To my way of thinking, the only relatively new twist in all of this (in the last 100 years) is the re-emergence of Turkey as a power broker in the region. I suspect this is brought about by the maneuvers of Iran and their proxies, Russia in Crimea and Ukraine, and the ineptitude of NATO and independent US policies in the region. As a lifelong history buff, it is just rinse-repeat since people started writing things.
In my opinion, NATO ceased to make sense after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the UN after the admission of Red China and the World Trade Organization after pretending that China complies with its rules. On the other hand, I am convinced that all the countries in the area are tired of wars for nothing and that they would like to have another century of peace, if the Turks do better for everyone.


“These Low loaders are expected to be added to the transportation regiment in the Lebanese armed forces, whereby vehicles with similar capabilities are centralized at the same site to facilitate maintenance and professional training, and will be dispatched for tactical use only,” retired Lebanese Army Brig. Gen. Maroun Hitti, who served as the director of operations and the deputy chief of staff for planning, told Defense News.

He said the deal will see 80 trucks delivered to the three countries, each of which has an approximate value of $200,000. (The remaining money is to go toward maintenance costs.)

Hitti said that, amid Lebanon’s economic crisis, the trucks are expected to tremendously reduce the cost of transportation, while increasing military mobility.

Aram Nerguizian, senior associate with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Defense News that the initial delivery to Lebanon is for 23 HEMTTS (10 M977A4s and 13 M978A4s).

“These 23 trucks to the LAF [Lebanese Armed Forces] are part of a larger purchase of modern transportation systems using U.S. funding,” he said, explaining that this is part of a much larger $40 million acquisition by the military of more than 160 trucks.

The military “is using Section 333 to procure 50 2.5-ton trucks, and 50 5-ton trucks,” he said, referring to a U.S. government authority used to build the capacity of partner nations. “Additional 70 5-ton trucks are to be contracted under [the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Military Financing program] by the LAF.”
Another ambassador recalled (but not a French one this time) and a ban from the Algerian airspace for French military flights en-route to Mali.


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Not if they get a deal to fly and refuel via Gibraltar.
A rapprochement between Turkey and the US? Essentially who can trust a Turkey led by Erdigan who has destabilised NATO already with his pro Russian campaign? Militarily it threatens NATO's flank and threatens operations in the eastern Mediterranean TOO. This is no mere dalliance but a tactic to pitch the two blocks of interest at odds and it could end very badly. I can see Turkey being removed from NATO which would play into a certain pair of actors hands, "They made me do it" style.
A rapprochement between Turkey and the US? Essentially who can trust a Turkey led by Erdigan who has destabilised NATO already with his pro Russian campaign? Militarily it threatens NATO's flank and threatens operations in the eastern Mediterranean TOO. This is no mere dalliance but a tactic to pitch the two blocks of interest at odds and it could end very badly. I can see Turkey being removed from NATO which would play into a certain pair of actors hands, "They made me do it" style.
The populous generally is pro western, the west should not force the country eastward. The EU must constantly publicize that Turkey needs to meet EU prerequistes. Pressure Erdogan until he changes or the people remove him. Westeern corps need to continully press Erdogan to change to economically develop. The country is enriching w/o being forced to join the west. Western investment has the power.
It is pretty incredible. Most of our leaders have handled things terribly as far as it goes in the mid east and pacific. Lots of paying people off and lots of appeasement for some while for others the usual tactics of subversion and deceit. Color revolution or Arab spring tier nonsense that at best only partially accomplished their goals.

Funny how now that people are waking up to it here in the west we are seeing things like the "war on misinformation" and the dangers of far-right/far-left propaganda. Interestingly our enemies are using disinformation and propaganda but it seems that those in authority are more concerned that their narratives are failing and that their corruption and inseparable ties to big business are being exposed.

What a mess. I wonder what our glorious civil servants are planning next as far as Syria and Turkey and black sea region go.

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