Aerospace Projects Review V3N2 now available


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5 April 2006
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Main articles: Lockheed STAR Clipper, F-23 derivatives

140 pages of AWESOME.

Once I've paid for it, where do I find the download link?
it will arrive in e-mail pretty soon after payment (i.e. when Scott sees PayPal message of incoming payment)
Even for those partially in the know, plenty of new stuff. NATF-23 desk model was a nice surprise.
and again a fantastic work

a complete view on Lockheed Star clipper program
the F-23 derivatives and "Modelgate" has scarcity value

BUY IT !!!
Very good content for F-23 enthusiasts; The color art works are superb and allow for cool comparisons!

Nicely done!
APR Vol3N2 is impressive. The stories and level of detail are fascinating. The quality of the reproduction at HP MagCloud is outstanding -- much better than I had dared to hope. I ordered both the digital and the printed versions of this and the back numbers listed on MagCloud.

Are there other back numbers available in either hardcopy or digital formats? How can I order them?

Your blog had an entry on one of my favourite aircraft, the Grumman 698 V/STO (an interesting competitor for the USN Type A V/STOL program), with some civilian use artwork that I had not seen before. Any chance of a fuller treatment of the 698 in APR?

Thank you very much.

I always look forward to Scott's contributions both here & at Aerospace Projects Review. I bought this latest issue (V3N2) expressly for the article on the YF-23, and, no surprise, I am thrilled with it. Much appreciated.
Yes, there is no copy protection mechanisms built in so you can take the files to any operating system which can read PDF files. So it will always work in the future.
overscan said:
Yes, there is no copy protection mechanisms built in...

Wouldn't know how to add such a thing anyway. From this end it would be a nice thing to have... I know that there is some fair amount of trading of the issues going on (I've even had email offers to trade copies of APR PDFs in exchange for drawings & documents by people who apparently couldn't piece together that I'm That Guy as well), and being easily copied means that fewer people buy than otherwise might. But it would also very likely irritate the hell out of the honest buyers. Shrug.

The only way I could imagine that such a thing might be possible is to have each issue "registered" to a particular computer, much like Windows 7 or something. Almost certainly not worth the effort. And not an effort I'm going to bother with anyway.
Got V3N2 as well as the other 2 issues available at MagCloud. Good move. Even tho the price is a tad high, at least I can get them in print there. Do you plan on having MagCloud print the other back issues? V3N2 is a real winner, tho.
That'd be great! I won't need all of the back issues, just the ones after they went to CD or download only. I bought a few of the early CD versions but just can't get into that. Rather than try to download &/or get the CD & print it, I'd just as soon buy it already printed. The 3 I just got are the first ones I've bought in quite a while. Thanks.
famvburg said:
Even tho the price is a tad high,

Agreed. But MagCloud charges what they charge, and what they charge is kinda high.

I once looked at having a local print shop produce bound issues like this, and the price was *really* high. The only way to make 'em cost effective was with blah paper and crappy spiral binding. Meh.

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