
ACCESS: Top Secret
1 June 2019
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Kelley says 100 pre-orders have already been received for what it describes as a combat aircraft, explaining that customers were interested in the Arrow’s capabilities to perform air-to-air and air-to-surface missions...

it can either be controlled by someone from the ground or just take off autonomously. Furthermore, it can be part of a fleet of aircraft controlled by one manned airplane or just fly solo to conduct an operation from one end to another...

The aircraft uses a monocoque built from carbon fiber, so it’s rather lightweight, being able to fly more than 2,600nm with a maximum weight of 37,038 lbs (16,800 kg). It won’t cost more than $16 million, but the base version can eventually drop to $9 million.
Looks LO. Not sure how not having vertical stabilizer works.

Looking at discussion on other forums, this project is also connected to Israel. Perhaps that explains the preorder? A Singapore focused aircraft probably wouldn't be designed for range.


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There are historical and current examples of aircraft without vertical stabilizers. Careful design got them to work in the past. Good software helps nowadays.
So i guess it would rely mostly on automatons as human response via ground control links might not be fast enough.
How is this not a scam? Nothing appears remotely credible from whats reported
Ah, PR artists, CGI and otherwise. Sometimes they do a brilliant job, other times...

Though, come to think of it, it might be meant as both an illustration of the basic preferred operational concept and as an intentional comparison with the gold standard of the past. PR types can be a bit strange like that.
From another article published December 4, 2020:
The American firm is launching three programmes here.
It sure ain't an American firm, since a quick google search of the company name gives it as a Singapore based exampt private company limited by shares.
On the other hand though, there's a Kelly Aerospace inc. in Alabama...

Kelley Aerospace director Aviv Kelley hopes the Singapore facility can be used as a regional hub as well as help integrate the company's bases in countries including the United States and China.
Aviv Kelley...
Aviv Kelley?
The only dude named Aviv in the company is Aviv Ben Kalifa, who (surprisingly) is the only guy for whom no brief description is given if you click on his name in the "Board of directors" page.

But fear not, we have a Linkedin page!
Screenshot_2021-02-28 Best Online HTML Viewer, HTML Beautifier, HTML Formatter, Beautify, Mini...png
Screenshot_2021-02-28 Best Online HTML Viewer, HTML Beautifier, HTML Formatter, Beautify, Mini...png

And, even more surprisingly, even if the company has been registered since 2008, each and every single one of the people on that page joined the board on 8 January '21 (with the exception of mr. Max Thiam, who joined on the 29th of January '21).

Well, at least their own site will show what sort of work they've been doing, right?
Yes, among them they have already manufactured a long range, high durability (whatever that means) UAV: the Black Eagle
Screenshot_2021-02-28 BE(1) webp (immagine WEBP, 1409 × 793 pixel).png
Oh yeah...
Well., Stavatti is in for the long con, and is persistent at least we gotta give it to him. He has probably been in it for so long that he's convinced himself as well.

These guys are not very..."experienced".
One thing I'll never understand is why these type of people™ think that what they do is an hallmark of being part of a credible business.
Take a look here for example

Alright, yes back to Linkedin (which is a platform these type of people™ think is a cornerstone or a must of some sort for real life). Kelley Aerospace has between 11 and 50 employees. 3 Of them have their accounts linked here: Aviv Ben Kalifa (seen in the previous post above), I'zza Tan and Nicole Wong.

I'zza Tan seems to be the most active, both on Linkedin and in regards to Kelley Aerospace's effort to make a name for itself.
She "successfully earned two newspapers features for the Company on The Strait Times and The Business Times" and she "singlehandedly designed and created the Company's current website".
Now, I don't know if it's just me, but these 2 things are a red flag. Number one, if you have a good product you don't brag about getting a couple of news articles about it. Even more so when you have an undisclosed customer that already ordered a quantity of it, and we're talking about a weapon system.
You're not building bed frames or selling bananas.
And number two, why would the HR Executive take the time to build SINGLEHANDEDLY the company's website and do PR stuff?

Oh Nicole Wong, finally someone with an experience related to the field in question! A BSc in aeronautics!
Let's take a stroll and see her articles and...

Ok. I'm...confused, but ok.
No previous experience in the Aerospace sector, I take.

And then my favourite so far
Notice that they're not asking for an engineer. They're looking for a designer.
To make pretty images, not hardware.

But on their site they are also hiring a general worker (for production/manufacturing), a CNC set up operator and a Composite Material Specialist working with carbon fiber, kevlar, fiberglass or graphite (you know, aerospace materials right?).

And on their site you will also be able to NOT see a single example of the work they've done. Nil, zilch, nada.
So proud of the business we've been doing since 2008 that we...prefer not to show you anything. But believe us, we're a very high tech endeavour in such a complex field, we already have preorders from an undisclosed customer (that's probably Canada. You know, I've a girlfriend in Canada as well) and we're looking forward to expand our business in this tax haven that is Singapore.


I'm a cynical horrible person, I know.
And yet it couldn't be weirder...
The company also revealed that it was working on a supersonic business jet at a launch event in Singapore in December 2020. Two prototypes are currently reported to be undergoing testing in the U.S. and Sweden.

The company also said that it was looking to get some 500 pilots ready to control its combat drones as part of a general aviation pilot academy. But with unmanned technology advancing at the rate it currently is, one can't help but wonder if we'll eventually grow out of the need for highly-trained pilots for operations.
Sounds more like they're just the local partner of a US startup. The concept is definitely workable with a used late Cold War era powerplant, but this group definitely isn't putting it together. Then there's avionics...
And yet it couldn't be weirder...
Can't be weirder?
Nonononono, wait wait.

Imagine this: how can we convince a gullible journalist that we're a serious aerospace company?
Well, we need at least 1 aircraft to show right?

What about our sleek Bombardier Express:
Notice anything peculiar about it?
Let me help you out. Do you see any registration on the aircraft?

Why covering it or removing it in photoshop?

But oh man! I'm so curious, I'd like to know more about this Global Express because I really, REALLY like it!
Maybe if I went to Singapore one day, I could have one just like this.
Or maybe even exactly the same one:
I present you VH-UBX of Seletar Jet Charter. How much do you think a charter flight from one hangar of the Seletar airport to another hangar costs?
Also, as an interesting afterthought, if you squint really hard while looking at Aviv Ben Kalifa's picture on Linkedin you might notice that it's the same aircraft!

And the cars??
Well, if you like Bentleys and a Rolls-Royce Ghost, you might like the services offered by Ultimate Drive in Marina Bay, Singapore. They even have a 1 hour photography package for a Rolls-Royce ghost here!

And if you'd like to read more about exampt private companies in Singapore, please be my guest and click on these links:

Thank you for coming to my Tedxtalk ;)

Edit: Oh, I almost forgot but
Last edited:
CiTrus90, I appreciate you showing functional Open Source intelligence capabilities here - and while journalism has well and truly been through the wringer lately with ever diminishing resources (really, it's a true crisis), still shame on them for not doing basic research such as this.
I've the slight suspicion I'zza Tan probably stumbled on this thread while monitoring the net looking around for articles on Kelley Aerospace, since she has updated her resume to add that she's in charge of Finance, Marketing and Management efforts besides HR.

I suppose that's the answer to my previous question in regards to that.

View attachment 651559
I'zza Tan seems to be the most active, both on Linkedin and in regards to Kelley Aerospace's effort to make a name for itself.
She "successfully earned two newspapers features for the Company on The Strait Times and The Business Times" and she "singlehandedly designed and created the Company's current website".
Now, I don't know if it's just me, but these 2 things are a red flag. Number one, if you have a good product you don't brag about getting a couple of news articles about it. Even more so when you have an undisclosed customer that already ordered a quantity of it, and we're talking about a weapon system.
You're not building bed frames or selling bananas.
And number two, why would the HR Executive take the time to build SINGLEHANDEDLY the company's website and do PR stuff?

And after yesterday:

Absolutely not suspicious at all.

I'zza if you're reading this, you seem like a very competent and smart person. You have the qualities and the drive to make it on your own out there in the world. It might be a difficult and tedious process to succeed, rather in fact, I'm almost sure it will be. It is like that for most of us, mere mortals.
But I'm also sure you can make it in a legitimate way.
Don't take part in activities such as this, because you might regret them later in your professional career. Even if you're shielded from any personal liabilities with the way the company has been set up, there's no telling what the future may bring and remember that hindsight is always 20/20.
Take care.
but who they are trying to scam. Which military in the world that would not do due diligence before disclosing classified info and hand out hundreds of millions of dollars?
On their website, Kelley Aerospace gives the same address as Airbus Seletar???

That's because they are indeed at the same address Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia Pte Ltd was staying at.
The company closed shop and the facility got listed for sale 5 months ago. Screenshot_2021-03-04 110 Seletar Aerospace View1.jpg

Here are some pics from the former Airbus facility:
Screenshot_2021-03-04 Google Maps.png
Screenshot_2021-03-04 Google Maps(1).png
Screenshot_2021-03-04 Google Maps(2).png
Screenshot_2021-03-04 Google Maps(3).png
Screenshot_2021-03-04 Google Maps(4).png

Notice the shape of the bulding and the two white houses you can see in pictures 2 and 3 above and compare with the following shot:
Same hangar, same white houses in the background and a new logo slapped onto the front of the bulding.

This begs the question: where was Kelley Aerospace staying at before 5 months ago, before the former Airbus facility went on sale?
It was most probably staying here
Screenshot_2021-03-04 KELLEY AEROSPACE PTE LTD - Singapore Business Directory.jpg
Registered Address:
SINGAPORE (179094)

And what happens when you Google that address?
The first returns on the page are from Metropolitan Menagement Services, a company that can help you set up shop in Singapore, among other things.
Screenshot_2021-03-04 1 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD #19-09 HIGH STREET CENTRE SINGAPORE - Cerca con Google.png

So, as I supposed before, Kelley Aerospace was born a shelf company with an address at the Metropolitan in 2008. It laid dormant waiting to get ripe, until 5 months ago Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia Pte Ltd went belly up and the hangar they were staying at got listed for sale.

Someone looking for an "opportunity" decided that the next best thing in the aerospace sector is currently to build and market supersonic commercial aircraft (of which Kelley claims to have a couple of test articles flying in the US and Sweden) and UAVs. And then, once you bring together the two thoughts, the next step was to come up with the idea of marketing a supersonic UAV.

No need to swindle the military as Coanda pointed above, private investors and bank loans will suffice and since the company is of exempt private type it can be started with an initial paid up share capital of 1 S$, have financial freedom in loan activities, tax exemptions and, above all else, limited liability (limited to the share capital contribution made by each shareholder).

But, since you asked Donnage
Which military in the world that would not do due diligence before disclosing classified info and hand out hundreds of millions of dollars?
I'd like to refer you to Exosonic efforts in this specific field, which is pretending to be building a quiet SSBJ and was able to obtain a 1 million US $ grant by the USAF with just a couple of nice powerpoints. If you have some minutes to spare, please take a look at the showcases, pitches and interviews available on youtube that Norris Tie made: they are a wild trip, even more so when you realize that you can get funded the same way.
Very sensible post there @CiTrus90.
Hats down.
Thank you Tomcat.

I think this young lady is the one that's working hardest and putting the most effort into the the whole thing. She had the skills to set up the site by herself, search for journalists interested in what they're doing and coordinate the events.
She could easily make it in any other endeavour, so there's no point going in down this path for her.

I understand it may be frustrating to find a fulfilling job (heck, I just lost mine and I don't have the qualifications to get a good one) in the troublesome times we live in. But trying to feed off other people's and get rich easily like this should never be the way. Also, it might seem hassle-free, but it won't be in the long run.

Moreover, speaking as an aviation fanatic, these kind of things detract a lot of credibility in the field and do a lot of damage for any serious person that may be trying to pitch innovative ideas indipendently from big names such as Boeing, Airbus, LockMart, etc.

A double whammy, all in all.
but who they are trying to scam. Which military in the world that would not do due diligence before disclosing classified info and hand out hundreds of millions of dollars?
Investors, private equity funds, private individuals, government funding organisations, charities, business funding websites.
Well if someone on an aviation forum can figure it out you’d think they could too unless you think the poster has exceptional intelligence and resources.
There are historical and current examples of aircraft without vertical stabilizers. Careful design got them to work in the past. Good software helps nowadays.
AC without vertical stabs can be problematic especially where yaw is concerned without real-time computer action. This, historically, related mostly to flying wings. Now-a-days, aero-elastic surfaces activated by computer solve
There are historical and current examples of aircraft without vertical stabilizers. Careful design got them to work in the past. Good software helps nowadays.

all pitch yaw and roll issues. The tactical advantage here is appears to be supersonic, 12 G+ maneuverability/combat. There also appear to be some features built into the design that would ameliorate yaw issues. Kevin
Very sensible post there @CiTrus90.
Hats down.
Thank you Tomcat.

I think this young lady is the one that's working hardest and putting the most effort into the the whole thing. She had the skills to set up the site by herself, search for journalists interested in what they're doing and coordinate the events.
She could easily make it in any other endeavour, so there's no point going in down this path for her.

I understand it may be frustrating to find a fulfilling job (heck, I just lost mine and I don't have the qualifications to get a good one) in the troublesome times we live in. But trying to feed off other people's and get rich easily like this should never be the way. Also, it might seem hassle-free, but it won't be in the long run.

Moreover, speaking as an aviation fanatic, these kind of things detract a lot of credibility in the field and do a lot of damage for any serious person that may be trying to pitch innovative ideas indipendently from big names such as Boeing, Airbus, LockMart, etc.

A double whammy, all in all.
A mock up?
Well., Stavatti is in for the long con, and is persistent at least we gotta give it to him. He has probably been in it for so long that he's convinced himself as well.

These guys are not very..."experienced".
One thing I'll never understand is why these type of people™ think that what they do is an hallmark of being part of a credible business.
Take a look here for example
View attachment 651557

Alright, yes back to Linkedin (which is a platform these type of people™ think is a cornerstone or a must of some sort for real life). Kelley Aerospace has between 11 and 50 employees. 3 Of them have their accounts linked here: Aviv Ben Kalifa (seen in the previous post above), I'zza Tan and Nicole Wong.

View attachment 651558
View attachment 651559
I'zza Tan seems to be the most active, both on Linkedin and in regards to Kelley Aerospace's effort to make a name for itself.
She "successfully earned two newspapers features for the Company on The Strait Times and The Business Times" and she "singlehandedly designed and created the Company's current website".
Now, I don't know if it's just me, but these 2 things are a red flag. Number one, if you have a good product you don't brag about getting a couple of news articles about it. Even more so when you have an undisclosed customer that already ordered a quantity of it, and we're talking about a weapon system.
You're not building bed frames or selling bananas.
And number two, why would the HR Executive take the time to build SINGLEHANDEDLY the company's website and do PR stuff?

View attachment 651560
Oh Nicole Wong, finally someone with an experience related to the field in question! A BSc in aeronautics!
Let's take a stroll and see her articles and...
View attachment 651561

Ok. I'm...confused, but ok.
No previous experience in the Aerospace sector, I take.

And then my favourite so far
View attachment 651562
Notice that they're not asking for an engineer. They're looking for a designer.
To make pretty images, not hardware.

But on their site they are also hiring a general worker (for production/manufacturing), a CNC set up operator and a Composite Material Specialist working with carbon fiber, kevlar, fiberglass or graphite (you know, aerospace materials right?).

And on their site you will also be able to NOT see a single example of the work they've done. Nil, zilch, nada.
So proud of the business we've been doing since 2008 that we...prefer not to show you anything. But believe us, we're a very high tech endeavour in such a complex field, we already have preorders from an undisclosed customer (that's probably Canada. You know, I've a girlfriend in Canada as well) and we're looking forward to expand our business in this tax haven that is Singapore.


I'm a cynical horrible person, I know.
A mock-up? Am cynical too....hope am wrong on this one. K


  • EC69rtW.jpg
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Very sensible post there @CiTrus90.
Hats down.
Thank you Tomcat.

I think this young lady is the one that's working hardest and putting the most effort into the the whole thing. She had the skills to set up the site by herself, search for journalists interested in what they're doing and coordinate the events.
She could easily make it in any other endeavour, so there's no point going in down this path for her.

I understand it may be frustrating to find a fulfilling job (heck, I just lost mine and I don't have the qualifications to get a good one) in the troublesome times we live in. But trying to feed off other people's and get rich easily like this should never be the way. Also, it might seem hassle-free, but it won't be in the long run.

Moreover, speaking as an aviation fanatic, these kind of things detract a lot of credibility in the field and do a lot of damage for any serious person that may be trying to pitch innovative ideas indipendently from big names such as Boeing, Airbus, LockMart, etc.

A double whammy, all in all.
A mock up?
Well., Stavatti is in for the long con, and is persistent at least we gotta give it to him. He has probably been in it for so long that he's convinced himself as well.

These guys are not very..."experienced".
One thing I'll never understand is why these type of people™ think that what they do is an hallmark of being part of a credible business.
Take a look here for example
View attachment 651557

Alright, yes back to Linkedin (which is a platform these type of people™ think is a cornerstone or a must of some sort for real life). Kelley Aerospace has between 11 and 50 employees. 3 Of them have their accounts linked here: Aviv Ben Kalifa (seen in the previous post above), I'zza Tan and Nicole Wong.

View attachment 651558
View attachment 651559
I'zza Tan seems to be the most active, both on Linkedin and in regards to Kelley Aerospace's effort to make a name for itself.
She "successfully earned two newspapers features for the Company on The Strait Times and The Business Times" and she "singlehandedly designed and created the Company's current website".
Now, I don't know if it's just me, but these 2 things are a red flag. Number one, if you have a good product you don't brag about getting a couple of news articles about it. Even more so when you have an undisclosed customer that already ordered a quantity of it, and we're talking about a weapon system.
You're not building bed frames or selling bananas.
And number two, why would the HR Executive take the time to build SINGLEHANDEDLY the company's website and do PR stuff?

View attachment 651560
Oh Nicole Wong, finally someone with an experience related to the field in question! A BSc in aeronautics!
Let's take a stroll and see her articles and...
View attachment 651561

Ok. I'm...confused, but ok.
No previous experience in the Aerospace sector, I take.

And then my favourite so far
View attachment 651562
Notice that they're not asking for an engineer. They're looking for a designer.
To make pretty images, not hardware.

But on their site they are also hiring a general worker (for production/manufacturing), a CNC set up operator and a Composite Material Specialist working with carbon fiber, kevlar, fiberglass or graphite (you know, aerospace materials right?).

And on their site you will also be able to NOT see a single example of the work they've done. Nil, zilch, nada.
So proud of the business we've been doing since 2008 that we...prefer not to show you anything. But believe us, we're a very high tech endeavour in such a complex field, we already have preorders from an undisclosed customer (that's probably Canada. You know, I've a girlfriend in Canada as well) and we're looking forward to expand our business in this tax haven that is Singapore.


I'm a cynical horrible person, I know.
A mock-up? Am cynical too....hope am wrong on this one. K
Real or Photoshop?
Very sensible post there @CiTrus90.
Hats down.
Thank you Tomcat.

I think this young lady is the one that's working hardest and putting the most effort into the the whole thing. She had the skills to set up the site by herself, search for journalists interested in what they're doing and coordinate the events.
She could easily make it in any other endeavour, so there's no point going in down this path for her.

I understand it may be frustrating to find a fulfilling job (heck, I just lost mine and I don't have the qualifications to get a good one) in the troublesome times we live in. But trying to feed off other people's and get rich easily like this should never be the way. Also, it might seem hassle-free, but it won't be in the long run.

Moreover, speaking as an aviation fanatic, these kind of things detract a lot of credibility in the field and do a lot of damage for any serious person that may be trying to pitch innovative ideas indipendently from big names such as Boeing, Airbus, LockMart, etc.

A double whammy, all in all.
A mock up?
Well., Stavatti is in for the long con, and is persistent at least we gotta give it to him. He has probably been in it for so long that he's convinced himself as well.

These guys are not very..."experienced".
One thing I'll never understand is why these type of people™ think that what they do is an hallmark of being part of a credible business.
Take a look here for example
View attachment 651557

Alright, yes back to Linkedin (which is a platform these type of people™ think is a cornerstone or a must of some sort for real life). Kelley Aerospace has between 11 and 50 employees. 3 Of them have their accounts linked here: Aviv Ben Kalifa (seen in the previous post above), I'zza Tan and Nicole Wong.

View attachment 651558
View attachment 651559
I'zza Tan seems to be the most active, both on Linkedin and in regards to Kelley Aerospace's effort to make a name for itself.
She "successfully earned two newspapers features for the Company on The Strait Times and The Business Times" and she "singlehandedly designed and created the Company's current website".
Now, I don't know if it's just me, but these 2 things are a red flag. Number one, if you have a good product you don't brag about getting a couple of news articles about it. Even more so when you have an undisclosed customer that already ordered a quantity of it, and we're talking about a weapon system.
You're not building bed frames or selling bananas.
And number two, why would the HR Executive take the time to build SINGLEHANDEDLY the company's website and do PR stuff?

View attachment 651560
Oh Nicole Wong, finally someone with an experience related to the field in question! A BSc in aeronautics!
Let's take a stroll and see her articles and...
View attachment 651561

Ok. I'm...confused, but ok.
No previous experience in the Aerospace sector, I take.

And then my favourite so far
View attachment 651562
Notice that they're not asking for an engineer. They're looking for a designer.
To make pretty images, not hardware.

But on their site they are also hiring a general worker (for production/manufacturing), a CNC set up operator and a Composite Material Specialist working with carbon fiber, kevlar, fiberglass or graphite (you know, aerospace materials right?).

And on their site you will also be able to NOT see a single example of the work they've done. Nil, zilch, nada.
So proud of the business we've been doing since 2008 that we...prefer not to show you anything. But believe us, we're a very high tech endeavour in such a complex field, we already have preorders from an undisclosed customer (that's probably Canada. You know, I've a girlfriend in Canada as well) and we're looking forward to expand our business in this tax haven that is Singapore.


I'm a cynical horrible person, I know.
A mock-up? Am cynical too....hope am wrong on this one. K
Real or Photoshop? Several pics of Black Eagle...can't get them to upload. K
A mock-up? Am cynical too....hope am wrong on this one. K
It looks to me like it is a digital rendering overlaid on top of an actual photo. I very much doubt whether they have actually constructed a mock-up. They would probably wait for "investment" before constructing a mock-up, only to run away with the money, if this really is a scam...which it very much is, probably.
They made a huge empty shell, along with several other smaller (and still empty) shells, if you would like to call them mock-ups:

The part at 1 minute and 9 seconds always cracks me up...hey, if you can step on it that means it can go supersonic, right? /s

Dude #1 being interviewed is portrayed to be Avraham Kelley*, chairman of Kelley Aerospace, of whom you will find absolutely nothing while searching online.
Dude #2 following him around between 1 minute 8 seconds and 1 minute 23 seconds (without face mask) is Aviv Ben Khalifa, who I suppose is the mastermind behind the whole "operation".

Avraham's body language while being interviewed is..."curious".

*If that's even his real name...
They made a huge empty shell, along with several other smaller (and still empty) shells, if you would like to call them mock-ups:

The part at 1 minute and 9 seconds always cracks me up...hey, if you can step on it that means it can go supersonic, right? /s

Dude #1 being interviewed is portrayed to be Avraham Kelley*, chairman of Kelley Aerospace, of whom you will find absolutely nothing while searching online.
Dude #2 following him around between 1 minute 8 seconds and 1 minute 23 seconds (without face mask) is Aviv Ben Khalifa, who I suppose is the mastermind behind the whole "operation".

Avraham's body language while being interviewed is..."curious".

*If that's even his real name...

It doesn't look terribly practical. No panels or openings of any kind. No intakes. No... anything. Just a shape.

The American firm is launching three programmes here.

One involves buying 100 aircraft by 2024 that will fly private clients around the world, with in-flight meals prepared by Michelin chef Bruno Menard.

Clients will be by invitation only for the private network, which will operate out of Singapore, South Korea, Japan and China.

Well, this explains the chef.

The second programme is to design, manufacture and assemble unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including the Arrow UAV, which has been worked on by engineers over the past few years.

Kelley Aerospace said it is ready to move forward with a prototype, and will need to train employees to help with its manufacturing.

It estimates that it will be able to make the frames of three UAVs every day when its production line is fully operational, much faster than the typical pace of one every one to three weeks.

We'll see.

The third programme will strengthen its core business of designing and manufacturing carbon fibre, which is used in the building of aircraft. It plans to work with universities and polytechnics here on research and development to create materials that can be stronger, lighter and more durable.

Apparently they are also working on a supersonic business jet. Good luck!

Also Singapore media says they are a US company. UK and US media says they are from Singapore.
My feelings reading this thread, and that Kelley aerospace thing...


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