Dewoitine trainer project


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11 March 2006
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In my scans of "Planeurs et Avions, Christian Castello, le Lerard", I've found
a side view of a Dewoitine trainer project. Looks quite similar to the SIPA S.300,
but as I have no further infos (Unfortuately I scanned just some drawings and photos,
not the entire book) I wanted to ask, if someone has more about it.


  • Dewoitine_Jet_entrainement.GIF
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Jemiba said:
In my scans of "Planeurs et Avions, Christian Castello, le Lerard", I've found
a side view of a Dewoitine trainer project. Looks quite similar to the SIPA S.300,
but as I have no further infos (Unfortuately I scanned just some drawings and photos,
not the entire book) I wanted to ask, if someone has more about it.

The overall size and layout is similar to the Temco TT-1 Pinto. I would assume that this is yet another single Marboré powered project?
" ...another single Marboré powered project?"

Maybe ...
I've got this book in a library and probably try to get it once again, but
I don't know, how much informations there are .
For the S.300 not only the Marboré, but also the Palas or Super Pals, or
the Aspin II was envisaged. The intakes quite probably were to have
been located in the wing roiots, too, but aren't recognizable in this
Ok, first step : Back to the "States Library Berlin" .
My dear Jemiba,

you know that the Dewoitine was designed many aircraft after 1940,
begining with D-810 to D-900,but I cann't definate what was that project.
My dear Deltafan,

do you know that trainer aircraft which was displayed
by dear Jemiba ? thanks in advance.
Jens, it's not necessary to borrow the book a second time. I've checked my Xerox copies - the trainer is not mentioned outside the caption of the drawing ... :(
Hi ! :)

The only name of this training project is : "Avion Palas"

It's a derivative of the D-730 interceptor project of 1951-52. There were a fixed landing gear and a retractible landing gear projects. These projects were studied in 1954 and then in the summer of 1955. The spanish air force dit not want the project and the french air force (spring 1957) too.

Engine : One Turbomeca Palas with 150 kgp
Length : 6,60 m
Span : 7,80 m
Wing area : 10 m²
Max speed in nose dive : 730 km/h (fixed LG) and 900 km/h (retractible LG)
Weight max : 850 kg

Source : LES AVIONS DEWOITINE (Cuny and Danel)

PS : when i will have a little more time (and a better web connection than since one month with my CENSURED computer :mad:) i will open a new Dewoitine topic in the forum about designations ;)
PS 2 : sorry for the english language. My good dictionary is in my office and i have only a bad dictionary at home :-[

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