Bartini A-57 series aircraft


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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Bartini А-57

In 1952, Robert Ludvigovich Bartini, head of the department of advanced schemes of the S.A. Chaplygin Siberian Aviation Research Institute (SibNIA; Novosibirsk), creates a project for the T-203 aircraft.
Being an excellent mathematician, he literally "calculated" the scheme of an aircraft with a variable wing along the leading edge of the sweep.
Without particularly expensive purges and substantial costs.

R.L. Bartini's project, presented in 1955, planned the creation of a supersonic flying medium-range bomber boat A-55. The seaplane had the ability to replenish fuel supplies in the ocean, in the immediate vicinity of the enemy's shores, from surface ships and submarines. In addition, seaplanes did not require huge airfields with heavy-duty multi-kilometer concrete runways, which were excellent targets for enemy strike weapons. The project was initially rejected because the declared characteristics were considered unrealistic. The appeal to S.P. Korolev helped, who helped to justify the project experimentally. Dozens of models with different wing options were manufactured and blown.

To continue working on the project, R.L.Bartini in April 1957 was seconded from SIBNIA to OKBS MAP (Moscow).
The teams of TsAGI and TsIAM are involved in work on the strategic A-57.
The modes of takeoff from water and the possibility of its long stay afloat were investigated.

The A-57 aircraft was a strategic integrated system, including the amphibious seaplane itself, capable of taking off and landing on the water surface, as well as on snow and ice (this made it possible to use forward-based airfields located in the Arctic on drifting ice floes), and a heavy controlled rocket projectile RCC, created in the OKB P.V.Tsybin and located on the carrier plane.

The aircraft was supposed to be made according to the "tailless" scheme with a pronounced integral layout (the fuselage itself was practically absent). The "self-balancing" wing (balancing was achieved by twisting in span) with a minimum total wave and inductive resistance, having a variable sweep along the leading edge, had a supercritical downward-convex profile in the center, and a convex upward one at the ends. There was no wheeled landing gear, takeoff and landing on ice and water were performed using a hydro-ski retractable under the central part of the aircraft. For takeoff from a conventional airfield, it was supposed to use wheeled carts dropped after taking off from the ground. The aircraft's crew consisted of three people.

The A-57 was supposed to carry the equipment necessary for autonomous operation in the ocean or on the Arctic ice: there was the necessary skipper equipment, a through passage along the entire boat, and a latrine for the crew.

All operations for the priority maintenance of the bomber were carried out within the wing contours and vertical tail, i.e. the aircraft could be serviced afloat.

At that time, the equipment of a flying boat was the height of perfection: the SVR-1 radar, the active ROSA and Venik systems, the TRS-45 passive jamming system, the Veter navigation complex, the Planeta communication complex and the hydroacoustic communication system with submarines "Okhotsk".

The design maximum speed of the A-57 was 2500 km / h, the service ceiling (depending on the flight weight) was 18000-23000 m, the practical range was 15000 km. The aircraft with a takeoff weight of 250 tons was supposed to be equipped with five NK-10B turbojet engines (5 x 26,000 kgf) or, temporarily, NK-6 (5 x 22,500 kgf), placed with a package installed above the hull of the boat, in its tail section between the keels, inclined inward. Above the engines, a cruise missile RSS was to be installed, in addition, there was an internal thermostabilized bomb bay to accommodate a thermonuclear bomb "244H" weighing 3000 kg.

The MAP commission, which was attended by representatives of TsAGI, TsIAM, NII-1, OKB-156 (A.N. Tupolev) and OKB-23 (V.M. Myasishcheva), gave a positive opinion on the project, but the government decision to build the plane was never accepted.

In total, from 1952 to 1961 R.L. Bartini worked on five projects of supersonic amphibious aircraft, made according to the tailless scheme - A-55, A-57, R, F-57 (R-57) and R-57AL, which were supposed to install the NK-6 engines, NK-10 or VK-15M.

R-57 is a front-line supersonic amphibious bomber with a ski landing gear.

A-58 - Nuclear marine bomber.

On LTH it is close to Tu-16, Tu-22.

The scheme and design is identical to the A-57.

In 1961, the designer presented the project of the R-57-AL supersonic long-range reconnaissance aircraft - the development of the A-57 with a nuclear power plant


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E-57 medium strategic bomber
"Since the strategic A-57 caused a lot of objections in GKAT, R.L. Bartiniproposed the project of the medium strategic bomber - E-57. Developed in 1957 in OKB-256. The carrier of the cruise missileK-10 and the nuclear bomb. Crew - 2 people. The aircraft was identical to the A-57. The tailless ski was used to land on the ice and water.
Flat air intakes, as well as on the A-57 - adjustablegoronal movable wedges and a system of mixed flow compression. The TRDF flat-water nozzles are mobile. In April 1958, a draft government resolution was drafted to create a medium-range bomber, followed by the creation of a strategist. But he did not receive support in GCAT.
ConstructionR.L.Bartini, P.V. Tsybin Design Bureau
Tipdal (medium) bomber
Crew, 2
Geometric and massive characteristics
Plane length, M44.0
Wingspan, M21.5
Wing area, M2270.0
Takeoff weight, kg120000
Engine number2
NK-10B EngineTRD
Engine pull (fast-, x2 x 24,000
Flight data (calculated)
Maximum flight speed, km/h2500
Maximum range, km4500"


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Hi! F-57.
Bartini F-57 (Russian: Бартини Ф-57) - Frontier bomber project of 1957 . The priority given by the country's leadership to the development of ballistic missiles resulted in the cancellation of the project. A development was also conceived as a reconnaissance aircraft under the name R-57 .

With the lack of success of the A-57 strategic plane and the medium-range Ye-57 , and taking into account the recommendations of the GKAT scientific-technical council, Bartini decided to develop a less ambitious project in the form of the F- amphibious frontal bomber -57 of 25 tons of weight. The F-57 was developed was developed in the same year 1957 in the OKB -256 directed by Tsybin
The calculations showed that using two VK-13 turbojets calculated for 10000 kg of thrust this aircraft could fly at a speed of 2500 km / h and a distance of not less than 2800 km, maintaining a landing speed of only 260 km / h. With additional fuel the range could increase to 4100 km.
The aircraft, like its predecessors, featured a skid landing gear consisting of a central unit located below the fuselage along the longitudinal axis and two additional units located at the bottom of the vertical empties.
The Bartini F-57 was able to load 1500 kg of pumps in a composition of 10 pumps of 100 kg or a pump of 1500 kg.
One of the GKAT documents specified that the aircraft more than fully covered all the characteristics demanded by the VVS for a frontal exploration aircraft. Factory No.30 was chosen to prepare the production of the F-57 . It seemed that this time, eventually, everything would mesh. But soon the situation changed radically. The country's top management took the decision to cut back the armed forces, which also affected the SVVs and decided to give priority to coheteril development. Under these conditions the F-57 project was closed.
Technical specifications
(Calculated data)
• Function : Front Bomber
• Year : 1957
• Power plant : two VK-13 turbojets of 10000 kg of unitary thrust
• Accommodation : 1 crew
• DIMENSIONS ◦ Wingspan : 12.9 m
◦ Length : 26.6 m
• Take-off weight : 25000 kg
• Maximum speed : 3000 km / h
◦ Maximum range : 3800 - 4100 km
◦ Practical roof : 22 - 25000 m
◦ Take-off run : 900 m
• Armament: 1500 kg of bombs in a composition of 10 pumps of 100 kg or a pump of 1500 kg. "




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Hi! A-55.

"The project was presented in 1955 as a proposal for a mid-range supersonic bombardment hydroplane. The denomination A-55 was proposed where the figures represented in year of presentation of the project. The selection of the hydrokinea configuration allowed for the replenishment of the apparatus on the ocean near enemy coasts, from surface ships or submarines. On the other hand, the hydro-jet configuration made it possible to eliminate the need for airports prepared for the long take-off and landing races of a supersonic device, otherwise very vulnerable to the attacks of enemy wear. "

Ucon-san's contribution.;topic=396.0;attach=63442;image

Another site. Chapter 8 How to conquer America?

"The first version of the A-55 had canards and discharged after takeoff chassis truck. In the process of refining the look of this car on the wheels refused, replacing them with skis and betting on the amphibious version.Amphibian A-55 can take off and land on the water surface, the snow and ice, allowing it to operate from airfields in forward-based, prepared in the Arctic drifting ice floes. "

Interesing bottom picture(by Bartini?) source.


Correction: These projects were developed for different purposes. And your claim that the A-57 and E-57 were not successful is debatable.
A-57-supersonic intercontinental,
E-57-medium bomber,
F-57 front-line, they have different ranges.
P-57-scout (not bomber).
Hi! S-30 (RSS) intercontinental missile project

On May 23, 1955, the Design Bureau was organized at plant 256 under the direction of P.V. Tsybin, who was given the task to design an intercontinental supersonic PC bomber. The project was unusual, but the lack of sufficient experience among developers did not allow to properly assess their own capabilities, and the stated characteristics were impossible. The project began a long path of metamorphosis and was divided into two branches - a manned reconnaissance missile and a strategic aircraft RSS (C-30), united constructively by a similar glider and launch from the aircraft carrier. Work on the projectile began on July 31, 1958, with A.N. Tupolev,156, who developed the Tu-95S-30 (135) carrier, as the main enterprise. Tupolev initially strongly opposed Tsybin's idea, and his attitude towards it at that time has not changed.

Flight control and guidance to the purpose of this aircraft was to be carried out from the carrier. This scheme was conventionally called "sheep and shepherd."

According to the government's resolution No. 867-408 of July 31, 1958, the projectile was to have a cruising speed corresponding to the MI2.5-2.7, and the flight altitude of 18,000-24,000 m.

The composition of the S-30 projectile was based on the 2RS project and retained its wing, plumage and propulsion system from two RD-013 PVD development of the OCB-670 Bondaryuk. The fuselage was shortened by removing the cockpit and the fairing of special equipment in the tail, however, its length exceeded 20 m. As a BC according to published data was taken almost experimental "product 6" (RDS-6s), but in practice could be used the only then serial thermonuclear charge of 37d, which had similar mass and dimension characteristics. The control system was supposed to be astroinercial. It was planned to build its manned counterpart for its development and preliminary tests of the projectile aircraft.

The RSS projectile had a number of design and technological flaws. First of all, the wing consoles were not divided into sub-assembly, so in the conditions of experimental production for the manufacture of these units required at least 4 months in three shift work. The scheme of docking wing consoles with fuselage was poorly thought out. Since the designers themselves set very strict limits of mass, they had to go to the use of untested materials that promising weight gain. One of them - aluminium-beryllium alloy AB - was extremely toxic and caused workers a dangerous disease of berylosis.

The design and manufacture of the product was very behind schedule. Work on the carrier also dragged on. Tupolev argued this by the complexity of the suspension of such a large product. Nevertheless, the carrier was built for the RRS, and the DESIGN-156 itself designed modifications of the Tu-95 for the cruise missile "100" and the unmanned reconnaissance "113", which in size and mass even exceeded Tsybin's projects.

In 1959, the OKB-256 team was transferred to plant No. 23, where he continued to engage in missile science under the general leadership of V.M. Myasishchev. The RSS bomber, which was in the final stages of design, did not fit under the squat bombers 3M and M-50, and the OKB-23 itself was soon closed. At the first time, a special design group was organized at the plant, which in addition to Tsybin included V.B.Shavrov and R.L. Bartini. Among other things, they were engaged in adaptation of the RSS to a giant A-57 hydroplane. For a number of reasons, including objective, the A-57 aircraft was not built. In 1960, work on the P-30 and P-020 (the last version of the RRS project) was discontinued.

A further development of the RSS (S-30) project was the 61 cruise missile.


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Developer : OCB-256 P.V.Tsybin
Designation : RS (C-30)
Type : winged missile
Project : 1958-60
Guidance System : Astro inertial and Programmable AP
Length : 22.5m, Wingspan : 9m, Wing area : 264 square meter
Height : 4.4m, Fuselage diameter : 1.5m,
Starting weight : 22000kg
Number of engines : 2
Engine : SPRD RD-013
Engine thrust : (kN)5600kg, 43.2... 44,1KN
Flight data (calculated)
Cruise speed : Mach 2.5-2.7, Acceptable launch speed : 800... 850km/h
Range : 5000km
Flight altitude : 20,000m (18000-24000m)
Type OF BRDS-6C (ed.205K)
The principle of action of the BCtermodyal
Weight of BC, kg1800
TNT equivalent, ct400


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The A-57 aircraft was a strategic integrated system, including the amphibious seaplane itself, capable of taking off and landing on the water surface, as well as on snow and ice (this made it possible to use forward-based airfields located in the Arctic on drifting ice floes), and a heavy controlled rocket projectile RCC, created in the OKB P.V.Tsybin and located on the carrier plane.
Now imagine that concept but taken even further by landing from volcanoes & lava with lava proof undercarriage but for an air superiority fighter aircraft based on a supersonic twin engines version of a hybrid between the F-16xl & the A-4 Skyhawk. It sounds absolutely completely ridiculous but I was inspired via the Russian & Swedish concept of operating away from populated areas & away from vulnerable airbases. Zell launched aircraft are a away around the impracticality of vtol aircraft such as the f-35b as well as the JAS-39 gripen for example.
Now imagine that concept but taken even further by landing from volcanoes & lava with lava proof undercarriage

Dude, what's with the weird lava obsession? Lava is a) really fracking hot and b) not solid. Lava proof undercarriage? Like, how?

Its pretty much untenable as a runway in any circumstance, and why would you even want to try?
Now imagine that concept but taken even further by landing from volcanoes & lava with lava proof undercarriage

Dude, what's with the weird lava obsession? Lava is a) really fracking hot and b) not solid. Lava proof undercarriage? Like, how?

Its pretty much untenable as a runway in any circumstance, and why would you even want to try?
Comrade! It is clear that you do not believe in glorious Soviet invention!

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