Large-format CAD prints (let yer voice be heard)


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5 April 2006
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Yet another hare-brained scheme is starting to come to fruition: large-size (C-and D-sized sheets) prints of my CAD drawings. Over the years I've drawn up quite a bit, a lot of it for APR, and I decided last week to run a few off on C-and D-sheets... and the results were surprisingly good. See those prints here:


Since then I've been collecting my CAD drawings, complete and incomplete, and getting them into shape for this. They have three main advantages over the illustrations in APR:
1) They are printed off at specific scales
2) They are huge (D-size sheets are 34 by 24 inches)
3) You can hang 'em on your wall

Here I've posted screenshots of a number of the drawings, so you can see what sort of projects I'm working on and roughly what they'll look like:
So far, topics include:
1) A-4 Rockets & derivatives (3 sheets)
2) A-11/A-12 conceptual reconstuctions (2 sheets)
3) A-12 Avenger 11 (1/48 scale, 3 or four sheets)
4) ICARUS/ROMBUS (three or four sheets)
5) Project Pluto (four sheets)
6) Sea Mistress (2 sheets)
7) Space Sortie (9 sheets)
8) Super Hustler/Fish/Kingfish (3 to 5 sheets)
9) BWB collection
10) Orion Battleship
11) SERJ X-15
12) X-15A-3
13) L-2000 SST
14) B-2707 SST
15) Space Shuttle
16) X-20/Titan III
17) Convair NX-2
18) B-70 (w/X-15, X-20, 2 SST concepts)
19) F-23 (YF-23, F-23A, NATF-23, FB-23)

If these are of interest, let me know (if you could add a comment to that effect on the blog posting just above, that'd help me keep things straight). If I've done some other drawing you'd like to see in this format, let me know. Right now I'm handwaving a price of something like $7 for a single D-sheet, $5 for a C-sheet, with most of these targetted for D-sheets.
I'm not interested on paper

Any possibility to buy pdf or tif files?
"Someday" has come

Orionblamblam said:
pometablava said:
I'm not interested on paper

Any possibility to buy pdf or tif files?

Someday, maybe. Depends on how they sell.

They didn't sell worth a damn. So, they are now available electronically (GIF & PDF):
I am getting #19 as soon as it comes out. BTW, Scott, if you want revenue froms sales to go 100x, just find a friend to make you an iOS/Mac App of APR with In-App purchase.
lantinian said:
I am getting #19 as soon as it comes out.

It won't. Top seller of the existing set of three sold about five copies. Not worth the effort to continue. There will be the F-23-stuff in the next APR, but no large format stuff.

BTW, Scott, if you want revenue froms sales to go 100x, just find a friend to make you an iOS/Mac App of APR with In-App purchase.

What is this "friend" concept of which you speak?

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