North Korean Hypersonic thread


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21 January 2015
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North Korea has tested the Hwasong-8, a ballistic missile that utilizes a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV).

Here's the KCNA press release.

Hypersonic Missile Newly Developed by Academy of Defence Science Test-fired

Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- The Academy of Defence Science of the DPRK test-fired a hypersonic missile Hwasong-8 newly developed by it in Toyang-ri, Ryongrim County of Jagang Province on Tuesday morning.

Pak Jong Chon, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, watched the test-launch with leading officials in the sector of national defence science.

The development of the hypersonic missile, one of 5 top-priority tasks of the five-year plan facing the field of strategic weapon for the development of defence science and weapon system set forth at the 8th Congress of the Party, has been pushed forward according to a sequential, scientific and reliable development process.

The development of this weapon system which has been regarded as a top priority work under the special care of the Party's Central Committee is of great strategic significance in markedly boosting the independent power of ultra-modern defence science and technology of the country and in increasing the nation's capabilities for self-defence in every way.

In the first test-launch, national defence scientists confirmed the navigational control and stability of the missile in the active section and also its technical specifications including the guiding maneuverability and the gliding flight characteristics of the detached hypersonic gliding warhead.

It also ascertained the stability of the engine as well as of missile fuel ampoule that has been introduced for the first time.

The test results proved that all the technical specifications met the design requirements.

Pak Jong Chon mentioned the strategic importance of the development of the hypersonic missile and its deployment for action. He also noted the military significance of turning all missile fuel systems into ampoules.

He stressed the need for all the defence science research teams and workers of the munitions industry to rise up with higher spirit to implement the decisions made at the 8th Party Congress true to our Party's policy of prioritizing defence science and technology and thus make greater successes in the work of increasing the country's defence capabilities thousand-fold. -0-
The photos that were presented of this new missile looks more like a MaRV (similar to the Pershing II) than a glider vehicle (HGV).
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Notice the canted installation suggesting that this is legit (roadable)

And in case the South Korean infantry is already there, it doubles down as a bayonet!
If China is sharing hypersonic tech with North Korea, then China can kiss goodbye any chance that Korea or Japan shy away from allowing the US to deploy IRBMs in the region (or the development of their own).
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If China is sharing hypersonic tech with North Korea, then China can kiss goodbye any chance that Korea or Japan shy away from allowing the US to deploy IRBMs in the region (or the development of their own).
If people were more informed, these comments would not exist.

Conical warhead with fins can generate lift and doing maneuver to extend range is gliding as that is what gliders do in basic form.
There is clear confusion between the concepts.

For example, the Taepodong claims that the KN-23/24 are hypersonic missiles, they are, but they are not maneuverable like a MaRV let alone an HGV. These North Korean missiles are called aeroballistic or semi-ballistic because they don't follow a parabolic trajectory, but on a depressed trajectory, they never leave the atmosphere, and only a few ballistic missiles in the world are semi-ballistic and leave the atmosphere, but still do not meet a ballistic trajectory per se.

The people who claim that the North Koreans have tested a MaRV are correct, at least if it's the vehicle in the image I've attached, it's definitely a MaRV and not an HGV. Conical warheads that have small fins (MaRV) are not able to glide like an HGV, because of the low lift/drag ratio.


For example, a missile like the KN-23/24 could be equipped with MaRV to improve accuracy, it will meet a depressed trajectory as it does not even leave the atmosphere, so in the terminal phase, the set of fins will give an advantage in the maneuverability of the missile to hit the target more accurately, and even acting on that trajectory it will be at hypersonic speeds.

Qiam 1 is a short-range ballistic missile designed and built by Iran. It was developed from the Iranian Shahab-2, a licensed copy of the North Korean Hwasong-6, which are versions of the Soviet Scud-C missile. The Qiam 1 entered service in 2010, with a range of 800 km and 10 m precision, equipped with a MaRV.
Well as much as this guy wants to pretend he's smarter than military officials, he's got it wrong about the point being discussed here. If the new missile/warhead is faster than the speed of hypersonic regime is not the focus here. As the ROKA explained, missiles of this particular range generally exceed the top speed of Mach 5+. What's important is if such speed is sustained. ROKA says it hasn't, so does the US and they therefore have categorized the new missile and the warhead not to be a hypersonic weapon, although it's still an initial assessment. I'd obviously believe what ROKA and USFK say based on the trajectory they obtained from radars than what a mere Taiwanese twitter shitpost says.

Apart from that, it's still a worrying trend that NK is venturing into the territory of MaRV and more accurate BMs, not to mention the ampoulized fuel.
Apart from that, it's still a worrying trend that NK is venturing into the territory of MaRV and more accurate BMs, not to mention the ampoulized fuel.
There is nothing worrying about that.

They already tested a MaRV on SCUD-type ballistic missile few years back.

The more accurate they are the less chance of collateral casualties unless you're one of those people that are going to assert that they would use their military might targeting civilians instead of military targets because as if they are some comic book style villains.

Propellant tanks being ampoulized by being pre-fueled at factory and sealed means that their liquid fuel missile has much shorter preparation time by being pre-fueled and has far longer ready time unlike non-ampoulized liquid fuel missile that when fueled at most can be in ready state for a month before corrosion eats away at propellant tanks.

I'd obviously believe what ROKA and USFK say based on the trajectory they obtained from radars than what a mere Taiwanese twitter shitpost says.
Only time ever for example ROKA and USFK reported on North Korea launching own derivative of OTR-21 Tochka in past decade was when they launched those from western and eastern coast such as Wonsan that is 100 kilometers away from DMZ while MaRV of new missile is of smaller dimensions than ATACMS which itself is smaller than OTR-21 Tochka...

Hence how can we be sure that those radars only tracked the body while not registering MaRV itself?
If China is sharing hypersonic tech with North Korea, then China can kiss goodbye any chance that Korea or Japan shy away from allowing the US to deploy IRBMs in the region (or the development of their own).
If people were more informed, these comments would not exist.

Which part?
Isn't that obvious? Implying its China.
North Korea falls within China's geopolitical sphere and has been historically assisted by China. Do you believe they are developing this on their own?
North Korea falls within China's geopolitical sphere and has been historically assisted by China.
...and that doesn't mean that they receive what you allege/assert.

Do you believe they are developing this on their own?
It took China about 15 years from first SRBM to ICBM and for North Korea that figure is over 30 years.
...and that doesn't mean that they receive what you allege/assert.

It took China about 15 years from first SRBM to ICBM and for North Korea that figure is over 30 years.

The CIA would like to disagree with you. Do you believe North Korea is developing their hypersonic technology independently?
Pershing?! Is that you???
Isn't that obvious? Implying its China
Well you are already oh so wrong considering where the NK gets their TEL vehicles from. Talking about the possibilities of the Chinese assistance in this matter is well within the realm of reasonable, well, possibilities. Just like how the Russians provided vast amount of help in this matter.

The CIA would like to disagree with you.
The very CIA you have in high regard labeled space launch vehicles as long range intercontinental ballistic missiles...

Do you believe North Korea is developing their hypersonic technology independently?
It is possible for them to do so.

Onlt question is on extent of cooperation betwen them and Iran in matters of research and development.

Well you are already oh so wrong considering where the NK gets their TEL vehicles from. Talking about the possibilities of the Chinese assistance in this matter is well within the realm of reasonable, well, possibilities. Just like how the Russians provided vast amount of help in this matter.
It is very ironic ans disingenuous coming from you to label someone as being wrong.

China did not export transporter erector launchers to North Korea. It is unreasonable to consider possibility of Chinese assistance to North Korea considering many such assertions and accusations being made aren't credible as too for Russia.

Both China and Russia were accussed by some as providing rocket propellants to North Korea yet such was proven wrong by others that found facilities that produce such. If Russia was assisting then they would not intercept covert shipping of aramid fibers to North Korea. If China was assisting then we would have seen details of it in design of their ballistic missiles just we see on Pakistani ballistic missiles.

For example when North Korea had first successful test of submarine launched ballistic missile then some asserted that it must have been based on Chinese JL-1 yet it is blatantly obvious to anyone informed about topic that JL-1 has 4 nozzles and Pukguksong-1 has 1 nozzle.
It is very ironic ans disingenuous coming from you to label someone as being wrong.
Oh, is it? Let's see.
The very CIA you have in high regard labeled space launch vehicles as long range intercontinental ballistic missiles...
You mean a SLV called Taepodong missile, based on Scud technologies. Guess you would freak out to find out there are SLV versions of R-7 and the Israeli SLVs are based on their converted ballistic missiles.
It is possible for them to do so.

Onlt question is on extent of cooperation betwen them and Iran in matters of research and development.
No, experts like ADD researchers disagree. One of them, a former researcher in ballistic missiles department wrote :
The development of North Korean missiles were too fast to be seen as an entirely indigenous effort. Even if the budget needed for such developments were able to have been covered by the money they earned selling Iran missiles and various other overseas activities, considering North Korean infrastructure and expertise, it is hard to believe they have set up the mass production cycle of Scud-B, Nodong and following missiles. The numbers of flight tests were very much limited and is substandard.
China did not export transporter erector launchers to North Korea. It is unreasonable to consider possibility of Chinese assistance to North Korea considering many such assertions and accusations being made aren't credible as too for Russia.

Both China and Russia were accussed by some as providing rocket propellants to North Korea yet such was proven wrong by others that found facilities that produce such. If Russia was assisting then they would not intercept covert shipping of aramid fibers to North Korea. If China was assisting then we would have seen details of it in design of their ballistic missiles just we see on Pakistani ballistic missiles.

For example when North Korea had first successful test of submarine launched ballistic missile then some asserted that it must have been based on Chinese JL-1 yet it is blatantly obvious to anyone informed about topic that JL-1 has 4 nozzles and Pukguksong-1 has 1 nozzle.
Firstly, then where did all those TEL vehicles come from? It must have just appeared out of nowhere, since according to you, China didn't supply those? Also you are nitpicking some of the cases in a grand scheme of things that is North Korean missile development that suits your narrative. Furthermore, by "Russian help" I didn't specify the specific period.

So then, how would you explain the Russian engineers from Makeyev design bureau who have helped NK develop their missiles?
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You mean a SLV called Taepodong missile, based on Scud technologies.
You need to make a choice, is it ballistic missile to you or do you conceded that it is a space launch vehicle hence admit that labeling it as long range ballistic missile is of political nature with no basis on its design and trajectory that rocket was launched at, yes or no?

Guess you would freak out to find out there are SLV versions of R-7 and the Israeli SLVs are based on their converted ballistic missiles.
Somehow I would freak about what I already know when you assume I am not aware of that since that is conclusion you're jumping to while proving my point about you being disingenuous since it is not comparable comparison as Paektusan is not adapted from some intercontinental ballistic missile unlike for example Tsyklon-3 derived from R-36 or Titan 23G derived from Titan II.

No, experts like ADD researchers disagree. One of them, a former researcher in ballistic missiles department wrote :
Just by reading this sentence it already set expectation of arrogance and ignorance...

The development of North Korean missiles were too fast to be seen as an entirely indigenous effort. Even if the budget needed for such developments were able to have been covered by the money they earned selling Iran missiles and various other overseas activities, considering North Korean infrastructure and expertise, it is hard to believe they have set up the mass production cycle of Scud-B, Nodong and following missiles. The numbers of flight tests were very much limited and is substandard.
...and of course the expectation is fulfilled for both, Soviet Union went from SRBM to ICBM in 12 years and mainland China in 15 years.

If we count North Korea acquiring R-17 from Egypt as very starting point of their ballistic missile program in 1979 then it took them 38 years that is more than three times longer than Soviet Union and more than two times than mainland China from SRBM to ICBM.

You take seriously someone that can't even properly refer to those missiles by actual designation as designated by North Korea along fact on making claims about North Korean infrastructure and expertise that is just another set of arrogant assertions as was accusations that North Korea got UDMH and N2O4 fuel from China or Russia along RD-250 rocket engines from Russia or Ukraine.

Whenever North Korea achieves something notable then you can read South Koreans asserting it must be from China or with Chinese assistance while those with at least very basic manners admit that its not verified yet they just shorty before made assertions.

Instead you should listen to someone that actually has attention on North Korea and its missile developments:

Firstly, then where did all those TEL vehicles come from?

It must have just appeared out of nowhere, since according to you, China didn't supply those?
That is your conclusion as apparently only thing you're capable of is jumping to conclusion like South Koreans that it must be Chinese.

Do you see in North Korea transporter erector launchers used by mainland China or exported by them for example to Pakistan?

They produce CNC machines and heavy V8 engines, presentation by Joshua Pollack.

Also you are nitpicking some of the cases in a grand scheme of things that is North Korean missile development that suits your narrative.
Ironic, say that for example to Jeffrey Lewis and Joshua Pollack.

So then, how would you explain the Russian engineers from Makeyev design bureau who have helped NK develop their missiles?
I can't explain what has only been rumored and never confirmed in nearly 30 years.

That is just like South Koreans claiming that North Korea has Mig-25.
You need to make a choice, is it ballistic missile to you or do you conceded that it is a space launch vehicle hence admit that labeling it as long range ballistic missile is of political nature with no basis on its design and trajectory that rocket was launched at, yes or no?
The word "SLV" was used to denote what you have mentioned, "space launch vehicle", not that I think it is an actual SLV developed for actual space related purposes.
Somehow I would freak about what I already know
Someone should understand that not everything written in words mean what's written but there exists something called a satire and sarcasm.
...and of course the expectation is fulfilled for both, Soviet Union went from SRBM to ICBM in 12 years and mainland China in 15 years.
Ah yes, just blindly comparing two east-bloc nations to a country as broke as NK, who would've guessed? As if NK was and is in identical situation as those two examples. Quelle surprise!
You take seriously someone that can't even properly refer to those missiles by actual designation as designated by North Korea along fact on making claims about North Korean infrastructure and expertise that is just another set of arrogant assertions as was accusations that North Korea got UDMH and N2O4 fuel from China or Russia along RD-250 rocket engines from Russia or Ukraine.
Well yes, because surely I would deem some random fella on a English speaking forum more credible and knowledgeable than people such as Dr. Jung Gyu Soo who's developed ballistic missiles for more than 3 decades in ADD. Of course my friend. Before jumping to labelling anything of arrogance and ignorance, you should first go and reflect on yourself.
Instead you should listen to someone that actually has attention on North Korea and its missile developments:
Or you should pay attention to someone who has actual ballistic missile development background
Do you see in North Korea transporter erector launchers used by mainland China or exported by them for example to Pakistan?

They produce CNC machines and heavy V8 engines, presentation by Joshua Pollack.
Oh, as if CNC and V8 engine technologies are all you need to develop, produce, and field TEL in numbers? Also, there's already a good example of WS51200 based TEL being operated by NK, so what you gonna say now? The technology to convert those trucks into military TEL? Tell me they all originate from the NK. Moreover, I have never argued that the same TEL is being operated by China so go ahead with more strawman arguments.
Ironic, say that for example to Jeffrey Lewis and Joshua Pollack.
Yeah, go ahead and tell your stories to Jung Gyu Soo. Researchers of CNS or not, it doesn't change that people you are quoting are mainly working with information gathered by OSINT as opposed to ADD researchers who were working and have had far more chances to access confidential data.
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The analysis I did before. At least the model displayed in the parade should look like this.


The final modeling:


It is easy to find the obvious difference between HS-8 and DF-17.

For North Korean missile scientists, this is a smart choice, and the simplified shape as much as possible is beneficial to calculation and prediction.

At the same time, the important point is that the internal capacity of this design is also larger, allowing the installation of larger nuclear warheads.
The new type solid hypersonic missile
Some possible configurations, I guessed based on previous reports. But whether it is close to the actual situation still needs more information.
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