Heinkel He-319 and He-419

Cobra Kebab

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27 January 2008
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Anyone got any pictorial material or other info on these proposed He-219 derivatives? The He-319 was supposedly a multi-role combat aircraft, the He-419 a high-altitude fighter.
There was an article about the He 219 in the January issue of FlugzeugClassic, I think,
were some small drawings of the He 419 were shown, too (from a soviet report, so with
captions in cyrillic letters). The issue should still be available via the publisher.
Additionally I think, there were drawings in the Squadron Signal issue, too. Will have a
look this evening.


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Since the end of 1942 in parallel with the development of He-219, works on design and special high-altitude fighter He-419, equipped with a turbochargers and a pressure cabin. (In fact, first worked on the options bomber, and then shifted to high-altitude interceptor.) Have been constructed or adapted from the series He - 219 six aircraft, they differed ampliate area wing (59 m2 to 44,5 m2 with He-219) and DB603G engines with turbochargers .
Another alternative development based on the He-219 was Wolfgang Hütter.

from "Ace" aviation magazine #2/93
"Die Deutsche Luft-Rustung 1933-45" H-J.Nowarra V.2
"Nachtjager Uber Deutschland 1940-45" M.Griehl


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From Waffenarsenal, issue 73 (not Squadron Signal), the He 319
(sideview only) and the Hütter Hü 211:


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The He419 was mostly meant as a high altitude night fighter.
The He219 has some weaknesses due to its high wing loading - including a poor high-altitude performance.

High-altitude engines, pressurized cabin and larger wingspan were meant to change that in the 419,
but even the 219 lacked political support and didn't get produced in sufficient quantity.

The 419 actually got more than just a high-altitude night fighter - some versions were extremely high altitude-capable.
It grew into something that could have hunted Mosquitos at very high altitude if the Luftwaffe ever succeeded in making Halifax/Lancaster attacks useless.

Details (and line drawings) about He419 are in Nowarra's "Die deutsche Luftrüstung 1933-1945", the standard book on nazi time aviation.
From the various pub'ed sources I've seen, while there were all kinds of He219 concepts being drawn up, the actual number of types built appeared to have been very limited. Mostly due to engines. Depending on who's figures you want to go with, the number of actual '419s built vary from zero to three (and three might be only a number of airframes allocated, and not nessiarily built). Simularly, the various '219B and 'C versions may have had metal cut form them, but as they were dependent on Jumo222s to get the performance expected, the few 'B machines were mostly flown with Jumo 213 or DB 603 and would not have done all that well. It appears only a couple or so A/B test machines ever got flight ready Jumo222s and the '219C was likely never really finished. Similarly, the Hu211 (which was considering both Ju388 and He219 fuselages, the photo is of the former) never got beyond some sets of wings, never fitted to anything before being destroyed.
There were other big wing He219 projects, the 'E would have had an even larger wing than the Hu211, and there was consideration of several high altitude DB engines with all kinds of extra boosting.
The He319 was a project entirely unrelated to the '219, only having the number sequence in common.
Sorry to have to differ with sagallaci but the He 319 was part of the He 219 story. In 1941 Heinkel had lokked at various proposals to meet a multi-purpose aircraft under the designation Projekt 1065. These varied from conventional twin-engined designs using BMW 801 air-cooled radial engines, to the most exotic assymetrical configurations using the projected DB 619 32-cylinder liquid-cooled powerplant. The Technischen-Amt of the RLM showed interest in one of the more conventional proposals, which received the desigantion He 319. This was powered by two DB 603A engines and was suitable for either the High-speed bomber or night fighter roles. Following interest shown in the night-fighter variant, Heinkel built a full-scale mock up of this aircraft in early 1942. In the autumn of the same year metal was cut on the He 319 V1 which wwas intended to have an armament of four nose-mounted 30-mm MK108 cannon. However following a bombing attack on the Heinkel works at Marienehe, Heinkel abandoned the He 319, concentrating on the He 219. Further development was moved to the high altitude variant which was designated He 419 as previously mentioned by other correspondants.
Here some drawing of the Heinkel project 1065-I. The drawings from book "Luftwaffe secret projects".


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thanks for information, He-419 was not many different from He-219 ,so here the designer of He-219 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Lusser
Factory drawing of He419 same as vorovik-san's post.
The source says that span and length are larger that He219.


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Jemiba said:
There was an article about the He 219 in the January issue of FlugzeugClassic, I think,
were some small drawings of the He 419 were shown, too (from a soviet report, so with
captions in cyrillic letters). The issue should still be available via the publisher.
Additionally I think, there were drawings in the Squadron Signal issue, too. Will have a
look this evening.

The date of this issu with the year please?
From this book.


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