CKD-Praga Aircraft List


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26 May 2006
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the CKD-Praga (Českomoravská-Kolben-Daněk Prague) was a Czechoslovakian aircraft manufacturer. The company was
founded in 1915 as an engine manufacturing company, under the designation Praga. The company started designing
aircraft in 1930–31 when the designers Pavel Benes and Miroslav Hajn came to ČKD-Praga from Avia.

To be continued

I will start will BH-36,of course the first aircraft was BH-39,but to be regular.

BH-36 was a two seat recce-bomber biplane Prototypet of 1934,lost to Aero A-100
E-36 was a military recce version of BH-36 for test,
BH-37 & BH-38 ------?
BH-39 was a two-seat primary trainer biplane of 1931,powered by one 120 hp Wlater NZ-120 engine
E-39 was a second prototype which entered military test
BH-40 was a 4/5 seat biplane bomber Project of 1932,powered by two Praga Asso engines
E-40 was a two-seat based trainer biplane of 1937,powered by one 85 hp Walter Minor engine
BH-41 was a two-seat advanced trainer and light biplane of 1931,powered by one Škoda HS-8 Fb engine
E-41 was a military version,but powered by one 260 hp engine
BH-42 & BH-43 ------?
BH-44 was a single seat biplane fighter of 1931,powered by one 750 hp Praga ESV water-cooled
E-44 was the name of BH-44 in military test,never entered production
BH-45 was a transport aircraft Project with two coaxially mounted engines
E-45 was a single seat biplane fighter of 1934,based on Avia B-534,powered by one 670 hp Ketrel XVI engine
E-45/1 or E-451 was a single seat low-wing monoplane fighter Project,based on E-45
E-46 was a side-by-side two seat ultralight shoulder wing monoplane Project of 1934,powered by 36 hp Aeranca E-113A engine
E-46/II was a single seat lightweight fighter biplane of 1935,powered by two 300 hp air-cooled Praga ARK inverted engines,remained a project only
E-47-I was a single seat low-cantilever-wing fighter monoplane project of 1935,powered by one 300 hp Praga ARK engine
E-47-II was a single seat inverted low-mid gull wing fighter/trainer monoplane
project,powered by one 300 hp Praga ARK engine
BH-48 was a single seat low-wing fighter monoplane Project of 1933,with fixed landing gear,powered by one 600/650 hp Praga CRK engine
E-48 was a 3/4 seat mid-wing twin-boom heavy bomber monoplane Project of 1936,powered by two Avia-built HS 12Ydrs engines
E-49 was a low-mid-wing lightweight fighter monoplane Project,powered by two Praga ARK engines
E-50 was a two-seat mid-wing light attack monoplane Project of 1936,powered by single engine
E-51 was a 4/5 seat mid-wing twin-boom recce-bomber monoplane of 1938,powered by two 360 hp Walter Sagitta engines
E-52 was a single seat mid-wing twin-boom monoplane fighter Project of 1937,powered by two engines
E-53 was a 4/5 seat low-mid-wing heavy bomber monoplane Project of 1939,powered by two Rolls Royce Peregine engines
E-54 ------?
E-55 was a single seat low-wing monoplane fighter Project of 1937,powered by one Rolls Royce Merlin engine
E-55/II was a 2/3 seat general purpose and utility/recce high-wing
monoplane,powered by one Walter Minor 6-III engine,post WWII design,1949
E-56 to E-58 ------?
E-59-I was a two-seat trainer monoplane project,powered by one 260 hp ZOD-diesel radial engine
E-59-II was a two-seat trainer monoplane project,but powered by one 260 hp ZOD
inline engine
E-60 was a three-seat high-wing observation monoplane Project of 1938,powered by one 260 hp ZOD-260 diesel engine
BH-111 was a two-seat low-wing trainer monoplane,powered by one DH Gipsy III engine
E-112/early was a two-seat low-wing trainer monoplane Project of 1938,later completely redesigned in new shape after the WWII
E-112 was a two-seat low-wing trainer and touring monoplane of 1947,powered by one Walter Minor 4-III engine
E-113 ------?
E-114 was a side-by-side two-seat high-wing touring and sporting monoplane of 1934,powered by one Aeronca E-113A engine
E-114D was a version of E-114,but powered by one 65 hp Praga D engine
E-114M was a version of E-114,but powered by one 65 hp Walter Mikron III engine
E-115 was an improved version of E-114,but powered by one Praga D engine
E-116-I was a single-seat all-wood sport aircraft project from January 1936,
powered by one Praga Dr 80 hp, wingspan: 7,5 m, length: 7,05 m
E-116-II was a developed version of E-116-I,powered by one Praga B 36-40 hp, wingspan: 6,5 m, length: 7,05 m
E-117 was a more refined version of E-114,also powered by one Praga D engine
E-118 ------?
E-119 ------?
E-120 was all metal version of E-114D,powered by one Praga D engine,Project
BH-139 was the same as BH-39,but powered by either Praga 6R or Walter Minor engine,Project
E-140 was the same as E-40,but powered by one Praga ER engine,Project
BH-141 was a developed of BH-41,powered by one 260 hp ZOD-260 engine
BH-144 was a the same as BH-44,but powered by one 710 hp Praga ESVK engine
E-180 was a licence built Bucker Bu.180 Student,but powered by Praga D engine
E-200 was a low-wing transport monoplane project,was intended as a competition announced by the Czechoslovak
Ministry of Transport for a new transport aircraft in 1934,powered by two 720 hp Amstrong-Siddeley Tiger IV engines
E-210 was a four-seat high-wing light transport monoplane,powered by two 85 hp Walter Minor pusher engines,1937
E-211 was a five-seat version of E-210,powered by two 150 hp Praga E engine,1947
E-212 was eight-seat version of E-210,powered by two Walter Minor 6-III pusher engines,Project of 1939
E-213 ------?
E-214 was a two-seat high-wing sporting and training monoplane of 1935,powered by one Pobjoy R engine
E-215 was all metal version of E-214 (with welded steel-tube fuselage),powered by one Pobjoy R engine,Project of 1936
E-215/II was a five-seat high-wing light transport monoplane Project,developed from E-212,no more details
E-220 was a ten-seat mid-wing light transport monoplane Project,powered by two ZOD-260 engines
E-222 was a ten-seat mid-wing light transport project of 1936,powered by two
430 hp Walter Saggita engines
E-225 was a low-cantilever-wing ten-seat aircraft project from November 1938,
powered by two 430 hp Walter Saggita I-M engines
E-230 ------?
E-240 was the same as E-40,but powered by one Walter Junior engine,Project
BH-241 was a developed version of BH-41,but powered by one Walter Pollux II engine,95 were built
BH-244 was an improved version of BH-44,but powered by one Gnome-Rhone Mistral 14K engine,Project
E-250 was a four-seat mid-wing light transport monoplane Project,powered by two Praga DR engines
E-255 was a six-seat mid-wing light transport monoplane project of 1939,
powered by two 165 hp Ranger 6-410B engines.
BH-341 was a developed version of BH-241,powered by one RK-17 engine,Project
was a developed of BH-44,but powered by one HS 12 Ybrs engine,Project
LC-35 was a mid-wing freighter and cargo transport twin-boom monoplane Project of 1950,powered by two engines
LC-55 was anther name to E-55,the LC-55H was agricultural version,powered by one M-8 engine,Project
LC-57 was a single seat low-wing agricultural monoplane Project of 1952,powered by one M-208B engine


XE-1 (LC-I) was developed by Aero,a two-seat helicopter Project of 1947,powered by 100 hp Praga M-197 engine
XE-II (LC-II) was improved version of XE-I,a single seat helicopter of 1949,with a single three-blade main rotor and 75hp Praga D engine
LC-III (LC P-3) was a single seat open frame twin rotor mounted in two beams Project
LC-IV (LC P-4) was a motorless gyroplane trainer pilot Project
LC-V (LC P-5) was a five-seat twin rotor helicopter Project,powered by one 215 hp M-208 engine


LD01 to LD05 ------?
LD06 was a heavy transport glider Project,intended to compete Aero Ae.53
LD07 & LD08 ------?
LD80 & LD81 ------?

to be continued
Last edited:

I add BH-45 and E-59 to the list.
Good work hesham.

One caveat: It is important to recognize that the 'E' sequence begins as purely military designations applied by the Ministerstvo národní obrany (MNO).

Initially, Praga used designer initials to designate its aircraft concepts. For example, the MNO's Praga E.39 was ČKD's Praga BH-39 (after Pavel Beneš and Miroslav Hajn, obviously). The differences result from manufacturer and customer having separate designation styles (while retaining the same type number). Thus, where both 'E' and 'BH' designations appear, they are one and the same - the different prefixes do not indicate distinct sub-types.

Only after Jaroslav Šlechta takes over as Praga's chief designer do the 'E' designations also become the factory style.

A few notes (trying to tbe thorough not nit-picky)...

BH-36: As above, Praga's BH-36 recce-bomber was designated E-36 by the military. However, this was not an unbuilt project - the prototype BH-36 flew in March 1934.

BH-39: Praga's trainer, designated E-39 by the military. However, only some were NZ 120-powered. Other had a Walter Gamma, Walter-built Gnome-Rhône Mars (14M), or Armstrong-Siddeley Genet Major.

E-40 : A bit of a puzzle here. As you note, BH-40 was applied to an unbuilt bomber project. But the E-40 was designed by Benes and Hajn and, so, the internal designation should have been BH-40 ... but I've never seen it referred as such. (BTW, the unbuilt E-140's Praga ER engine was a 168 hp (T/O) air-cooled HO-8.)

BH-41: There is some understandable confusion over the BH-41/E-41. Once again, these are the same type ... but there were two variants: early-production models (as per the prototype) and final production models with a different engine type. BH-41 variants were as follows:
- BH-41 (prototype): 300 hp Škoda HS-300 (licenced HS 8Fbs)
- BH-41 (early production): Škoda HS-300, military E-1/E-41
- BH-41 (conv'n): 260 hp Walter Pollux II radial, x 1
-- Pollux II series production version designated E-241

To add to the confusion, the BH-41 was initially assigned the MNO designation E-1. Only later was the military designation changed to E-41 to match the Praga type number.

BH-44: As you say, the first prototype BH-44 was powered by a 760 hp (T/O) Praga ESV V-12. The BH-144 was the second prototype BH-44 with a Praga ESVK with the same power ratings.

E-45 : The E-45 was actually powered by a 670 hp Kestrel XVI. And it was in no way "based on Avia B-534". It was a completely original Jaroslav Šlechta design intended to complete with the Avia fighter.

E-48 : Intended for the 'typ IV' competition for a light day/night bomber (won by the Aero A-300). Powered by two Avia-built HS 12Ydrs V-12s.

E-51 : Wasn't a "heavy bomber" but an observation (pozorovací) type. BTW, the E-51's geared Walter Sagitta I-MR engine are usually rated at 600 hp (not "360 hp").

E-55 : For your 'E-55/II', there are some possible additions. The built prototype (OK-DMA) was also referred to as the V-11 and as the XE-55. There was also a 1951 unbuilt agricultural derivative (with 250-kg chemical hopper) which was designated E-55H.

E-114: Early aircraft had Aeronca E-113As but later E-114s had 36 hp Praga B HO2s. To the E-114, you could add the E-114D (65 hp Praga D) and E.114M (65 hp Walter Mikron III) variants.

E-141: The "ZOD engine" in question was the same 260 hp ZOD-260 9-cylinder radial diesel which powered the E-59 and E-60.

E-215: More specifically, a project for a E-214 development with a welded steel-tube fuselage.

BH-241: Not an unbuilt project - 95 were built for the československé letectvo.

Hope this helps.
Many thanks my dear Apophenia,

and I will fix the list.
According to Czech Museum,there are many missing aircraft;

such as E-200,E-118,E-119,LDP08,LD80 & LD81,and I will add E-46
biplane fighter.
According to Czech Museum,there are many missing aircraft;

such as E-200,E-118,E-119,LDP08,LD80 & LD81,and I will add E-46
biplane fighter.

My dear Sarastro,

please can you open a new topic for these projects precisely in Postwar section,and thanks.

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