Hi Hesham,hesham said:I know very well SAI.2S and I saw in Wikipedia before that misprint,but you didn't
read my original post,a member in tgplanes forum made a discussing about that
I must admit that, I couldn't find much on the Ambrosini 25. All I found was, that there was a fighter plane under development at Ambrosini in 1936, that bore the designation "Ambrosini 25". That's all, I am afraid.
The link is broken but I guess it corresponds to this: http://www.warbirdsforum.com/topic/540-got-the-ambrosini-ss4-sai-107-207-403/please look at this most comprehensive compilation on Ambrosinis by our most-beloved "Romantic Technofreak" and others: http://www.tgplanes....sp?TOPIC_ID=574
I think, even in well-assorted bookstores, you'll have to search hard to find something better on Ambrosinis than this.
nice to meet you. I must admit that, I couldn't find much on the Ambrosini 25. All I found was, that there was a fighter plane under development at Ambrosini in 1936, that bore the designation "Ambrosini 25". That's all, I am afraid.
No pictures and no data availlable - yet, perhaps. Maybe our italian friends do know a little more about this Ambrosini 25-ghost?