Aeroplane Monthly 2018-9,a Good Article about BAC TSR.2


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26 May 2006
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in Aeroplane Monthly 2018-9,a very good article about BAC TSR.2,with
many drawings.
Can anyone tell me exactly what purpose the aircraft was designed to serve?
I think the Aussies sussed it - a very expensive way to deliver HE.

I'm expecting this lot at Bristow's when I come in.



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CNH said:
Can anyone tell me exactly what purpose the aircraft was designed to serve?
Tactical Strike Reconnaissance and show off in general. It also continued the great British tradition of spending lots of money and having nothing to show for it ;D

Two of the three men who flew the TSR2, Don Knight and the late Jimmy Dell, recall their part in the programme

A TSR2 engineer remembers a head-up display challenge

The weapons that would have formed the TSR2’s arsenal

The debates didn’t go away when the TSR2 was cancelled — far from it, in fact
According to the database of my local newsagent, these two articles are from Chris Gibson, aka CJGibson here in this forum. ;) :)
It's particularly tragic when a great aircraft design is cancelled in favor of something that turns out to be a dud. In the case of the Avro Arrow, it was the Bomarc, a definite dud; eventually Canada bought the F-101 Voodoo, which at least was a reasonable aircraft. In the case of the TSR2, it was the F-111, a real dud since it never entered service with the RAF! The eventual replacement, I guess, was a combination of the Buccaneer and the Phantom.
gatoraptor said:
It's particularly tragic when a great aircraft design is cancelled in favor of something that turns out to be a dud. In the case of the Avro Arrow, it was the Bomarc, a definite dud; eventually Canada bought the F-101 Voodoo, which at least was a reasonable aircraft. In the case of the TSR2, it was the F-111, a real dud since it never entered service with the RAF! The eventual replacement, I guess, was a combination of the Buccaneer and the Phantom.

I would argue that the TSR.2's eventual replacement was the Tornado, which I actually consider a much more useful aircraft than the TSR.2 would have been. I mean that in the sense that, IMHO, the TSR.2 was too specialized and it's small wing would have limited it in other roles. Whereas, I think the Tornado was a better multirole aircraft. While the F.3 was a modified and specialized Tornado, I think it handled the interceptor role well.
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Its good to see a mainstream magazine taking a more nuanced approach to the TSR.2 saga. There can't be much left to cover now, so these more tangential aspects, like the engineer's viewpoints are very welcome.
Also in the same magazine is an article on the British evaluation of the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow.
I have lost my local newsagents and the local supermarkets dont do much in the way of mags.
Normally I would browse the copy in Smiths in Oxford but in the words of Basil Fawlty "another avenue of pleasure closed off to me".
Have all the main books on TSR2 plus numerous cuttings and models so splashing a Fiver on a mail copy for a few pages not an option, prefer some unhealthy food instead.
The main TSR.2 feature in the March 2021 mag is a long article by Chris Gibson on the TSR.2/P.1154/HA.681 trio and how well suited they might, or might not, have been for the RAF had they been built.
The other article is by Stewart Wilson and covers Australian interest and how far it may, or may not, have rescued the programme.

I've not yet read them so can't give you spoilers.
When it shows up over here, I'll probably buy two copies to encourage articles like that.
I was allowed out over the weekend as a 65y old wrinkly to get a Covid vaccine part 1. (really first class team effort friendly and fast like British Airways on a good day).
So I ponied up for Aeroplane Monthly in a little newsagents.
I really dont like this magazine as it seems mainly aimed at "fans". But as I wrote above, CJB's words are always worth reading.. I have already traduced them a bit in the bar.
They did try to have some artwork showing TSR2, P1154 and 681 together. Only side views in 80s schemes but any port in a storm.
Both TSR.2 articles are well balanced and probably won't please the TSR.2 fanboys or Wilson conspiracy theorists.
There is also an interesting article with an interview with an RAF Tornado pilot who was the last on the RAAF F-111 exchange programme with some interesting comparisons between the two types.

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