civil aviation

  1. N

    Handley page H.P.R 6 four engine turboprop? Vickers viscount replacement?

    I'm also looking for pics of this proposal for the dart Harold?
  2. Hood

    Vickers VC.4

    I have come across some information on the proposed VC.4 three-engined transatlantic airliner project of 1949. Information on the VC.4 was used to demonstrate aerodynamic drag issues in a Royal Aeronautical Society lecture by E. J. Edwards on 24 November 1949 entitled A Review of Aerodynamic...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Lullingstone Airport

    View: Some background on decoy airfields:
  4. Stargazer

    Krasnodar SKh-2 "Challenger": a unique agricultural aircraft prototype

    This story fascinates me... It shows what can be done when you have little resource but a lot of creativity... Unfortunately, the page which I took this article from had been saved onto my computer, and doesn't seem to be only any longer. Only one forum topic (in Russian) deals with this...
  5. M

    Japan's new net-zero airliner programme Just one year after the official end to the failure that was MRJ, Japan is trying to start another...
  6. Mike Pryce

    Westland Aircraft & Rotorcraft : Secret Projects & Cutting Edge technology
  7. persil

    Little-known Chinese helicopter projects

    Good day my friends. I am creating this thread in order to fill a little gap I am facing recently. There is a very nice thread on little-known American helicopters, where people share their findings on various designs. For roughly 10 to 15 years, maybe 20, the situation in China regarding...
  8. flateric

    NASA/industry small transport aircraft technology (STAT) studies from 80s

    some GA weirdo projects from early 80s
  9. uk 75

    Ireland's SST that never was

    Back in the 1960s Boeing was telling everyone that its Supersonic 2707 transport would be the must-have airliner for the 1970s. Some 26 airlines took out options on the plane. There is a comprehensive thread about the US designs on this site, but no illustrations of the artwork Boeing must have...
  10. Maveric

    Air-Metal Flugzeugbau und Entwicklungs GmbH

    The Air-Metal Flugzeug und Entwicklungs GmbH has worked in Erding since 1964 as an aircraft repair yard for touring aircraft and service work. In addition to this main activity, several projects were created. Bankruptcy proceedings in 1977 meant the end of the small business. The projects...
  11. uk 75

    The Gerry Anderson Fireflash that never was

    In the very first Thnunderbirds Episode "Trapped in the Sky" the London Airport building features the letters BAOC (based on the British Airways predecessor BOAC) as a rival to the Air Terrainean company who flew the Fireflash. As a BOAC fan I always hoped to see the BAOC version. So 50 years...
  12. uk 75

    Fireflash airliner from original TV Thunderbirds TV 21 artwork

    The Thunderbirds series from the 1960s featured in its first episode a wonderful airliner called Fireflash, which was totally improbable but looked very cool. In the series it crops up in a few episodes in the livery of "Air Terrainean", a sort of mixture of Pan American and BOAC. However, in...
  13. uk 75

    Bundeswehr Harriers

    In the late 60s the Germans were looking for a replacement for its ground attack Fiat G 91s. As an offset against costs for BAOR and RAF Germany the UK succeeds in selling Harriers to the Bundeswehr and getting Dornier involved in its production and a joint trainer which becomes the Hawk. HS and...
  14. uk 75

    Britsh Airways losing the plot

    Last night I was on board an 8 year old British Airways A320 from Berlin to London. For a half an hour after take off the route map screen showed us zigzagging round Berlin until the pilot told us that because some hydraulic equipment had failed he was returning to Berlin. We landed and the...
  15. hesham

    FAA Feederliner of 1944

  16. Triton

    Shanghai Y-10 The Shanghai Y-10, the Chinese attempt to copy the Boeing 707. Source:
  17. Stargazer

    The Smith B-2 "Arrowhead" Safety plane: Glenn Curtiss's last project

    Ever since 1911, Glenn H. Curtiss constantly dreamed of an airplane which would become a "family car of the air". His last efforts in this direction was a "flying wing" biplane with a pusher propeller, the configuration of which was very much like that of the Dunne D.8 of 1911. The similarity...
  18. archipeppe

    North American M-3000 (B-70 Civil version)

    Just to complete the B-70 excursus. Ciao Giuseppe
  19. Stargazer

    Navarro Safety Aircraft « Chief » 3-seater saloon monoplane (1931)

    Found this British aircraft of the 1930s and have no idea if it was actually produced, or if the Navarro company did anything else. Here are excerpts from the 1931 brochure... Has anyone heard of Navarro before? Other pics would be greatly appreciated! THE NAVARRO "CHIEF" THREE SEATER SALOON...
  20. Avimimus

    Concours de la Securite en Aeroplanes (pre-WWI 'safe' aircraft competitions)

    This sounds like a fascinating series of competitions (with more than fifty registrants and twenty flying prototypes in some years). I'm quite curious to no more about it. I've found references (and photos) of a few individual contenders - but trying to figure out what the designers were...
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