Chrysler defense work in the 1950s


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 November 2007
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I am most interested in hearing about any aircraft projects. I recently bought a copy of Hypersonic Aerodynamics by Robert Truitt, published in 1959. Stamped inside the book is the following: Chrysler Defense Engineering Technical Library. It contains formulas for calculating aerodynamic effects on missiles.

Thanks in advance.
edwest said:
I am most interested in hearing about any aircraft projects. I recently bought a copy of Hypersonic Aerodynamics by Robert Truitt, published in 1959. Stamped inside the book is the following: Chrysler Defense Engineering Technical Library. It contains formulas for calculating aerodynamic effects on missiles.

While they worked rockets galore (first stage of the Saturn 1, Redstone missile, etc.) I doubt they did much in the way of aircraft design.
The Chrysler Jupiter and Redstone are two missiles that come to mind... and the VZ-6 flying platform. Apart from these I don't know.

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