Dark Theme


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3 January 2017
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Is there any possibility of implementing a dark theme (i.e. black background and light text)? I often prefer that option on websites, especially when viewing on my phone late at night.

Thank you,

I'm happy with the current dark theme unless anyone has objections I consider it done. Note that you can switch just by clicking in the footer:

It works just fine, although I think I'll stick to the default style
It works fine. Useful in low light, otherwise I will stick with the default theme.
It works but it is a bit stark. I use another site with a dark mode where they've created a bit more interest by making the titles in orange rather than white.

I wouldn't do orange for SPF, but perhaps a couple of shades of light blue?


  • Screenshot_20191027-160715.png
    239.7 KB · Views: 5
Been using it for two days now and it has grown on me. Initially, like TomS I thought it was too stark, but apparently that was just the marked contrast with the light theme I was accustomed to for so long. I actually think I'm going to continue with the dark one now!

If it seems too strong as a first impression, give it a couple of days, you might just come round to like it.
Agreed! I wasn't actually in favour and was implementing it as a user request, but its actually rather nice on the eyes.
Hi Paul,

The dark scheme is basically fine as it is.
If we are looking for further improvements: on the normal (light) scheme, the bold font for highlighting unread topics is very distinct. Far less so in the dark theme. It does work, but just isn't quite as conspicuous. I wonder if there is a way to make it more noticeable. Maybe a heavier font?

Separately, in the same way as very light beige or off-white background is easier on the eye than stark white for light schemes, I wonder if a very dark grey (off-black?) would do the same for dark themes.

Those questions don't mean that anything is wrong with the dark theme as it is.
I'm made the bold text "bolder", if this helps. The other visual clue is the Model 265 icon, which is less distinct in the dark mode (I redid the icons as the old ones had white fringing). I could make then more distinct.
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so now the last glowing white part is that 2cm-high "secrets projects" on the banner...
Speaking of the banner, I was wondering (much as I like the current banner) if the dark scheme could have it's own banner. Maybe a darker, space scene or something. Just throwing that out there.
Speaking of the banner, I was wondering (much as I like the current banner) if the dark scheme could have it's own banner. Maybe a darker, space scene or something. Just throwing that out there.
Yeah maybe. I'll try some things.
Is there a preferred ratio / pixel size for the banner image?
The header is a very wide "background" sky image with this transparent image on top:

width: 1045
height: 150

The height should be too much taller or the header gets too large.

Sky image:


width: 1920
height: 150
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I've been using the dark theme as my default for a while now. One thing I've been noticing is that there doesn't seem to be any difference in appearance between regular text and embedded links. Marking links somehow (blue text, maybe?) would really help if it's not too hard.
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Yep, can do that. I think there might be a very subtle difference in colour, but it is hard to see for sure.
Well, it turns out the link colour in posts seems to be the same as the link colour in the forum index which means I can’t make it distinct without ruining the forum look. Will have to dig a bit deeper.
I was just thinking about a dark theme and lo and behold, I find this thread. This website is awesome!
Well, it turns out the link colour in posts seems to be the same as the link colour in the forum index which means I can’t make it distinct without ruining the forum look. Will have to dig a bit deeper.

Would it let you add an additional format, like underlining, only to link text in posts?

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