Das Rohrbacharchiv by Peter Kühne


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11 March 2006
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The author started work on this publication, when the private archive about Adolf Rohrbach and his
lifework was comitted to him by the former owner Peter Zietsch, promising to publish the history of
this German aircraft maker, which, compared to other names in German aviation, may still be a bit
The first number, of what is intended to become a whole series, deals in detail with the "Staaken
1000 PS Verkehrsflugzeug" (Staaken 1000 hp airliner), aka E.4/20, which still was built under the
auspices of Zeppelin, but already a construction of Adolf Rohrbach. More than 60 photos, drawings
and contemporary representations from the above mentioned collection were used to comprehensively
illustrate this bookazine in German language, which is self-published by the author, as the originally
planned way of publication had to be changed, due to the sudden death of a publisher.
For the next isseu, the Ro II, Ro III, and Ro IIIa (Rodra) are the planned theme.
Potential buyers please PM me, I'll forward it directly to the author then, not to show real contact data
here. Price is 21,- € including package and postage within Germany, printing on demand
and delivery was surprisingly quick. A good addition to this interesting era of aviation !

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Is there any chance of getting it in English? If I do buy this, I can probably use some translation app.

Edit: is there any prospect of being able to purchase 2 or 3 years from now? Asking as this is lower down on the list, though definitely on there.
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The book is published by the author himself (and printed on demand, so probably available for
quite a while), who is working on the next one, so a translation isn't possible.
Here's the index as a translation:

- Acknowledgements to Gerald Zietsch [founder of the collection, this series
is based on] and Toralf Müller [publisher, who actually laid the foundation
for this book, but unfortunately died recently], instead of a foreword

Maidenflight 100 years ago – Staaken 1000 hp airliner

Background - Giant aircraft from Zeppelin

Construction of metal airframes in Staaken

Design configuration of the Staaken 1000 hp aircraft

Construction and testing of the Staaken 1000 hp aircraft

The bit by bit end of the giant


The original index can be found here, too ("Inhaltsverzeichnis"):
Sehr geehrter Herr Kühne,

soeben erfahren ich, dass Sie das Rohrbach-Archiv übernommen und mit einer Publikation über die Zeppelin Staaken E-4/20 eröffnet haben. Als Neffe des (ein Jahr nach meiner Geburt verstorbenen) Adolf Rohrbach interessiere ich mich sehr für alles, was meinen berühmten Onkel angeht. Es ist mir, denke ich, auch gelungen, seine Person auf dem Foto, das nach der Fertigstellung seines Metallflugzeug-Erstlings am 30. September 1920 gemacht wurde, zu identifizieren: es ist der Mann, auf dessen Kopf - in der für ihn charakteristischen leicht nach unten geneigten Haltung - der äußerste linke Propeller der Maschine zeigt !
Gerne würde ich die von Ihnen verfasste Nummer 1 des "Rohrbach-Archivs" über den "Rieseneindecker" erhalten und bitte um die Zusendung eines Exemplars und der Rechnung für die Überweisung.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Völker
Dieninckstraße 12
48167 Münster
Yesterday I got part 3 of the "Rohrbacharchiv", covering the two types build by Rohrbach in coperation with
Beardmore, the Inverness and the Inflexible, covering them with about 40 photos and contemporary drawings.
And yes, as this is part 3, there of course already was part 2, beg your pardon for not mentioning it before, as it
was already published in December last year, covering the Ro II, III and the Rodra.

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Great news my dear Jemiba,

I hope they contain more Projects than we obtain,such as Type 1087,1090
and 1100
Those issues strictly limit their scope to the types given in the title, so part 2 has a project for a landplane version of
the Ro III. But I don't think, that this series already has come to its end ! ;)
Peter Kühne has finished the next two issues of his Rohrbacharchiv series.
N°4 is about the Ro VII "Robbe I" (Seal I), N°5 about the Ro IX "Rofix" fighter



No projects, of course, but types, not widely known in detail. Published by the author, they can ordered
via email.
Peter Kühne has finished the next two issues of his Rohrbacharchiv series.
N°4 is about the Ro VII "Robbe I" (Seal I), N°5 about the Ro IX "Rofix" fighter

View attachment 695895

View attachment 695894

No projects, of course, but types, not widely known in detail. Published by the author, they can ordered
via email.
Jens, does Peter intend to include "paper projects", up to the late 1930's?
Hello, just only a"cry for help": Can anyone help me to get the Rohrbacharchives booklets no. 1 Staaken-Riese, no.3 the Beardmore flyers, and, no.5 the Styx.
And, please ask Peter Kühne for a 3-side-view drawing / profile of the Rohrbach VIII Roland II. May be, there is a copy of in the Rohrbach archive he recently git handed over. I couldn't fit that dwg. anywhere, only a raw draft scetch at wiki...
Best regards
Peter Kühne published the 6th volume of the Rohrbacharchiv, dealing with the Rohrbach VIII, maybe the best
known and most used of the Rohrbach aircraft.
90 pages, so thicker, than the volumes before, and so the price, including postage and shipment has risen to 50,-€
within Germany, more for other countries.
And there are two projects included, derived from the Roland !
Available from the author himself, I would forward his mail adress on request via PM.


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