Aircraft of the motion picture "Stealth" (2005)

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Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
Reaction score
how don't know the movie here

for rest post you reaction and critic on this "Movie" ::)
Not too bad, and this Jessica Biel... :-*

the scenario didn't sucked too much, air combat were impressive (Eddy Vs the Su-37 :-*) and I loved the giant in-flight refueling thing (before it exploded into a an Hollywood-sized-giant-mega-fireball)
yeah but why did the FA-37 not stall while refuelling from a blimp .. how fast was the blimp anyway.
avatar said:
yeah but why did not the FA-37 stall while refuelling from a blimp .. how fast was the blimp anyway.

That's like asking "how were they able to hack a flying saucer with an Apple computer".
let face it:
the script of this Movie is pure Junk
and scriptwriter W. D. Richter has no sense of Geography :mad:

about the Plane
The F/A-37 Talon
VTOL and Mach 4 Hypersonic flight with combined Pulse Detonation/Scramjet engines.
Range: 4,000 Nomi (7,400 km)
stealth capability, along with switchblade wings,
dual cannons for close range attacks, and an internal rotary launcher.

as first picture of Talon pop up in Internet a lot of Aviation Fans thinks: this is s top secret US Jet :eek:

Desgin of Talon and other hardware is from German artist Oliver Scholl

he start as technical artis in German SF series Perry Rhodan in 1980s
then he made the move design for: Moon 44, Independence Day, Godzilla, The Time Machine, Stealth, Jumper...
Love that art, thanks for the info Michel :)
Nice CGI and models (incl. Biel ;) :D), but the story was crap.

Great find, Michel Van!!! *thumbs up!*
Especially the "SSCN" and the Methane blimp!

The F/A-37 Talon looks far better in the sketches than in the movie.
seriously, I think hacking a flying saucer using a mac wouldn't be all that difficult ...
Michel Van said:
Desgin of Talon and other hardware is from German artist Oliver Scholl

According the 3D Graphics World (trade journal) Northrop did the 3d model designs and then gave them to an effects house to put the bells and whistles on. (And no april fools on that one). No, nobody's claiming they are actually stealthy designs, just that some engineers at Northrop got to be geeks for a bit to make some believable designs.
Here some of his Early Work for Perry Rhodan
copyright Oliver Scholl and VPM "Perry Rhodan"©

Space Fighter "Topsider"

Deep space Explore Spaceship "BASIS"
"only" 12 km long
i saw a work in progress of this with the Note "NEVER AGAIN !!!"


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Here's the article:

"To help Cohen sell the idea for the film to Sony, Digital Domain created a 40-second sample shot. Engineers from Northrop Grumman helped design a plane for the test, then worked on aircraft for the movie.

There were two planes: the Talon, which the hotshot pilots fly, and EDI, the invader, says Hynek. The engineers helped us flesh out concepts like where to put the weapons, and then production designer Michael Riva gave them a sexy Hollywood look."
The movie "Stealth" was fantastic! Excellent through and through! A Tour De Force! Everything about it was awesome, from the incredible script to the top-notch acting! Clearly this deserves to be one of the most remembered, best movies ever made!

april fool's:)
yup, irrespective of what critics might say .. the movie is one of my favourites too and frankly speaking it dealt with geo political issues better than most bollywood flicks which are generally pathetic on this count ...
"Let's take our stealth aircraft and fly it nap of the earth over a bunch of people shooting machine guns at us so they won't see us. And use our rocket powered laser guided bombs. . . " Where's the puking icon when you need it? (The planes looked cool though, I'll give them that.)
that is precisely why naval aviation rocks and the USAF sucks , carrier borne stealth planes can reconcile all opposites at least as far as the laws of aerodynamics is concerned

least of them being a near hypersonic "stealth" plane

as somebody on another forum says
fly navy
avatar said:
that is precisely why naval aviation rocks and the USAF sucks , carrier borne stealth planes can reconcile all opposites at least as far as the laws of aerodynamics is concerned

least of them being a near hypersonic "stealth" plane

as somebody on another forum says

Pfff. The Navy is stuck with hypersonic. The USAF can not only go orbital, they have hyperdrives.

yup.. and that corroborates what i always believed , the empire actually started of as the USAF which conspired to takeover the U.S government and directed all borrowing towards the mass production of Death stars eventually .... not bad for an alternate future history .. wot?
considering the original story pitch by George Lucas was a pirate story , the empire predates USAF by a wide margin .

it is difficult to come up with something new in any field and it is very easy to find the "correct" root of the story if you want it to . Mordor in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was supposed to be Nazi Germany , an allegation which the author truely despised. Say , the original story was probably from ancient northwestern Europe ( Norway -Finland area ) but I think the siege in the second movie was inspired by the September 17 ,1176 Battle and I generally know what ı am talking about . Even without delving into what the word Orc is supposed to be based on.

and it is still a pirate story even in the light of the posts that follow.The Star Wars I mean.
actually the story by george lucas predates that pirate stuff .. it has its roots firmly in epics such as the Mahabharat
avatar said:
actually the story by george lucas predates that pirate stuff .. it has its roots firmly in epics such as the Mahabharat

there no more copyright on Mahabharat, something a 10000 years Old (after Hind expert from India)
yeah more like 5000+ . Of course the composition has expanded over the years to the gargantuan size that it has now, 100000+ verses etc ... it has included in its ambit all parts of India and even places which have Indic roots like Thailand ... however the message has stayed the same and it is that message of Dharma, that nobody has a copyright over
What I would really like to see are the Northrop original designs before they were "improved" by the artist...
Removed Star Wars stuff - it can start ENDLESS thread, having NO CONNECTION to the Stealth movie.
anyway, the part of the movie (stealth) i like the best is the first carrier landing.
and you have broken my heart ...

now avatar's post has arrived earlier so it is not that off .
only to boost my posts , life loves to hurt me ; as I am now 38 , I am still kicking though .
Avatar, is this damn related to Firefox movie?
he he .. wrong post in the wrong place .. I was wondering where that post went. It's actually in the Aerospace thread. Removing it. It's a reply to Kendra on the Mig-25 thread.

However this post should :p not be wasted with a clarification only.

Keeping the Hollywood physics aside , the fact that the script writers chose something on the lines of the Northrop Switchblade as a superlative multi-purpose platform says something.
There was something interesting about the ending of that movie and something inexplicable about the North Koreans... can't quite remember, just the fact that the Su-37s gave a decent fight.

I actually didn't mind the movie when I realised that they kept violating the airspace of sovereign nations and that any airforce consisting of only four aircraft was basically limited to being a glorified hit team for taking out political targets. :eek: :p

I was actually surprised that most Americans don't even notice this feature and when its pointed out think there's nothing wrong with it. I guess I'm ...naive ...naive :D ;) ;D
Avimimus said:
I actually didn't mind the movie when I realised that they kept violating the airspace of sovereign nations ... I was actually surprised that most Americans don't even notice this feature and when its pointed out think there's nothing wrong with it.

Given that the Mexican Army is forever violating the sovereign territory of the US, most Americans have become pretty blasé about border violations. So Hollywood Air Force fighters go tear-assing across the skies of Russia? Meh.
iven that the Mexican Army is forever violating the sovereign territory of the US, most Americans have become pretty blasé about border violations. So Hollywood Air Force fighters go tear-assing across the skies of Russia? Meh.
A shame. and to think that with all those hyperdrives, you can't stop a few border guards.
Fithers in Yukikaze anime series are much better. Take a look here:
Story sucks - it's just boring but dogfights are good and planes are beautiful. And there is one scene - with a FRX-00 Mave vertical take-off from aircraft carrier. Plane just moves backward till it falling from the deck tail down, and then pilot turns on the maximum trust and plane slowly flying in vertical positionon, and then pilot turns on the afterburner and plane just charge into the air like a rocket. I know that it is not completely realistic, but the episode is really cool.

On the photos FFR-31 MR Super Sylph and FRX-00 Mave.


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I just saw the movie on TV the other's still entertaining. Of course when i saw it in the theather with a bunch of aerospace engineers we were all trying not to bust out laughing everytime something technically ridiculous would come up (quite often).

I have to politely disagree with the other posts...the best special effect in the entire movie has nothing to do with airplanes. It's Jessica Biel! Gotta love those US Navy two -piece G-suits! :) :) :)

It's too bad we don't get to see aircraft-themed movies very often...these days, with cgi, they could do a really good job (visually and technically) if only they wanted to. Speaking of, the F-22s and all the military equipment in "Iron Man" look really good, and somewhat authentic, down to cannon location on left wingroot for the Raptor.
...but when you see Stark's bizjet...another mutato potato...
AeroFranz said:
Speaking of, the F-22s and all the military equipment in "Iron Man" look really good, and somewhat authentic, down to cannon location on left wingroot for the Raptor.

Could be like the Hulk. For that movie they apparently got the OML for the F-22 from Lockheed. (According to Computer Graphics World)
EDI (Extreme Deep Invader) UCAV (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle) special effects study model built by Digital Domain for the Columbia Tri-Star motion picture Stealth (2005). Images come from the Modelers, Miniatures, and Magic web site. This study model served as the basis for the computer model seen in the film.


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I'm a big fan of the F/A-37, I've dug up a small pile of images, here are some:
(The one with the 6 views was created for a flight sim, it's measurments can't be 100% trusted but he is pretty good at making planes for the flight sim (YS Flight 2009).


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