Hi Toura, Dobri Utro Borovik (don't we know each other from a french forum www.39-45.org ???)
Few details about these 2 different projects :
1) According to M.D. Evstavyev, project "R" was to be a mixed propulsion : Rocket-engine + ramjet
Please see http://epizodsspace.airbase.ru/bibl/evstafiev/evstafiev_0.htm
Chapter 4. Experimental work on ramjets and airplanes with ramjets(1930-1948),
2) According to V.B. Shavrov, you can read at http://base13.glasnet.ru/text/shavrov2/3-17.htm#r
- Project "R" was to use a dynamic ramjet effect, by burning extra gas in the exhaust of rocket engines ...
- The angle at the forward edge of R-114 is 33 gradius (former soviets were using gradius for angles); 33 gradius = 30 degrees,
3) N.V. Yakubovich gives details in his book about these projects :
- Project "R" : length 6,80 (meters) - width 5,50 (m) - Wing surface 16,2 (m²) - Taking off Weight 2,400 kg - Gas Weight 1,000 kg - Maximum speed 1,000 km/h - Climbing rate 70 m/s at sea level, 122 m/s at 10,000/12,000 meters - Flying time : 30 minutes
- Project "114-R" : length 6,80 m - width 6,35 m without "going down" wingtips - Wing surface 9,6 m² - Maximum speed : More than 2,000 km/h - Maximum Ceiling : 24,000 m from ground, 40,000 m from a mother-plane.
4) From Magazine "Техника - молодежи" 06/2000 - Odissey of the "Red's Baron", by Yu.Kaminsky :
In those days our Yaks, Lavochins, English "Spitfires", German Me and He did under the formula «a wing — a fuselage — tail rudders», piston motors provided with it of speed about 750 km/h and on the basic tactico-technical characteristics they were identical. Bartini considered, it is necessary what to work only on an advancing scheme. This idea has been put by it in the project of supersonic fighter "R" in which the power-plant should become a bearing element of a design still. It was supposed to supply the plane with a triangular wing of small lengthening and variable sweeping on the leading edge. So Bartini intended to put into practice a plan with gazo-dynamic merges of bearing and pulling properties. In parallel he has developed the project of antiaircraft interceptor Р-114 with swepts wings (30 °), four rocket engines and the speed equal of Mach 2. Unfortunately, in 1942 to construct them it was not believed possible, but Robert Liudvigovich remained one of pioneers of jet aircraft.
Yours sincerely ... Marc