

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
28 October 2006
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Hi to all...
After visiting the site a few times I just had to join.
I'm no expert but have been generally interested in Secret Projects for longer than I care to remember.
In fact my hobby is to do colour profiles of Secret Project Aircraft and have a few published on and on my own web site

After reading quite a few posts here I know I'm in for a very interesting time.

Many thanks
Hi there! I've seen some really beautiful profiles that you've done of Luft 46 stuff (e.g. and some fab post war British stuff that I've lost the URL to. Great to have you here. Maybe you could post some of the British stuff?
Thanks overscan...
glad you liked my profiles.

I'd love to post some profiles here but I might need a bit of help please.
Being in Saudi (at the moment) the internet is censored and sites like photobucket are banned, so its dificult posting sometimes, but if you can help in some way , consider it

I enthusiastically read on site the posts about Tony Butler. I have most of his books and they are a constant inspiration to my hobby. In fact I've just done some profiles of some of the WW2 British Secret Projects which I'd gladly put on site.

Many thanks again and cheers
You can post images by clicking on "Additional options" and then on "Browse" button to select an image. Up to 4 images can be added per post (click on "more attachments")
Thanks overscan..
I'll give it a whirl.

Getting here a bit late but I, too, want to welcome you here. I've thoroughly enjoyed the color profiles you've done and I look forward to seeing more of them.

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