
ACCESS: Top Secret
16 January 2008
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Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose:
Developing Air Power For The United States Air Force
During The First Century Of Powered Flight

History Office
Aeronautical Systems Center
Air Force Materiel Command
Air Force History and Museums Program
United States Air Force
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio


Nice big history tome about the contributions of Aeronautical Systems Command at Wright Patterson AFB. As it was a reference, I couldn't check it out. Thank goodness for camera phones! ;D

The thing catching however were some of the RPV's and in-house preliminary designs for the F-15, B-1, F-111, A-10, SRAM, and ALCM.

Check it out.



  • prelim F-15.jpg
    prelim F-15.jpg
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  • Pre B-1.jpg
    Pre B-1.jpg
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  • Compass Cope.jpg
    Compass Cope.jpg
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  • Mini RPV, 1974.jpg
    Mini RPV, 1974.jpg
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  • Northrop Advanced RPV.jpg
    Northrop Advanced RPV.jpg
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  • prelim F-111.jpg
    prelim F-111.jpg
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  • Prelim A-10.jpg
    Prelim A-10.jpg
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  • Pre F-15.jpg
    Pre F-15.jpg
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Very cool, I did not know the Northrop RPV made it that far.
That publication is "available" via the US GPO but is out-of-print. Arrrgh.
The Northrop RPV is of particular interest to me, but the other pictures are equally interesting. Are the pre-... designs some generic models done by Air Force people, or do they emanate from the companies that ended up winning the bids? The pre-Warthog and pre-Lancer designs look nowhere NEAR the final aircraft!
Well, I thought to check Amazon. There are 15 14 available starting at about $9 used...
I can't wait for those cans too...the day after I win the lotto and buy a scanner ;D...And a copy of that book.

But since it was on the Reference shelves and not meant to be checked out, seems I'm S.O.L.

I talked the library supervisor and asked her if they had considered getting a scanner for the library. I mentioned I was a student on a research project. She said it was one of their budget items getting slashed.

So that's the story on my end, I'm afraid.

The captions on the photos that say "pre" refer to the fact that the planes were preliminary in-house designs from Wright Patterson.

Now the Amazon count is 12... hurry up, I've just bagged the last low-price copy available for International Shipping....

this was called Ryan Model-262.


  • M-262.JPG
    23.2 KB · Views: 90
Got it today. WELL worth the eleven bucks (and a whole lot more).
oh, that was you who was the first at abebooks! ;)
Deino, come here, we will be beating him :D

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