Convair F-106

Steve Pace

Aviation History Writer
6 January 2013
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Here's a 318th FIS F-106A with its replacement F-15A over Mt. Rainier, circa 1980.


  • 318th FIS-small.jpg
    318th FIS-small.jpg
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Then he must have dealt with the Falcon and Genie missile armaments and the Hughes MA-1 Fire Control System.
XB-70 Guy said:
Then he must have dealt with the Falcon and Genie missile armaments and the MA-1 Fire Control System.

Yes he did. Before F-106s, he worked on F-102s, and before that, F-89s.

Maybe I could feature him in an F-106 article in Flight Journal magazine.
Happy 53rd Birthday to the best ever all weather interceptor - the F-106 Delta Dart. It's first flight was 53 years ago today. It wasn't just any first flight either - it charged to 1.9 Mach and lofted to 57,000 feet. Richard L. "Dick" Johnson was its lead-footed pilot.
F-106 was and remains my all time favorite jet aircraft. I grew up wanting to fly them with a passion. I still have my model I built... many years ago.
Build a F-106 and a F-15 in 318 th colors. Btw, where does the (great!) blue star come from ?
XB-70 Guy said:
I'd love to see a 1:32 scale model of it with the M61 Vulcan cannon.
Speaking of the F-106's gun, this film ("F-106 Six Shooter") was just posted by the San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives on YouTube. It features some great footage of the M61/A1 installation and associated flight tests.
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...Outstanding catch there, Sir! Downloaded and stashed to my hard drive archive ;D
Speaking of the F-106's gun, this film ("F-106 Six Shooter") was just posted by the San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives on YouTube. It features some great footage of the M61/A1 installation and associated flight tests.
Some pictures showing the integration of the M61/A1 to the F-106 were posted resently at the SDASM Flickr Archive.
Here a few appetizers:


I have a technical question. Does anyone know the nomenclature of the 20-channel ILS used on the F-106A, which had a custom cockpit control unit with a large grey knob?

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