
ACCESS: Top Secret
8 May 2006
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In the midst of the events occurring from Syria to Libya, it seems that tensions are growing dangerously in the area of Cyprus ...

among other articles :

Turkey and one of the competing regimes in Lybia claim adjacent economic zones that connect the Turkish and Lybian coastlines. These claims conflict with the EZ-claims of most other states surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
It seems my country has seen its far share of controversy regarding the situation in Libya

Besides that, it seems that new shipments to Haftar's forces have been made, including heavy aritllery, SAMs, and aircraft like the MiG-29 and the Su-24. It seems as if it might blow up again into full blown conflict over there again, unfortunately, and Malta will be at the forefront.

This comes from a Dutch naval site i am following.

It seems there have been new incidents at sea between the Greeks and Turkish navies. On August 13th there was a new confrontation at sea between the Greeks and the Turkish line around the Oruç Reis and two sea tugs.

A Greek frigate came close to the Turkish sea tug Cengiz Han that the tug had to divert twice. Meanwhile, he Oruç Reis was "hindered" by a Greek submarine, what that exactly means is not known.

In addition, when the Greek frigate continued to harass Turkish ships, a Turkish frigate deployed electronic countermeasures (ECM) against the Greek frigate.

Closer to the Greek coast, in the Aegean Sea, military units from both countries seems to also have met each other as sources report that an unknown submarine was detected yesterday by "detection systems" of the Hellenic Navy a few miles off the coast of Evia and Andros. These islands are located to the east of Athens. Greece may have a network of hydrophones in this region.

Two S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk and an AB-212 anti-submarine warfare helicopters were deployed to locate the submarine. Using dipping sonar, the AB-212 managed to find the submarine, after which surfaced surface ships took over contact.

According to the report, it was a Turkish Type 209 submarine. Both Turkey and Greece have these submarines from (now) tkMS. The Greek 209's (Type 209 1100 and 209 1200) date from the 1970s, Turkey operates with Type 209 1200 from the 1970s and 1980s, but also with eight Type 209 1400 from the period 1994 - 2007. Both countries have also purchased the new Type 214, the Greek boats are already sailing, the Turkish ones are still under construction.

it emerged that a Greek and a Turkish warship were involved in a minor collision on Wednesday. A Greek defence source called it an accident, but Ankara described it as a provocation.

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Reading back to the earlier incident where a French frigate was targeted by a Turkish warship, I realized yesterday (only) that the incident might have involved Exocet missiles as sold by France to Turkey during the early 2000's !!
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338 flights in 9 months is more than one flight a day...

“They are, we assess, being operated by Wagner Group,” Berg told reporters Friday. “These fighters are engaging in combat activities. We have seen them conduct ground strikes and conduct combat activities in country. So they are not there for training the Libyan National Army, they’re not there to simply support the LNA. They are there to conduct combat activities on behalf of their own national interests.”

“We also know they’re not that good,” Berg said, citing that one Mig-29 aircraft crashed in June followed by another on Sept. 7.
Probably the latter, I highly doubt the Russians *ahem* the Wagner Group would sell and operate top notch equipment for Haftar's forces.
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Why do I get the feeling that the State Department has set itself up for a fall?
Probably that the state department is not going to fail accepting from the EU what it is opposed regarding South China sea.
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A quick up to date brief of the air war over Lybia:

These former US Navy Oliver Hazard Perry frigates have been comprehensively upgraded by Turkey’s Havelsan. They are now fitted with the 250km (156 mile) range Thales SMART S Mk2 3D multibeam radar, operating in S-band, and optimised for medium-to-long-range surveillance and target designation in littoral environments.
Ironically, the Wing Loong IIs, fitted with Thales satcom systems, are being shot down by Thales SMART S Mk2 radars. It meant the drones cannot not work in the areas covered by the Turkish air defences.
As has been the case for years, Peace will come, and it will soon be followed by war, violence and bloodshed. Hopefully this time things are different, but it doesn't seem to be that way.
New Lybian PM to form a United governement across factions. Here is an interesting read with pieces of his first interview:
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Those retorsive measures sound a lot like an ingerence in the internal affair of a foreign country... something that is contrary to UN membership.

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