Air-to-air/space missile defence systems based on Commercial planes


< Mutatis mutandis >
20 May 2009
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i know it must be very foolish from me to ask this but is there any know projects of this kind and i mean something like air based S-300 on Il-76 or An-124 i' read about the carrier's based on C-5 and B747 the air born ICBM projects but still i think there is no topic in the forum that covers this subject and i think that it's very interesting
piko1 said:
i know it must be very foolish from me to ask this but is there any know projects of this kind and i mean something like air based S-300 on Il-76 or An-124 i' read about the carrier's based on C-5 and B747 the air born ICBM projects but still i think there is no topic in the forum that covers this subject and i think that it's very interesting

Your question is a little confusing. Do you mean commercial aircraft that are equipped to shoot down other aircraft or shoot down ballistic missiles?

If yes, then there are a number of experimental examples. The most notable example is the US Air Force's Airborne Laser program, which uses a heavily modified 747. Two aircraft were built, but the program will not lead to an operational aircraft.

The US also had a 757 that was equipped with a laser and used for experiments in the 1980s. I believe it also had a DC-10 equipped for the same purposes.


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ah i see that the question is confusing :
system on commercial plane with independent capability of intercepting and shot down big variety of threat's
it can be equipped with both laser or/and missiles

that was my question with other words is there other projects beside Boeing YAL-1 and A-60

i know it's probably more like a mystery than a question
I imagine it as a whole MiG-31 but in airliner and that's something resembling flying batarei of S-300 because as it's first that comes to my mind I know it's confusing and I apologize for this
Maybe you are thinking of something like the "Red Barrel" VC 10 , as shown in
Chris Gibsons "Vickers VC 10 - AEW, Pofflers ANd Other Unbuilt Variants" ?
It would have been a VC 10 derivative with a powerful radar and up to
18 long range AAMs, derived from SAM.
yes you got the point powerful radar and 10-20 long/medium range AMM's (even with out the SAM derivative AAM's ) is there any US or Soviet projects
I seem to recall a variant of the Tu-144D being looked at as an interceptor.
The DP-2 project was a long range escort fighter and interceptor derivative of the Tu-144D, also intended to attack long range transport aircraft over the oceans.

From this was developed the Tu-144PP, combining escort fighter and jammer roles to assist Soviet bomber penetration into enemy airspace.,740.msg5598.html#msg5598
From a document I posted in the Bar on Strategic Weapons in a 1960's memo from SecDef to POTUS:

Disapproving Contract Definition for the Airborne Missile Intercept System (ABMIS), a concept for which there is no advanced development program.

From a document I posted in the Bar on Strategic Weapons in a 1960's memo from SecDef to POTUS:

Disapproving Contract Definition for the Airborne Missile Intercept System (ABMIS), a concept for which there is no advanced development program.

Yesterday I was reading the SABMIS thread and did some further research. I found ABMIS and also FABMIS - quite inevitably, the Air Force and Army own takes at SABMIS.
that is - Nike-X on mobile platforms that can be brought closer from the North Pole to cripple an incoming (small) wave of Soviets or PRC ICBMs.

Also Minuteman I turned ABM to protect their Minuteman III siblings. The whole thing called (no kidding !) Minutemaid, like the orange juice brand. Must be the same idiot that 20 years later come with the name Midgetman for the smaller MX.

ABMIS was to use C-5A Galaxy - some with phased arrays mounted on the wings and fuselage, in a ++ shape; others carrying interceptors.


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It amazing, how the Air Force couldn't stop competing with all the other agencies. USN come with Polaris ? Skybolt. USN come wth SABMIS ? ABMIS then. ARPA & Army picks Nike-X ground based interceptors from Project Defender, to Safeguard and Sentinel ? USAF bets all hopes on spaceborne BAMBI, the ancestor of Brilliant Pebbles and Smart Rocks. The CIA starts CORONA ? USAF build SAMOS. And makes the film return capsule big enough, to compete with NASA Mercury. Just in case Dynasoar wasn't enough to get dominance of early manned spaceflight.
Crazy times !
There was the project to create a long range patrol interceptor out of the P-3 Orion (so you could say the Electra at it's core) :) . There was a similar project with the Atlantic as well, stand off missile strike, both air to surface and air to air if I remember correctly. Pretty sure there were a couple of converted biz jet concepts as well for air guard / long range high altitude patrol. Will dig around in my document archive when I get a chance.
There was the project to create a long range patrol interceptor out of the P-3 Orion (so you could say the Electra at it's core) :) . There was a similar project with the Atlantic as well, stand off missile strike, both air to surface and air to air if I remember correctly. Pretty sure there were a couple of converted biz jet concepts as well for air guard / long range high altitude patrol. Will dig around in my document archive when I get a chance.

See here for more details:

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