Josef Andrea Helioplane


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26 May 2006
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Very much 'Nazi Ufo' stuff.
To taste with more than a pinch of salt...
Is there a definative source(s) on "nazi UFOs" that sifts the reality from the fantasy?

lark said:
Very much 'Nazi Ufo' stuff.
To taste with more than a pinch of salt...
So, what you are saying is, outside of the Sack aircraft, all other German "saucer" projects and designs are post-war fantasies? If so, that is a lot of fabrication that gets some serious milage. ;D

Orionblamblam said:
Pelzig said:
Is there a definative source(s) on "nazi UFOs" that sifts the reality from the fantasy?

Yes, and it's right here:
In 'Flugscheiben aus der Sowiet Union' the book mentioned
on the greyfalcon site about Andreas Epp's idea's even the
publisher-AmunVerlag- takes distance of the contents..
(on the last page of the book)

It's not easy to sift out the few serious attempts -Sack ,Focke Achgelis VTOL fighterproject- from
the avalance of mythological WWII disc-designs.
In every book about , there are a lot of -iff's,maybe's,possibly's etc.
so on this subject it's safe to say,common sense is the best adviser...
Pelzig said:
So, what you are saying is, outside of the Sack aircraft, all other German "saucer" projects and designs are post-war fantasies?

Exactly so. And the more remarkable the "design," the more likely it is to be utter rubbish.

If so, that is a lot of fabrication that gets some serious milage. ;D

Yes. Sad but true.
I found the material I used to draw the "Omega Diskus" ten years ago...
It was fun!


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I found the material I used to draw the "Omega Diskus" ten years ago...
It was fun!


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Is it possible that Sack, Epp, Schreiver et. al were the "Lunatic Fringe" of aircraft design of the 1930's - 1940's who were relegated to Mythological status during the Cold War by being perceived as much more massive "Threats" than they actually were?
Bodmas said:
Is it possible that Sack, Epp, Schreiver et. al were the "Lunatic Fringe" of aircraft design of the 1930's - 1940's who were relegated to Mythological status during the Cold War by being perceived as much more massive "Threats" than they actually were?

Sack was a farmer who built a not-very-good light aircraft of his own design. He was basically a complete unknown until, IIRC, the 1960's, when photos of his plane became public, and it wasn't until the '80's that his design received much attention.

Schriever was an unknown until 1957 (?) when Lusar published trumped-up descriptions of the saucer he supposedly built. This seems to have been to play into the current UFO craze.

And it seems that the whole "Nazi flying saucer" myth didn't really take off undel Zundel began flacking the idea in the '70's as a way to get press... so that he coudl go on to flack Holocaust denial literature. After that, the Nazi Flying Saucer Myth took on a life of it's own, and now it is, in it's way, as entrenched as astrology or alien abductions.

ach not zie homepage again
from thiz ze DR. IMMELMAN STAHL alzo kalled Rob Arndt
all ze nonzens about Reichzflugzcheiben and other junk
and ze horrible Deutzche zpelling...

Justo is that no somewhat embarrassing to find your work on that homepage ?
i would be very embarrassing, if one of my work ends up there :p
I frankly find it somehow funny :D
My drawings are also used (of course without authorisation) by the fanatics antifascist on the other side.There is such an odd guy who has retouched the Sack AS.6 three views so that the wing appears oval instead of round shaped.
There are many prejudices against the circular wing,being related to the UFO pseudoreligion.
Most ironic is that the actual origin of the myth was the worry to hide the stealth features of the Northrop flying wings.
We all known that the circular wing designs are not functional ,but thanks to the media,people associate them with a superior type of technology.
Your german is excellent.
I can see you learnt it at hte same school where I acquired my poor english!
I haven't dug up the references, but IIRC Herr Sack was well-respected as a designer and builder of flying model aircraft, and the AS-1 through AS-5 were quite circular wing model aircraft. Justo, again thanks from all of us for providing us with your knowledge and drawings.

Kim M
About the AS 6 there was an article in FlugRevue 3/1994. It is said, Ernst Udet
regarded the circular wing as a way to get through balloon barrages ... ???
The german airforce, nevertheless wasn't enthusiastic at all about this design
and Arthur Sack had severe problems in finding test pilots, more or less on a
private base !
Not really much to support the idea of german UFOs ! ;D

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