apollo applications program

  1. uk 75

    Moon 1970s

    As the US looks to go back to the Moon with Artemis my question here is, what might have been feasible in the 1970s to keep the US sending manned expeditions to the Moon? Clearly, the main obstacle was a political one. With no Soviet manned lunar programme once the US had got to the Moon first...
  2. uk 75

    Apollo Lunar Programme continued

    In an alternate world where the USA avoided the trauma of Vietnam and LBJ won a second term the Apollo moon and earth orbit programmes continued into the 70s as originally planned. Assuming that a similarly pro Apollo President had succeeded Johnson in 1973 and the US economy continued to...
  3. Graham1973

    NASA - Large Space Telescope (1972)

    This is one of the steps on the road to the Hubble Space Telescope. At this point in the process the telescope contains a lot of Apollo legacy hardware and was designed so that the shuttle could be docked with it to allow maintenance and instrument swap-outs to take place in a shirtsleeve...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Skylab savior Jack A. Kinzler RIP

    Via Slashdot: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/15/us/jack-kinzler-skylabs-savior-dies-at-94.html Jack Kinzler in 1973 with a photo of the thermal shield he created for the Skylab station. Credit United Press International Godspeed.
  5. C

    Alternative to STS program.

    What if in 1971-72 the Congress of United States had rejected the Space Shuttle program? Was realistic the end of all USA manned programs,or yet in 1969 this option was dismissed by Nixon for National prestige reasons? If we have no end of US manned presence in space,realistically which program...
  6. C

    Skylab B and Advanced Skylab for the Shuttle.

    Advanced Skylab. A great occasion lost. :'( A large space station for the Shuttle, straightway.
  7. Johnbr

    Manned Venus Flyby: Apollo’s Hail Mary Pass

    Found this here. http://falsesteps.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/manned-venus-flyby/
  8. Graham1973

    Lunar Surface Instrumentation (1966)

    I was looking for information on the Lunar Surveying Staff, an instrument proposed for the first series of Apollo flights and stumbled across a report into the proposed lunar surveying instrumentation intended for the lunar flights carried out under Apollo Applications. What is of interest...
  9. Triton

    AAP Manned Single-Launch Venus Fly-by Mission (1967)

    Preliminary Mission Study of a Single-Launch Manned Venus Flyby with Extended Apollo Hardware, MSC Internal Note No. 67-FM-25, Jack Funk and James J. Taylor, Advanced Mission Design Branch, Mission Planning and Analysis Division, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, February 13, 1967...
  10. flateric

    Why so few Skylab missions photos around?

    Well, question may seem idiotic, but really - why all we see so few photos (not talking of many hi-reses) from three Skylab manned missions - I mean those that were taken in space? You can look through NASAImages with keyword 'Skylab' to make your own opinion. Warning - my question has nothing...
  11. Triton

    Apollo Orbiting Primate Spacecraft (AAP)

    NASA's long term mission plans involved space-voyages lasting for several years. While Apollo would provide some information on the effect of weightlessness on the human body over short periods of time, the full effects of longer periods was considered an especial concern. To study the effects...
  12. XP67_Moonbat

    Salyut-Skylab Space Station

    Check it out! http://beyondapollo.blogspot.com/2009/09/skylab-salyut-space-laboratory-1972.html Moonbat
  13. Triton

    Apollo LM-derived projects

    Apollo Telescope Mount 01, "Stellar ATM" (Space World magazine, June 1972 (vol I-6-102), "Lunar Module Derivatives for Future Space Missions," pp.58) Apollo Telescope Mount 02 (Kenneth Gatland, "The Pocket Encyclopedia of Spaceflight in Color: Manned Spacecraft," 1967, p.230) Apollo...
  14. Triton

    Large space structure experiments for Apollo Applications Program (AAP)

    In 1966 NASA asked the Convair Division of General Dynamic to research the use of Apollo systems to test out large scale space construction projects. This research generated a report that consists of five volumes. Large space structure experiments for AAP. Volume 1 - Summary Final report, 15...
  15. Triton

    LM-B/Space Tug

    Does anyone know any details concerning the Grumman Lunar Module-B/Space Tug that was part of the Integrated Man Space Flight Program? I have found information that says its diameter was 22 feet and other information that says it was 15 feet. Did earlier concepts of the space shuttle have a...
  16. M

    Project Able ( Apollo + Sun Mirror )

    Hi everybody A sun-mirror to light up a battlefield ! http://www.orbiterwiki.org/wiki/Project_Apollo_for_Orbiter http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19790076663_1979076663.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19790076664_1979076664.pdf Many greetings
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