Guess what contest - models from the German wind tunnels


Multiuniversal creator
13 February 2006
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I found photos of some interesting models, tested at the german wind tunnels. Is anybody able to identify them? I preserved the original file name if it helps. I found especially the first one very interesting. Probably Lampyridae related? The origin of them is here:


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  • casa aim2 modell ruckenlage_nwb!updatervar10!0!0!F!.jpg
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  • f12 mpm mit bauchstiel und geschlitzte wande_nwb!updatervar10!0!0!F!(1).jpg
    f12 mpm mit bauchstiel und geschlitzte wande_nwb!updatervar10!0!0!F!(1).jpg
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The middle ones I would guess that they are the nacelle of the A400M. That has a pretty distinctive spinner. There is one pic that is below, and I know that I have seen a pic of something similar, I believe it was a cruise missile, but that it all I remember from the page that I was reading.

The first one is Lampyrade, the second one is that MAKO trainer, the third one I agree is A400M nacelle, the fourth one is HOSBO glide bomb, last one honestly stumped but looks familiar
The last one is a Italian USV-1 (Unmanned Space Vehicle) FTB (Flying Test Bed) scale model for wind tunnel trials.
The USV is a ASI/CIRA joint programme and the first, of two, unit flown a couple of years ago, jettisoned by a Stratospheric Balloon.
It was lost due to a parachute fault.

It is strange that it pass for a German project because USV Programme is all-Italian one.
Peppe, how may hypersonic wind tunnels do we have in Italy ? Better send a model than wait six months for a slot.
Skybolt said:
Peppe, how may hypersonic wind tunnels do we have in Italy ? Better send a model than wait six months for a slot.

Of course.
But the FTBs was intended only for supersonic flight not hypersonic.
Anyway the model looks like one for a subsonic wind tunnel.....
Thanks for your answers. Now I am in the process of confirmation about the Lampyridae. MAKO and USV were exactly mine idea, but the HOSBO is new for me. And regarding the last two pictures - well, I didn't even imagine, that it is the engine nacelle. I thought that it can be the front fuselage of the Vought A-7 with the significantly big electronic equipment ::)
Dear Mr. Furda,

The model on the picture is a generic wind tunnel model to investigate flow phenomena of aircraft with similar shape. It is not connected to the MBB Lampyridae project or any other existing aircraft.

Best regards,

German-Dutch Wind Tunnels DNW
Voorsterweg 31
8316 PR Marknesse
The Netherlands

Make your own conclusion. I did.
Matej said:
Dear Mr. Furda,

The model on the picture is a generic wind tunnel model to investigate flow phenomena of aircraft with similar shape. It is not connected to the MBB Lampyridae project or any other existing aircraft.

Best regards,

German-Dutch Wind Tunnels DNW
Voorsterweg 31
8316 PR Marknesse
The Netherlands

Make your own conclusion. I did.

Although I'm afraid that doesn't help with identifying it either.
Matej said:
It seems to be exactly the same model! Was there any description near it in the museum?

Nothing specific. The label called it a "windtunnel model of a stealthy aircraft" or somesuch, pretty much the same generic wording that is used to describe the other model in the Deutsches Museum. However, they did point out that the strake configuration was interchangeable - so I'd take the denial of any Lampyridae connection with a grain of salt too ;) It may well have been tested without the strakes!

While we're at it, I should be able to obtain some nice pics of an EADS Mako windtunnel model (about 1:7 scale, I'd estimate) with what looks a lot like an EJ200 nozzle, if somebody's interested. No glass to worry about this time either ;)

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