerschmitt Me.262 variants in a profile.


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Me 262 turboprop version with DB 021.


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From; Secret Nazi Aircraft 1939 -1945 Luftwaffe's Advanced Aircraft Projects

here is a strange drawing to early Me.262 drawing,what was in the rear fuselage ?.


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Walther HWK 109-509 rocket motor.
From Klassiker der Luftfahrt 2000,

here is some Messerschmitt Me.262 Profiles,but the lower aircraft with auxiliary towed fuel tank
is new for me.


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B-2A? What is true


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newsdeskdan said:
Wow. Kinda sad that Klassiker der Luftfahrt doesn't know what a Me 262B-2a looked like.

But was it a real idea ?.
Some next samples


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I remembered seeing an image of a single seat Me 262 *with* radar antennae a long time ago, so I started digging. This is what I found.

Hyperscale forum-member Tom Booth has this to say:
Creek/Smith, Vol 2, pg 272, chapter 9, Me 262 Variants, ....
March 16 2014, 11:39 AM

says "Me 262 A-1a/U2, Schlechtwetterjager (all weather fighter).

This was an all weather fighter version of the A-1a. Besides the standard FuG 16 ZY and FuG 25a radio equipment, the variant also carried the FuG 125 Hermine VHF radio beacon signal receiver which opperated on a freq of 30-33.3 MHz and had a range of 200km (125 miles) The variant was also to be fitted w/ the K22 autopilot, w/ the FuG 120 Bernhardine ground to air comm set being installed later. This operated in the same freq band as FuG 125 but had a range of 400 km (250 miles). The information received (bearing of the ground station and running commentary on the air situation) was recorded on a strip of paper by the attached teleprinter unit. It was eventually intended that the -1a/U2 should supersede the A-1a in production during the middle of 1945.".

Vol 3, chapter 15, titled 'Further Nightfighter Development', pgs 489 - 498, a few of the photo captions state,

" The second Me 262 V2, W Nr 170056 tested the FuG 218 radar installation (*and nose aerials). This a/c originally had a lg white 'V2' painted on the nose, but this was replaced by a smaller white 'V 056', the last three digits of its serial number.".

" This a/c (*caption under artwork for V 056) was used in a lg number of tests w/ various modifications intended for the Me 262, completing 176 flights totalling 49 hrs 45 mins flying time by March 1945. One of the most important series of tests were w/ the FuG 218 radar 'Neptun' aerial array. For these the a/c had its tail painted blk and white wool tuffs attached to assist in air flow observations.".

" Flight test crew work on Me 262 V 056 fitted w/ the FuG 218 radar array. The radar set was probably not fitted permanently and would certainly have been very difficult to use operationally in a single seater a/c, though some tests were possibly carried out w/ the equipment in position.". *Caption for the same b/w photo you posted above.

* in quoted text are my words.

V 506 also conducted tests w/ the FuG 226 w/ its port wing only fin aerials along w/ a nose array, and also tested a sm dorsal fin behind the canopy to test air flow in the area for the future big two seater canopy.

I'm thinking a single seat 262 nightfighter was never envisioned.

In short, a test-bed Me 262 with a radar array on its nose, used mainly for aerodynamic testing. I can imagine people seeing the picture and thinking 'Cool - a single seat night fighter Me 262'.

Image and text found here:


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Rich cooperation with David Myhra from years ~2004. A few samples of C versions


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Eight pulse jets? I hope it came with some hearing protection. :eek:
And to close it next 20 samples in two mails ( not all versionas)


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second one


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So much awesomeness in so few posts!! Thanks a lot for sharing your superlative work, Josef!
Impressive CGIs!
I'd only like to point out, that HWK 109-509 rocket engine should have a pronounced fuel pump exhaust at the bottom. :)
And the R 100 rocket was to be suspended under the AG 140 launcher on three parallel rails. :eek:
Do you have some sketches pls? I still solve how to simple export old Rhino models with textures rendered in PovRay ( God save it) to my todays render engines. New 3d model of B-29 is prepared, too. Two years of very hard work. There are 600 pictures of Me-262
Sadly, I've never seen the AG 140 drawing; I've only read a brief description and seen drawings of the R 100 with three suspension points, for three rails. E.g. the rocket on the extreme right (3rd from the right also had similarly arranged suspension points, just the rear ones are not drawn here):


I've also never seen plans of the rocket powered Me 262 (say, V186) with the fuel pump exhaust depicted - I just think it should be located in a very similar place (relatively to the engine "box") as on the Me 163 B.
If you closely look at the pictures of the V186, a trail of steam under the fuselage (near the fuel dump pipe) proves the exhaust is there:



Very interesting drawing and picture newsdeskdan. Mr Gatial are you doing an ilustration of 262 HG III ? OMG !!! :) :) :)
I'm sure I have done pictures of Me-262 HG III. I lost some folders on old DVDs and probably.... But on atached Rhino preview I don't see wing with angle 60 deg. In all cases I want to export these old models from Povray to my new renderer


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PlanesPictures said:
I'm sure I have done pictures of Me-262 HG III. I lost some folders on old DVDs and probably.... But on atached Rhino preview I don't see wing with angle 60 deg. In all cases I want to export these old models from Povray to my new renderer

I'm vaguely sure I've seen your drawings of the HG III at some point, though all my old Me 262 books are in a box in the garage and not easily accessible. I must admit that before I found that original drawing and photo of what looks like the HG III (from the Imperial War Museum and not labelled as anything other than 'Me 262') I'd always figured the tail was more swept or even a V.
I found them only as 2D drawings from Photoshop. I have done one hundred similar drawings for all known Me-262 (+ some other) projects, 120 color schemes for known real Me-262s and 80-90 % of known projects as 3D. Near to 600 pictures of Me-262 family. I will try to bring to life some of them. As I told I absolutely necessary to use old done textures


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Source; Luftwaffe '45: letzte fluge und projekt. - Manfred Griehl


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What`s that in the Bv 246 glide bomb`s tip? A "Radieschen" homing head? "Max P"? Also looks like a tandem warhead...
Funny, it doesn`t match with Fritz Trenkle`s drawing on the "Radieschen". It protrudes from the warhead... Probably some alternative designs were considered.
From Flugzeug Classic special 10,

the Me.262 Schnellbomber in details.


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Early aircraft projects? ;D


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