Jay Miller archives


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5 April 2006
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Look on these photos, ye collectors, and despair! For what you have pales in comparison to what Miller has collected:

Day 1: The "organized" part of the archive


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So that's where all the $hit in Kelly Johnson's garage ended up. :eek: :eek:
Woah! :eek:

If I won the lottery I'd take a holiday there ;D



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It's real and it's on Earth. That's how "The Paradise" looks for me. You're a lucky man!!
We want a photo of two gurus smiling to the camera in front of the treasure cave!
Met Jay today, briefly. He's here to drop off even *more* stuff, then he was off to do stuff with friends. He showed me a few neato items, but it's mostly a slow slog through mounds of boxes.

This place s like many others in that it is both heaven and hell. Heaven in that there are innumerable gems... the Convair "Fish" report, the Martin "Midget" brochure, the Northrop design proposals, the XV-5A diagrams, the too-large-to-easily-scan X-1B blueprints, etc. And hell in that 99+% of the stuff is of no particular interest. Given that there's no rhyme or reason to how things are boxed up... it's dig through the magazines, past the newspaper clippings, around the expense reports, under the spiderwebs...

Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits. And videotapes, thousands of videotapes.

Made 225 scans today, and probably more photos. Somewhere north of 5 gigabytes so far, and two more days to go.
Orionblamblam said:
Met Jay today, briefly. He's here to drop off even *more* stuff, then he was off to do stuff with friends. He showed me a few neato items, but it's mostly a slow slog through mounds of boxes.

This place s like many others in that it is both heaven and hell. Heaven in that there are innumerable gems... the Convair "Fish" report, the Martin "Midget" brochure, the Northrop design proposals, the XV-5A diagrams, the too-large-to-easily-scan X-1B blueprints, etc. And hell in that 99+% of the stuff is of no particular interest. Given that there's no rhyme or reason to how things are boxed up... it's dig through the magazines, past the newspaper clippings, around the expense reports, under the spiderwebs...

Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits. And videotapes, thousands of videotapes.

Made 225 scans today, and probably more photos. Somewhere north of 5 gigabytes so far, and two more days to go.

So you made sure he'd let you photo copy everything right? :p
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
So you made sure he'd let you photo copy scan everything right? :p


so were you feeling like a kid in a candy store or just thinking "where the hell do I begin"?
sferrin said:
so were you feeling like a kid in a candy store or just thinking "where the hell do I begin"?

I've done this sort of thing enough that it was more of "let's get to work." The giddiness actually waits until I'm done for the day and can look and see what I've got. Such as:


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Wow, Northrop's early AX studies!

Are that info you are collecting available to order at your web in the future or will it be included in totally new eAPR issues after V5N6?.
I think it will be enough raw material for eAPRs till Vol.XXXXXNo.XXXXXX...just if one man could ever refurbish all that stuff (seems that Jay has understood that it's just unreal)...

Scott - tiny pics of Fish report are the thing that everyone would like to see I think to fire up appetites=)
Wasn't it the first thing that went into scanner?
Oooh, just let me get my mitts on that Convair "Fish" report ;D!!!

Or any of the other gems in Jay's magnificent archive. If I wasn't tied down by prior engagements I'd volunteer to go help sort it out.

BTW, to our good bud Orion.

If you put out that Fish report on an eAPR, I will buy that. I'm on a student budget but I do make the ocassional exception. The Convair Fish would definitely be one of them.
pometablava said:
Wow, Northrop's early AX studies!

Yup. Coupled with some NASA reports I have, I can now do these designs justice.

Are that info you are collecting available to order at your web in the future or will it be included in totally new eAPR issues after V5N6?.

*Some* of it should end up in APRs, and not after V5N6 (I'd like to do a B-58/SST article within an issue or two). As to selling these items on the docs/drawings page... for the *vast* bulk of them, no. I am hoping to work out a deal to gain republication rights for a few. But the lage majority of the stuff I'm digging up here won't be re-publishable.

*ahem* underwriters... if interested, PM me.
XP67_Moonbat said:
Oooh, just let me get my mitts on that Convair "Fish" report ;D!!!

I'm unsure about this one. It's got SECRET stamped all over it, and it's never been declassified. I'f seen evidence of these reports being declassified, but I gotta make sure before I go and get my ass into a sling with the FBI... :mad:
This motels "high speed internet access is a freakin' joke. Oh, well....

As of today (Friday morning), the count currently stands at 6.43 gigabytes, and 2,405 separate images. End of today should probably see about 2750 or so. That two thousand, seven hundred and fifty *pages.*


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Some more images & collections.


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Superlative stuff!!

A Turboprop A-3 on image128, great, but what's that on image126...wingroot engines?
I love that B-58 collection.
Image 227 is an aircraft made of three units?
What is described from image 238 to 240?

I hope to see all that info packed into your US Bomber book. Thanks a lot for showing us the progress of your reseach. :)
pometablava said:
I love that B-58 collection.
Image 227 is an aircraft made of three units?

*Nine*, actually. Three B-36's linked wingtip-to-tip, each carrying a parasite bomber that is composed or two major componants.

What is described from image 238 to 240?

The evolution of B-58 from the GEBO days. This comes from a tiny little "welcome to the B-58 program" notebook.

Thanks a lot for showing us the progress of your reseach. :)

Actually, this is only the tiniest fraction. Each day I catalog that days scans & photos into appropriate folders... there are *several* B-58 folders, for example.

Well, gottaz get back to work. The library here turns out to have a better wireless sytem than the motel...
Well, that's that. Today was the Day Of Oversized Drawings, including 8-foot-long blueprints of the X-1, X-1 (armed) and X-2. Most interestingly... *extremely* large diagrams of the GD A-12 "Dorito" showing innards. No "classified" stamp, no "Secret," not even "Company Proprietary." Far too large for scanning, I took a boatload of photos.

Now I'm pooped. Need food and sleep, then get to fly home tomorrow. Yay.
I hear you on the Fish report. I even with my clearance, it's probably on a need-to-know basis anyway. I'll just have to wait with everyone else. :-[ But when you do find out if it's good to go, just give the word and I'll get my wallet. Can't wait.
flateric said:
Any ATF stuff, BTW?

A *very* little. A General Dynamics marketting report from the early '80's described a few concepts in minimal detail, including a few very early ATF concepts with simple drawings, no dimensions or other details. Same report also described the "LF-111" with the "L" standing for "laser." As in "blast the crap out of the enemy with a death ray mounted on an F-111."

Some of today's haul:


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Orionblamblam said:
As of today (Friday morning), the count currently stands at 6.43 gigabytes, and 2,405 separate images. End of today should probably see about 2750 or so. That two thousand, seven hundred and fifty *pages.*

I was off by a bit. 3,265 files in 85 folders, 8.56 Gigabytes.

That's more than THREE THOUSAND pages. Granted, some are duplicates (took numerous photos of the same drawing to make sure that at least one came out, frex), but that's still a freakin' huge *haul.* Underwriters have scored on this one.

The real trick is going to be copying this onto my PC. It will literally take *days* if I copy everything onto CD from this laptop. I guess I'll have to break down and buy one of those 8 gig memory sticks...
Huzzah! I've worked out a gentlemen's agreement with Jay which will allow for limited republication of some of the items, in both APR and as stand-alones. However, even over a course of years only a tiny fraction of this haul will get released.
Is A-12 in the game? Or will be stored deeply? Plus, is there a term 'backissue underwriters' for this trip?
Orionblamblam said:
pometablava said:
Wow, Northrop's early AX studies!

Yup. Coupled with some NASA reports I have, I can now do these designs justice.

Are that info you are collecting available to order at your web in the future or will it be included in totally new eAPR issues after V5N6?.

*Some* of it should end up in APRs, and not after V5N6 (I'd like to do a B-58/SST article within an issue or two). As to selling these items on the docs/drawings page... for the *vast* bulk of them, no. I am hoping to work out a deal to gain republication rights for a few. But the lage majority of the stuff I'm digging up here won't be re-publishable.

*ahem* underwriters... if interested, PM me.

er. . .at one point you mentioned underwriter's kicking in a % could get copies of the full take. What might be the dollar value of that %? PM if you prefer not to make it public.
Gents: check your inboxes.

The A-12 stuff is apparently safe to publish, but would be difficult to horn it it. Doesn't really fit into APR, unless I were to do a full A-12 article (no current plans), and is not adequate for stand-alone drawings & docs... as photos of diagrams it came out pretty good, but not to the level I'd like for republication.

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