Grigorovich aircraft and projects


ACCESS: Secret
10 May 2010
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Here's the latest list of projects Grigorovich

DG -52 Grigorovich IP-1
DG -53 Grigorovich IP-4
DG-54 Grigorovich IP-2
DG-55 Grigorovich E-2
DG-56 Grigorovich LK-3
DG -57 ????????
DG-58 Grigorovich RV-1

I am interested in whether the project DG -57
A very interesting question, thanks igor-mich...

My other question: Please, I need clearness about the designation system from Grigorowitsch.


Hi all,

I checked my collection, I need also drawings and info´s (technical data) for the D.G.54 (IP.2) and D.G.58 (RV.1).

IP -1 ( DG- 52 ) 1 -сингл пистолет истребитель с двумя APC- 4 ( 76 мм) под крыло эллиптической формы в плане.

IP -4 ( -53 DG ) - изменены IP -1 с тем же двигателем М-25 , но немного меньше. Вооружение 4 APC- 11 ( 45 мм) и два пулемета ШКАС . Самолет , который был выпущен в конце 1934 , остается в прототипе.

IP -4 ( -53 DG -бис )- небольшая модификация предыдущего. Вооружение - две пушки и два пулемета ШКАС ШВАК . Самолет не был закончен тюнинг.

IP -2 ( DG -54 ) -модификация IP -1, несколько больше, двигатель, Hispano-Suiza , 12 xbrs в 760 литров. с. Вооружение - 12 орудий ШКАС или 4 орудий и двух пулеметов ШКАС ШВАК . самолета не было закончено строительство.
Существует статья в журнале " Крылья "на стр. 13 на этом сайте вы можете скачать электронную версию этого журнала.

E-2 ( DG -55 ) - двухместный nizkoplan с закрытой кабиной , оснащенный двумя двигателями Cirrus Гермес потенциала 89 кВт (120 л.с.). Самолет был разработан командой дизайнеров - девушки под общим руководством Григоровича , схема английских самолетов De Havilland DH -88 " Комет ". единственный случай, построенный с 1935 года , был использован в качестве почтовых и курьерских самолетов с максимальной скоростью 296 км / ч и диапазон 2200 км.

Данные за : DG -55 ( E-2)
kEipazh : 2 , силовая установка: 2 х Cirrus Гермеса, 88 кВт (120 л.с.), размах крыльев : 11.0m , длина: 7,9 , площадь крыла : 13.8m2 , взлетный вес: 1546kg , вес пустого: 1051kg , макс. скорость: 296km / ч , потолок: 5000м , дальность полета: 2200km
. :

ЛК -3 ( DG- 56 )- Легкий крейсер с двумя двигателями " Hispano-Suiza -12,

PB -1 ( DG -58) - пикирующий бомбардировщик с двигателями М -85,

R -9 ( DG- 58R )- скорость разведки незначительная модификация предыдущего двигателем М -85.

Sorry, igor-mich my russian is not good enough to translate this all. :'(
IP -1 (DG-52) 1-single gun fighter with two APC-4 (76 mm) under the wing of elliptical shape in plan.

IP-4 (DG -53) - changed IP-1 with the same engine M-25, but slightly smaller. Armament four APC-11 (45 mm) and two machine guns SHKAS. The plane, which was released in late 1934, remained in the prototype.

IP-4 (DG -53 bis)-a slight modification of the previous one. Armament - Two guns and two machine guns SHVAK SHKAS. The plane was not finished tuning.

IP-2 (DG -54)-modification of IP-1, slightly larger engine, Hispano-Suiza, 12 xbrs in 760 liters. pp. Armament - 12 guns SHKAS or four guns and two machine guns SHVAK SHKAS. The plane was not finished building.
There is an article in the magazine "Wings" p. 13 on this site you can download an electronic version of this journal.

E-2 (DG -55) - Double nizkoplan with closed cab, equipped with twin-engine Cirrus Hermes capacity of 89 kW (120 hp). The plane was designed by a team of designers - girls under the overall supervision Grigorovich, the scheme of English aircraft De Havilland DH-88 "Comet". The only instance built since 1935, was used as postal and courier aircraft with a maximum speed of 296 km / h and a range of 2200 km.

Data for: DG-55 (E-2)
kEipazh: 2, engine: 2 x Cirrus Hermes, 88 kW (120 hp), wingspan: 11.0m, length: 7.9m, wing area: 13.8m2, take-off weight: 1546kg, empty weight: 1051kg, max. speed: 296km / h, ceiling: 5000m, range: 2200km

LK-3 (DG-56)-a light cruiser with twin engines "Hispano-Suiza-12,

PB-1 (DG -58) - dive-bomber with engines of the M-85,

R-9 (DG -58R)-speed reconnaissance slight modification of the previous engine M-85.

See IP-2 (DG-54)... almost Spitfire!
And a brief history:
Grigorovich designed this project in the end of 1935 / 1936 beginning; during 1st half of 1936 the full-scale mockup was built at Zavod No.1, design engineering was finished, and construction of 1st prototype parts started. But then reorganization came. On May 11, 1936 the Council of Labour and Defence (Совет труда и обороны - STO) decreed specialization of aircraft factories and chief designers' "binding" to those of them which produced their aircraft. The Grigorovich team (25-30 engineers) was transmitted from Zavod No.1 to TsAGI Prototype Constructions Factory (Завод опытных конструкций (ЗОК) ЦАГИ - ZOK TsAGI), while IP-2 construction was transferred to Zavod No.135 in Kharkov where IP-1 was produced. And half a year later, when production program for 1936/37 was refined, IP-2 was excluded from it. The reason was that Polikarpov proclaimed 520 km/h speed for his I-16bis (1937 model), and it was regarded "better". But Polikarpov never achieved such performance with I-16 in reality...

Technical data for IP-2 (calculated):
Wing span - 11.0 m
Length - 8.065 m
Wing area - 20.6 m2
Empty weight - 1430 kg
Takeoff weight - 1952 kg
Crew - 1
Powerplant - one Klimov M-100A (licensed HS 12Ycrs), 860 hp
Maximum speed - 442 km/h (at sea level), 519 km/h (3000 m altitude), 515 km/h (5000 m altitude)
Landing speed - 120.5 km/h (102.5 km/h with flaps)
Climbing to 5000 m - 6.0 minutes
Service ceiling - 9900 m
Flight range - 600 km (normal), 1180 km (maximum)
Takeoff run - 120 m
Landing run - 280 m
Armament - one 20-mm ShVAK motor-cannon, 4x 7.62-mm ShKAS machine guns (wing-mounted). Attack version was also projected; it would have 10 wing-mounted ShKASes and carry 40 kg bomb load.

Source: M.Maslov. Another people, another projects (Addition to Polikarpov I-17 monograph). / Krylia (Wings) magazine, No.2/2008. P.12-13.


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At the moment it is not proved, until we see the book. And in the article Vladimir Ivanov .- "Airplanes of the world" 2 / 2000 does not mention this designation.
I'm sorry wildly well where missing the previous message. Laid schemes were published in the magazine and now claim that they appear in the book is doubtful.
igor-mich said:
At the moment it is not proved, until we see the book. And in the article Vladimir Ivanov .- "Airplanes of the world" 2 / 2000 does not mention this designation.

I'm sorry I didn't understand: what designation do you mean now?
Простите, не совсем понял Вас: какое именно обозначение не упомянуто?

Regarding DG-57: maybe it was that famous project for "Ivanov" competition, with M-34 engine mounted over the fuselage? I never met its DG number in any source, but chronologically it could be DG-57 with high probability.
Что касается ДГ-57: может, это тот знаменитый проект на конкурс "Иванов" - у которого мотор над фюзеляжем, как у летающей лодки? Я нигде в литературе не встречал его ДГ-номер, но ведь он наверняка его имел, и хронологически это скорее всего 57-й.


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I'm sorry I didn't understand: what designation do you mean now?[/quote]
The confusion arose because I deleted my post (the problems of translation), frankly I do not think that it will have time to someone read, the more to answer. ))
to redstar72
Alex, the draft single-engine high-wing reco the competition "Ivanov" with signature "NR"/"HP"-rus. has no relation to the program - "BS" Средний бомбардировщик - medium bomber, which was a twin-engine DG-57.
to igor-mich
In the article "Unknown Grigorovich" - m-n "Airplanes of the world" 2 / 2000 are 3-views is the DG-57 (although does not mention this designation)
Definitely bad news (especially for russian-speaking readers) published a book about Grigorovich fault publisher delayed ...
Good news: with the kind permission of the author Mikhail Maslov few quotations from the forthcoming book.
Now, on the add-up: a twin-engine 'Military-passenger airplane' - (DG-57)
Wingspan (m) 22,5
The length of the line of flight (m) 14,5
Wing Area (m2) 75,0
Empty Weight (kg) 3350
Flying weight (kg) 5880
Bombs (kg) 900
Maximum speed (km / h) 410

"In late 1936 Grigorovich was working on a draft medium bomber - Средний бомбардировщикBS with two engines of the Gnome-Rhone K-14 (M-85) rated at 800 hp The crew of 4 people. Inside the fuselage provided for the suspension of 900 kg bombs. A further 400 kg of bombs into overdrive suspended under the wings. By calculating the maximum speed should be 410 km / h. The project is not implemented due to lack of industrial base. Almost simultaneously, based on the bomber's intention was to create 10-12 seats passenger plane."
Additional information from the article "Unknown Grigorovich", - Roman Grigorovich, Vladimir Ivanov .- "Airplanes of the world" 2 / 2000
"...parallel with this project Grigorovich created another version of a passenger aircraft with a "clean" wing. Reviewed machine different from the above that at constant geometrical dimensions on it, instead of air-cooled engines in the wing, two engines to be installed AM-34 liquid-cooled in the fuselage - one after another. Two coaxial rotor set in motion through a system of gears and transmissions. To place motors moved the cockpit back to 1,5 meters. "


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Maveric said:
Hi all,

I checked my collection, I need also drawings and info´s (technical data) for the D.G.58 (RV.1).

Dive Bomber PB-1 (DG-58)

Development of this aircraft, designated DG-58, originally started in the job to the high-speed reconnaissance (SR) in 1935 as a propulsion engine is used by the Gnome-Rhone K-14 (M-85) 800 hp Virtually immediately, suggesting difficulties with the implementation of the scout because of several competing projects (Neman, Kocherigin, Gimmelfarb, Putilov), Grigorovich emphasis on specialization has made it as a dive bomber (PB-1).
Draft PB-1 with the engine M-85 was considered at the Office of Air Force and the Red Army on Sept. 19, 1935 was approved for subsequent sale as promising. They conclude: "In view of expected good data suggest factory № 1 in every possible way to force the presentation of the layout and construction of machines".
The aircraft is also expected as a light bomber and reconnaissance (DG-58R). It was a two-seat monoplane of all metal construction. Two-spar/longeron wing with a smooth duraluminum plating, the plan had an elliptical shape, to form the front of the wing center section was bent in the form of the inverse "gull". Profile section of the wing Klark YH. Retractable landing gear repeated construction used in the IP-1 fighter. The explanatory memorandum stated that the wheels are removed half to install retractable skis.
The main design characteristics of PB-1 (DG-58)

Wingspan (m) 12,5
The length of the line of flight (m) 8,76
The height of the parking lot (m) 3,46
Wheel track (m) 2,4
Wing Area (m2) 24,0
Empty Weight (kg) 1,507
Flying weight (kg) 2,439
Bombs (kg) 500
Maximum speed (km / h) 400-450
Range Tech (km) 800
from : "Kryl'ya Rodiny" 6-92


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Borovik, thank you very much, once Maslov argues that the DG-57, is to wait for the book
Here is a set of color drawings of the IP that I drew a couple of years back.


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to borovik
Anatoly, thank you very much for the clarification! The mystery of DG-57 is revealed... but the solution is very unexpected for me. I have read the article from Samolety mira 2/2000 some years ago, so I knew this project - but I can't even guess that it was DG-57. I forgot the date 1936 given in the article, and I was sure that it's earlier design, with smaller number. With its big, thick wing, Townend engine cowlings, open turrets on the bomber version - it looks rather obsolete compared with DG-54, 55, 56, and 58.

And it's still a question about "NR" project. Are you confirm that it didn't obtain any DG-number? Or was it also "DG-58" as a part of the same "Ivanov" program, although totally different from the final version?

Also I have one more question: were there any DG-numbers before 52? When did Grigorovich begin to use this kind of designations? Did he assign any DG-numbers to his earlier designs, such as I-Z, TB-5, I-2, or maybe even M-9 etc.?
All aircraft program "Ivanov" had one engine were presented КБ Grigorovich, Polikarpov, Ilyushin, Kochergina, Neman, Sukhoi. These projects were to replace the outdated intelligence Polikarpov R-5, the aircraft must be with a crew of two people and serve as a scout but also lung function bomber. The aircraft had the designation Grigorovich DG-58.
At this point the designation AT occurs from DG-52.
Can Grigorovich wanted to show that their productive work?
The DG-55;


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hesham said:
The DG-55;
Here is Google Translate's more or less raw effort at rendering it in English:

Dmitry Grigorovich Aircraft Part 33
The last of D.P.G. Sports aircraft DG-55

In respect of this unit during the period of its existence it has been used several names: E-2, "Comet", "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The Design Bureau of aircraft Grigorovich was defined as "sports tourism". Its occurrence is directly related to the fall of 1934 held a high-speed air travel from the UK to Australia. The absolute winner of the race became a British twin-engine monoplane tselnoderevyannaya De Havilland "Comet» (D.H.88 Comet), equipped with an engine capacity of 225 hp Of the two copies with the registration G-ACSS number of this type of aircraft involved overcame 19800 km in 70 h 54 min.

The results of the Australian trip, and especially monoplane "Comet" with the stated maximum speed of 380 km / h, aroused great interest among Soviet engineers. It is known that the subject of the air races even discussed in the aviation industry leadership in the autumn of 1934 was assumed, in particular, to build such a plane at the military option with a range of 2,500 km and a bomb load of 300-500 kg. The task for a twin-engine unit, similar to the British "Comet", was transferred to the Aviation Plant №1 Grigorovich, who led the overall guidance for its establishment. The aircraft received the name of the E-2 (Experimental - second) and the serial number are already signs Grigorovich - DW-55. The immediate supervisor of design and construction of the machine DG-55 is a graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical School, glider, engineer SN Lyushin. However, the main actors in creating the plane began eight girls-designers: MA Pobedonostsev, M. Skachkova, Hmurets N., W. Long, L. Sibirkina 3. Andreev, E. Rozhkova and Krylov.

[3-view drawing]

Magazine "The aircraft» №6, 1936, wrote:

"Our task is - to create such aircraft, which, thanks to the flight data and management simplicity will be widely used in communication, sports, training flights and to serve the local executive committees. Based on these considerations, Plant. Aviakhim decided to construct a sports plane, fully meets the requirements of mass aviation. The problem is successfully solved - the plant designed and completed the construction of a twin-engine sports and training aircraft E-2.

The history of this aircraft is unusual: it is completely designed and built according to the drawings of eight women: Marina Pobedonostsev, Mary Skachkova, Natalia Hmurets, Faith Long, Lydia Sibirkina, Zinaida Andreeva, Lisa and Rozhkova Maria Krylova - plant constructors. This clear and very serious task was given to a talented group: to construct a modern light sport aircraft.

The task consisted of the following prerequisites: a large cruising speed, low landing speed, large range and the use of the latest achievements of aviation equipment.

With lively interest and enthusiasm characteristic of Soviet youth began the first girl to his independent and equally important work. At the head of the brigade was set Marina Pobedonostsev. All work was conducted under the guidance and advice of chief designer Professor Plant DP Grigorovich who appeared to initiate construction of the aircraft.

E-2 - a two-seat low-wing, fuselage monocoque type, cantilever empennage, wing-box type with a thick wooden paneling. The spar wooden, box-section chassis is retractable, the original scheme constructively performed with motor frames, located on the wing. Driving chassis lift - rope.

The aircraft is equipped with brake wheels; in flight in the wheel removed streamlined hoods under engines. Winter wheels are replaced by skis, which are also removed during the flight.

The aircraft has a maximum speed of 300 km / h. This is a high-speed sport aircraft. Due to the special flap-type metal structure Tsap landing speed is reduced to 85 km / h.

The ceiling of the aircraft - 6000 km. Large capacity petrol tank allows for non-stop flights on distance 2,200 km.

The aircraft are equipped for night flights and has dual controls, allowing you to carry on the plane and the flight of the second cabin, and use it for training purposes. The tail assembly is controlled Flettner, which leads to the relief of the control.

E-2 differs elegance of its forms. Outstanding forward cabin is designed for a pilot and a mechanic or a passenger. On the wings of the two motor power in 120 hp each hidden in radomes; motor installation far brought forward from the wing.

The cockpit of the pilot and the passenger is closed lamp, which forms a limousine. Reserve strength of the structure allows the aircraft to do the figure, which is particularly valuable in training and training flights.

In order to obtain the best aerodynamic qualities, all the details of the design, protruding on the fuselage, and slicked it rendered streamlined shape; the entire surface of the plane polished and lacquered; made a smooth transition from the streamlined fuselage to the wings.

Women's team had a lot of work on the creation of his plane. Successful completion of the construction is the result of the E-2 was surrounded by all the attention of the plant, which is interested in the fact that the creative thought of the best representatives of the plant got its concrete expression.

Plant Manager t Belenkovich, CTO of T Shekunov, head of an experienced management t Korotchaev performing construction and social organization of the plant -... All have Pobedonostsev Marina and her team help.

A special role in the victory of the youth women's team belongs to Honored aviation DP Grigorovich, to educate is not a group of talented designers of the Soviet "


The plane of the DW-55 turned out to be quite successful aircraft, he had excellent aerodynamic shape and was very clean run. Pilot Alexander Zhukov, who tested it (he called it in his own way - "maiden flight"), later recalled:

"Excellent had a car. The speed of 300 km / h, a ceiling of 6,000 meters. Monoplane with retractable landing gear ... Notable grace of forms. "

[photos x2]

Unfortunately, the fate of the DW-55 is currently not defined. Built and tested to the end of 1936 the aircraft could well be racing sport aircraft held Central Aviation Club in 1937. However, no information about the preparation of the DW-55 for these competitions were found.


In conclusion, adding that the DW-55 was equipped with two engines Cirrus "Hermes" with a capacity of 120 hp, which had the following technical data and design characteristics:

Wingspan (m) 11.0

A flight path length (m) 7.94

In the line of flight height (m) 3,335

Track chassis (m) 2.7

Wing area (m²) 13.85

Weight structure (kg) 590

Full load (kg) 495

Flying Weight (kg) 1546

Wing loading (kg / m²) 119

Maximum speed at sea level (km / h) 296

The rate of maximum 3,000 m (km / h) 271

Landing speed with flaps (km / h) 100

Service ceiling (m) 5000

Range max (km) 2000
Hi! DG-56.
"In early 1936, the AIR FORCE offered a number of Management. Design bureaus to begin designing combat high-speed monoplane, defined as ground attack aircraft or military reconnaissance aircraft (XB). Actually sought to create a multipurpose aircraft capable of a Stormtrooper following technical requirements:
1. speed of 450-470 km/h.combine functions, far Scout and light bomber. As the powerplant used engine am-34frn, takeoff power rating 1200 HP-it seemed the most appropriate at the time for the implementation of this task, as was the real product of the domestic aircraft industry. For project preparation the
2. normal Range 2000 km, with overload-4000 km.
3. Crew-2 person.
4. For bomber bomb load was to be 400-500 kg, maximum, when overloading is 1000 kg.
During the year, design collectives Grigorovich, Polikarpova, Neman, Kocherigina, dry and Ilyushin made their proposals at the level of preliminary designs.
December 20, 1936 head of ICPC M.m. Kaganovich in its report note in the Government "of resources-Scouts along with great range and speed," confirmed the fact of most of these projects are multi-purpose aircraft. Grigorovich on projects indicated that it developed two variants: KB nizkoplana and vysokoplana.
Vysokoplana Grigorovich project with the installation of the engine high above the wing was originally designed with the subsequent processing of the seaplane. Against him stated that this option gives a good overview and shelling in the forward hemisphere for the observer. The negative side was called the complexity of installation and operation of the engine, reducing the maximum speed and unusual for land vehicles equipment piloting.
However, prior to detailed development of both projects is vysokoplana and nizkoplana is not reached. In early 1937, the idea of establishing itself a multipurpose plane visibly transformed and received a sequel in the form of a draft-Smith ", now engine-oriented m-62. Grigorovich constructor in this program is no longer involved.
The main settlement characteristics of LC-3 (DG-56)
Wingspan, m 20.0, The length of the flight line, m 13.0, Height, parked, 4.9 m, Wing area: 53.0 m², Design weight (kg) 1940 Full load, kg 2220
Gross weight, kg 5675
Wing loading, 111.0 kg/m2
Bombs, kg. 200 (overload)
Maximum speed, in the 5000 m, km/h. 428, Flight range (km) 1900
Light cruiser LC-3 (DG-56)
The exact date of the project or abandoning its continued development. Probably, the aircraft design was carried out throughout the d. 1935 it was at this time in the leadership of the Red Army AIR FORCE celebrated interest in high-speed flexible aircraft for which used the definition "light cruiser" (LC). Tasks for such aircraft were called protection of its bombers and destroying enemy aircraft, flying in large units. The project "light cruiser" Grigorovich was designated BM-3 (DG-56). Aircraft intended under two engines "Hispano Suiza" 12Ybrs declared maximum power for 860 HP DG-56 stood out graceful outline, the plane had landing gear, smooth lining. The crew consisted of two or three people. Armament was expected from two dinamoreaktivnyh guns APK-4 calibre 76 mm or 2 x SHVAK Cannon-calibre 20 mm."


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Hi! DG-58.


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I've attached drawings of the Grigorevich I-Z and IP.


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Beautiful!! I can see recoilless cannon clearly. I-Z wing design is impressive. :eek:
Diagram of the far reconnaissance-attack aircraft with m-34frn D.p. Grigorovich.


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iverson said:
I've attached drawings of the Grigorevich I-Z and IP.
Drawing of IP-1/DG-52 has a lot of mistakes.

- No one IP-1 carried APK-4, just 2 or 6 mashinenguns
- IP-1 has another windshild
- On bottom IP-1 view not shown exhaut pipes
- IP-1 tail painting is incorrect
- DG-52 painting is wrong

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