SpaceX (general discussion)


Geez, if the Chinese go the Starlink way, soon there will be so many satellites above our heads, astronauts will be able to walk on them as on a solid surface...

That scene from Wall-E is fast becoming a reality

Remember when Trump suggested skipping 5G and going directly to 6G and he was mocked?
He was mocked because he was talking out of his ass, with about as much command of the topic as those who are claiming "5G radiation" is effecting their sexuality.

The 6th wireless telecom generation isn't well defined yet, let alone specced, which compares unfavorably to the massive 5G infrastructure currently in place. China's "6G satellite" is a pathfinder technology demonstration mission. But, much as Sprint during the transition to 4G and AT&T during 5G's adoption, there's not much done about companies slapping labels on stuff without the specs to back it up. Maybe Elon should have called Starlink "6G" instead and beaten them to the punch.
*sigh* No. He was basically suggesting skipping a generation, and getting a jump on the next stage. But I get it. Orange Man is the dumbth. :rolleyes:
Turns out that the Super Heavy interstage we saw just the other day was a pathfinder; this one is the real deal with big milled components vs the bolted-together sheet metal:

They've also just attached a giant hoist / winch motor to the new launch tower - it's speculated that it'll be used to move the catching arms for Super Heavy up and down a set of rails or something along those lines:

They appear to be constructing a shed or cage around it too, in case there was any doubt about its permanence:
They appear to be constructing a shed or cage around it too, in case there was any doubt about its permanence:
This is a NOV ADS-30Q from Drawworks Hoisting System
It has hock load of 1245 tons on 16 cables

Either it's for Launchtower crane or this system that catch returning Superheavy

Either it's for Launchtower crane or this system that catch returning Superheavy
Curiously, that construction of such exotic buildings and advanced rockets have been accomplished with off-the shelf machinery, materials and tools, used in proper places and situations. Super-heavy-load cranes, stainless steel welding could be used anywhere - and played the crucial roles in the building of most advanced space technology :cool:
Yes. Most of the new technology introduced with Starship comes from pressure tanks and boilers. I guess that Elon might have been attentive to the work done by contractors when they set up their fuel storage tanks.
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According Information by Nasa Spaceflight Forum

is the NOV ADS-30Q salvage from the Phobos oil platform and refurbish

Steampunk rocket !! :cool: Well, Steelpunk might be more appropriate... or Steelpuck !

Picture Issue of Amazing story October 1948 and Starbase 2021


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Another problems for SpaceX Starbase

Save RGV a so called non-profit Organisation that "protect nature" in Cameron County
Issue several complains about SpaceX operations
Their new idea is to forbid any further road closure on highway 4 for rest of year for SpaceX !

In mean time the Security personnel of Starbase have issue with local law and order personnel.
Do issue were Security forbid access or block roads for people of Save RGV.
Who called a Attorney from Cameron County,
After Texas law only law and order personnel are allow to do this, not private Security...

More Info about "Save RGV from LNG"

Founded December 2019 against a project to build LNG Terminals in Port of Brownsville (North West of Starbase)

curious, that's 5 years after this LNG project became public
Strange is that Save RGV got allot of International Partners like Amis de la Terre - France
together they are seven groups that took legal action against SpaceX...

There next target is Jupiter MLP, a refinery to be build in Port of Brownsville

What bring us to RGV newest enemy: SpaceX
RGV accusation:

- Illegal operations and conduct
- Wetland destruction
- Impacts to Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge and Lower Rio Grande National Wildlife Refuge
- Impacts to wildlife (especially birds and sea turtles)
- Decline in Tourism

They make same accusations also against LNG Terminals and Jupiter MLP
The Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge lies 10 km north west from Starbase.
While Lower Rio Grande National Wildlife Refuge lies around 100 km west from Starbase
Note Starbase lies in Las Palomas Wildlife Management Area (That's NOT a Wildlife Refuge)
While the area has increase of Tourism once SpaceX do a test flight...

Yet another manifestation of the insanity of the times, I'm afraid. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it ultimately turns out that they were being used by other interests, domestic, foreign, or both.
Yet another manifestation of the insanity of the times, I'm afraid. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it ultimately turns out that they were being used by other interests, domestic, foreign, or both.
I would be more surprised if they weren't. Many of these groups are for sale.
That July date is nothing more than an internal date to apply pressure to SpaceX employees and contractors; there's no feasible way for it to occur in July; SN20 needs to be assembled, cryo-tested and static fired, which has historically taken about 2 months, and then on top of that the current Super Heavy being assembled apparently is no longer planned for orbital flight, meaning we won't see it's successor get assembled until the second half of July at the earliest, let alone undergo the testing required before any flight.
Suborbital pad A is modified for BN3 testing (seems it's now a engineer testing model)

SN15 and SN16 are stored and supported by ground equipment
i wonder what are they assembly on left side ?

The Yellow pipes are something for the launch tower, could be holders for Propellant lines to rocket according nasaspaceflight
Generally you want to avoid awkward angles with tubular frame welding.
The section cutout and corresponding weld quality is really dependent on geometry and crew experience (which is corresponding to that rule).

90% of times, there is no valid structural reasons to go beyond 60 degree.
Yes yes, machine there is. But what you have on your FEA analysis depends on mesh geometry whish are sensible to acute angles and elongated portions. Then the delta b/w true and real is aggravated. Add build and weld quality and you are expending something out of a reasonable range where cheap and safe prevails.
The result is a thicker section that would be useful only on the joint but you carry through the entire length of the pipe, often, the frame assembly and a weight increase that you pay as an extra load to carry, in material, shipping and on-site tooling...
All that for a sin(15) extra length...
Yes yes, machine there is. But what you have on your FEA analysis depends on mesh geometry whish are sensible to acute angles and elongated portions. Then the delta b/w true and real is aggravated. Add build and weld quality and you are expending something out of a reasonable range where cheap and safe prevails.
The result is a thicker section that would be useful only on the joint but you carry through the entire length of the pipe, often, the frame assembly and a weight increase that you pay as an extra load to carry, in material, shipping and on-site tooling...
All that for a sin(15) extra length...
Which part are you seeing as a problem specifically?
Perhaps meant as a mock up to iron out potential problems building the real thing?
I don't have an answer there. Maybe the person/company doing the design doesn't have a lot of experience with that kind of structure and "it passed FEA so it's good enough". Too many unknowns. Did they do it in house or sub it out? I'd think if you had someone who specialized in that kind of structure they'd have optimized it.
Don't want to scare someone - but these are Martians! They assembled their dangerous tripods in Boca-Chica, and soon start their conquest of the world. Beware of "Heat-Ray" and "Black Smoke".
P.S. Obviously, their are suffered many problems constructing their things in the Earth' conditions, hence some errors and imperfections in metal structures.
P.P.S. What we think as a demonstrations of "Launcher's landings" were actually start of invasion - spacecraft from Red Planet, fired from giant cannon in clever time to pretend as an activity of "Space X". Mr. Wells was right, he was not just a sci-fi author, but a perfect analytic. Sadly, no one understand him today...
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