
  1. Q

    Tupolev Tu-54

    This was a project of a heavy version of tu 45, the tu 45 was a heavy long range version of tu 22 m don't have much information but if you guys have some please share it here
  2. hesham

    Tupolev TB-3 Cutaway

    From, Бомбардировщик ТБ-3. Воздушный суперлинкор Сталина
  3. Triton

    Tupolev Tu-330

    Model of Tupolev Tu-330 on display at MAKS 2003. Source: http://www.avia-n-aero.ru/photo.php?category_id=360&parent_id=360
  4. flateric

    Tupolev OKB SST II studies (Tu-244 family)

    Found some interesting retrospective drawings in Vladimir Rigmant article in Krylya Rodiny backissue.
  5. flateric

    Tupolev 'Article 80' PAK DA bomber (Poslannik / Envoy)

    First published by RIAN on April 24 http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rian.ru%2Fdefense_safety%2Fweapons%2F20070421%2F64103333.html&langpair=ru%7Cen&hl=ru&newwindow=1&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools...
  6. GTX

    Tupolev Tu-204 Projects

    There was/is a maritime patrol version of the Tupolev Tu-204-200 - the Tu-204P. I believe it may even have included provision for a Cannon-pod. It was to replace the IL-38 amongst others. Not sure if it is still an active project or whether it died for lack of funds. Regards, Greg
  7. Tuomasn

    Tupolev Tu-160 projects

    Thread to discuss Tupolev Tu-160 based projects.
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