IPE Aircraft List


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26 May 2006
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the Brazilian engineer Carlos Pessoa Boscardin has been working in the aviation industry since 1960. In 1972, he founded
his own company,the IPE (Industria Paranaense de Estruturas),and its aircraft list here;

IPE-01 (KW.1 Quero-Quero & KW.2 Biguá) was a single seat high-wing sailplane,and a single seat experimental
sailplane respectively
IPE-02 Nhapecan was a single seat high-wing sailplane
IPE-03 was a motor-glider Project,never completed
IPE-04 was a further development of Mudry CAP-10,a two-seat low-wing light and touring monoplane
IPE-05 Quero-Quero was a Project for further development of KW.1
IPE-06 Curucaca was a two-seat high-wing ultra-light touring and trainer monoplane,powered by one 70 hp T2000 engine
IPE-07 was a towed glider version of IPE-06
IPE-08 was a single seat high performance sailplane,developed from KW.1
IPE-09 ------?
IPE-10 (PL-10) was a single seat low-wing agricultural monoplane,powered by one engine
IPE-11 ------?
IPE-12 ------?
IPE-13 ------?
IPE-14 was a 12-seat high-wing twin engined light transport monoplane Project,powered by two 350 hp Lycoming TIO 540 engines
Good work hesham.

A few corrections:

1 - The IPE-01 Quero Quero could be a single-seat but, in theory, its modular 'quick-change' cockpit could be switched from single to twin seats.

2 - The IPE-07 wasn't a glider (planadore) but a glider tug (reboque de planadore). (The IPE-07 meant to replace the Neiva P-56 Paulistinha in the tow-plane role for Brazilian aero clubs.) The IPE-07 was based on a reinforced IPE-06 structure. To have been powered by 130 to 150 hp engines.

3 - The designations for the later models have 'extra' zeros. Ie: IPE-010 (or IPE/PV-010 or even PL/IPE-010) Curiango (290 hp Lycoming IO-540-K1J5 HO6) and IPE-014TR (2 x 350 hp Lycoming TIO-540 HO6).

There were a range of variants for the Quero Quero series but they all seem to receive KW designations (not sure if the IPE-05 Quero Quero II also got a KW designation). I'm not aware of any IPE-01 sub-type designations. However, other designs did have IPE sub-type designation ...

For the IPE Nhapecan family, you can break it down into:
- IPE-02a Nhapecan I : 1979 prototypes, x 1 (PP-ZQL)*
-- IPE-02a was a continued development of the KW-2 Biguá
-- * Some sources say 2 x IPE-02a but I can't find any reg.
-- IPE 02-001 is mislisted as a "IPE-03" in many reg. lists
- IPE-02b Nhapecan II: 1983-199? 2-seat training glider
-- IPE-02b differed in profile (reduced span 14.60 m), x 79,**
-- ** Actually 80 x IPE-02b built, 1 x left uncompleted
- IPE-02b Nhapecan III: Improved Nhapecan II, 1 x prototype

The IPE-06 Curucaca also came in a range of derivatives:
- IPE-06: 1990 Mixed const., fabric-covering, var. engines*
-- IPE-06 was offered in factory-finished or kit forms
-- * Volkswagen HO4 or 115 hp Lycoming O-235-NBR HO4 or 180 hp O-360-A1D
- IPE-06A: 2002 Guará with GRP fuselage structure
- IPE-06A: 180 hp Lycoming O-360-A1D HO4, opt. float gear
-- IPE-06A Guará now considered a POC for IPE-06X
-- 3v: https://doc8643.com/thumbs?file=/img/aircrafts/3D/IP6A.jpg&width=308&height=190
- IPE-06U : Simplified vers., 70 hp T2000 engine, x 8
-- IPE-06U is described as having some ultralight features
- IPE-06X: Sidus 2012, aka LSA (Light Sport Aviation)
-- IPE-06X is a lighter, lower production-cost (30%) devel.

The 1986 IPE-04 was basically a copy of the Mudry CAP 10b which introduced some GRP into the structure. It is also referred to as the CAP 10 BR.

The 1990 IPE-08 sailplane was dubbed World Class (although IPE referred to it as the Tapera).

BTW, some of your 'missing' designations might belong to the following:
- Akaflieg Braunschweig SB 5 - 2 x sailplanes built of Brazilian wood in the '70s
- Neukom S-4 Elfe 15: 4 x single-seat sailplanes built by IPE in 1982
- EMB-400 Urupema: 4 x mod. to Super Urupena w/ taller canopy*
-- Allowing reclined pilot seating instead of recumbent position
Good morning my dear Apophenia,

very nice Info,and for IPE-07,I meant a light aircraft to towed glider.
Thanks hesham.

BTW, some details on the Quero Quero are a bit fuzzy (at least to me). Most sources say that the KW-1a prototype for this 15.00 m span sailplane appeared in 1969. Others that it first flew in 1971 (which doesn't necessarily refute the earlier construction date). Regardless, the production model KW-1b Quero Quero wasn't certified in Brazil until 1976.

As mentioned before, there doesn't seem to be IPE-01 sub-type designation suffixes for the Quero Quero line. However, the Quero Quero family breaks down something like this:

- KW-1a Quero Quero: 1969 prototype, span 15.00 m, x 1
- KW-1b Quero Quero: Production model sailplane, x 156
- Quero Quero II: Modified empennage, retractable u/c, x 1
- Quero Quero GB: Laminar-flow wing, winglets, ret. u/c, x 2
-- PP-ZUM and PP-ZUN, shared const. technique with Elfe S4
- Super Quero Quero: Fixed u/c, revised cockpit, tail, x 1
-- NB: The one-off Super Quero Quero wasn't built by IPE

For anyone interested, most IPE popular names are for birds - Quero Quero (Vanellus chilensis); Biguá (Phalacrocorax brasilianus); Curucaca or curicaca (Theristicus caudatus); and Guará (Eudocimus ruber).

Sidus means star or constellation. Tapera is a town name (ironically from a Tupi word for 'extinct village'). But I have no idea what "Nhapecan" means.
From JAWA 2007/2008,

a more info about IPE-10.


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