March Italian aircraft and military magazines


ACCESS: Secret
9 September 2008
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Hi friends,
this month I want to be more up-to-date.
I would inform you that "AEREI" (#68 - MarchApril) is specially devoted to the Cold War era. I think could be of interest a brief article by my son Alberto about Carmine Angelo Vito, the first Western pilot to overfly Moscow on July 5, 1956. On the same matter there are two short features (mine) on the Beriev (izdelie U), the Soviet copy of U-2, and Bell Model 67, a winner/loser of the the requirement that was the basis for the U-2.
Some hints of interest could be found in "I concorsi NATO" an article about the various NATO Basic Military Requirements, with a rarely seen picture of the model of an early G.91 configuration (NBMR-1) with side air intakes and a photo of the mock-up of the Piaggio P.155 (NBMR-2).
Another article, pehaps a bit dated, deals with the early Soviet air-to-air missiles, like K-5, K-6, K-9 and so on, a matter that surely deserves more attention.
Alberto deals also with a comparison between the twin-jet Yakovlev and the French Vaoutour, both family of aircraft near-forgotten. Also the Yak-25, -27, -28 in my opinion deserve a more in depth research as rarely described.
I would mention also "Eserciti nella Storia" # 67 (March/April) as it contains the results of my research about the P.40 Italian medium tank, with no less than 25 pictures!
A brief one-page feature is devoted to the so-called Europa-Jeep (already described in our posts) and I hope someone could find some interest in another short article about the Winans steam machine-gun built in Baltimore at the Civil War eve.
I hope you could enjoy all that matters

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