Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

TomS said:
Boxman said:
What does the propane tank represent?

"Blue Rhino" is a very common brand of propane tank in the US, and their logo includes a rhinoceros with a flame for a horn.
Of course!!! Even worse, I have a Blue Rhino tank hooked up to my grill and didn't even give it a thought. Thanks.
With all of the extra stuff they'll be adding with the Block III the upgraded engines should really be incorporated into the upgrade plan, not just as something to repeatedly spend R&D dollars on and never implement.

Still seems to me that these upgrades and the F-35C are duplicating a lot of the same capabilities. I'd rather have the Navy investing in fielding a whole new fighter in the coming decade.
Another F-18 airshow display showing maneuver performance not usually seen. It's odd to see this level of capability showing up now so long after entering service. Either pilot training in flying the aircraft to its limits has improved or this performance has been kept unadvertised for operational reasons. However I haven't seen any similar enhancements in F-16 displays.

Probably that something was declassified. I have noticed the Swiss too getting "reckless" recently.
It's amazing what's this "bee" can do... And easy today to understand how they can have traded their Tomcat without much fuzz. (notice the Tomcat is a 40+deg alpha airframe, 50+% more than a Su27, 50-% more than a Viper, 40% more than a Rafale)...

Thank you for sharing.
The maneuver at 7:30-7:40 really caught my eye. It seems to be something only a thrust vectored aircraft should be able to do.
Interesting bit about the billion C$ upgrade for Canadian F/A-18
Among the upgrades included in this potential package: 50 Sidewinder AIM-9X Block II tactical missiles; 38 APG-79(V)4 active electronically scanned array radars; 38 APG-79(V)4 AESA radar A1 kits; 46 F/A-18A wide-band RADOMES; upgrades to the Advanced Distributed Combat Training System; and technical assistance to support the upgraded jets.

Hello all,

Not sure if a thread already exists about this, nor whether this fits with the other threads existing about F/A-18E/F upgrades, if it does, I do ask the moderators to merge this with another thread if necessary.

It seems that Boeing has gone forward with STOBAR testing of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, specifically the Block III variant, in a move to win orders from the Indian Navy, who have become increasingly displeased with the MiG-29K after three incidents. The Super Hornet faces two competitors, the Rafale M and the MiG-29K. The latter seems not to be on the cards right now, for the reasons mentioned previously. This leaves only the Rafale M. The Super Hornet does come with some advantages, the main one being that it comes in both single-seat and twin-seat variants.

Memory lane . The one is the left was a USMC prototype :).


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Amazing... Will Marines manned or Germany's SH deploy one day on the QE class?
Unless the need arises, the QE class probably won't use an arrestor cable. That is, unless UK defence policy changes massively in the upcoming years, but it doesn't seem that that will happen. Even if she does get an arrestor cable, the Royal Navy would probably opt for something stealth, like the F-35C. The Royal Navy is satisfied with the STOVL F-35B as it is.
new video via alert5 on Super bug ski jump testing.
seems to be a much more detailed and longer version of the earlier boeing one

I wonder what payload and fuel can it take off with via a ski jump!

I remember for the Su-33 and MiG-29K , that debate raged on endlessly
The U.S. Navy is considering to remove the conformal fuel tanks (CFTs) from the Block III upgrade package planned for their F/A-18E/F Super Hornets.
Growler Block II:
“The modifications are focused on updating the jets’ structural and mission systems architecture, enabling future capability growth for the US Navy’s 160 Growler aircraft,” Boeing said, adding, “The programme schedule forecasts that all US Navy Growlers will be modified in five years. Full rate modification is expected to start in June 2021.”

Previously known as the Advanced Growler, the Growler Block 2 enhancement is based on the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Block 3 upgrade that is now in its early stages. Features common to both aircraft comprise 10 × 19 inch large-area display (LAD) cockpits (front and back) and conformal fuel tanks (CFTs), while the Growler will also receive enhancements to the mission systems including the Next-Generation Jammer (NGJ) and EA sensors improvements related to the Electronic Attack Unit (EAU) Surrogate Processor (ESP), AN/ALQ-218(V)4 RF receiver system, and AN/ALQ-227(V)2 communication countermeasures. There will also be networking and crew-interface improvements.

im a huge fan of the F/A-18 SuperHornet and the leading edge design does have me questioning a few things. it could be controllable to keep the front end where you want it like the Chengdu J-20. or possibly a certain radar deflection zone. which seems probable because they have had issiues with radar easily locking on to hornets. or just more wing surface area. also note the vents coming out of them......
Possible innovation to temper the high pitch noise of F-404 series engines:


The interior of the nozzles features triangular fins like rows of shark teeth that significantly reduced jet engine noise in UC lab tests. The project is a collaboration between UC, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Naval Air Station Patuxent River. This fall NAVAIR will test the UC designs and performance on F-18 Super Hornets, the tactical fighter plane used by the U.S. Marines and Navy.

"They’re simple attachments that change the behavior of the flow coming out of the engine with minimal effect on its performance,” Gutmark said.

UC’s lab tests showed the new nozzle could reduce engine noise by between 5 and 8 decibels. That might not seem like much. But unlike linear scales like a ruler where an inch is always an inch, decibels are measured in a logarithmic scale in which 20 decibels is tenfold louder noise.

The UK screwed up not making our carriers cat and trap. The Growler is a formidable and vital asset, as well as a mean as hell aircraft to try fight against.

I got talking to a Typhoon pilot who spent time on the aircraft and he marvelled about its ability to kill an aircraft dead in the air by electronics alone, then add insult to injury and shoot it down.
With its high AoA and relatively similar acceleration it would be an outstanding Flanker stand in.

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