Aviation, Imagination of the Future from the Past

From the old Paleofuture website, a 1960 concept for a Disaster Response Vehicle:


Original Caption: "Car of the future" sketch from Ford

“Today’s developments, no matter how advanced,” [Kohr] said then, “will be antiquated by 1965 — though that is just a little too far in the future for any accurate prediction.

“The passenger car engine probably will be lighter, smaller and more compact. It should have greater combustion efficiency, higher compression ratios and improved ignition. If some of today’s knotty metallurgical problems are solved, a gas turbine power plant, weighing roughly half as much as the reciprocating engine, may be used.

“Tomorrow’s automobile will be a highly dependable and durable vehicle, requiring fewer repairs and less frequent servicing. Strong, light metals, such as magnesium and titanium, may perform increasingly important roles in engine and body construction.

“Visibility will be enhanced, probably by smaller structural supports and greater use of glass — although car glass may be tough enough to support the roof itself, and impregnated to filter out the burning rays of the sun. Stylists will attempt to lower the future automobile, imparting a longer, wider and faster look. Sliding car doors are a possibility. Electronic controls will be popular.”

Read more: http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/paleofuture/2011/10/1955-imagines-travel-in-1965/#ixzz2OZoWOoX6
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"...Stylists will attempt to lower the future automobile,..."

The change of stature of the average driver obviously still wasn't a theme. Happy times back then !


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here is some ideas for future,a Germany two-case cargo dirigible,a Russian FSW
aircraft and early Ekranoplanes.



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also from the same site,a ultra huge airplanes and a Russian hypersonic


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The dirigible "DELPHIN" was designed by Ulrich Queck and W.Schmidt in the D.D.R (GDR) in the sixties .


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And from Flieger Revue in the DDR (GDR) :


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Very nice drawing my dear Richard,

and for Flightglobal,a future fighter of 1952;



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Every year cyclones wreak havoc. People are killed, ships sink, bridges get torn apart as if made of matches and countless people become homeless.
But aircraft can track the storms early. By scattering silver iodide or dry ice, the violence of the storms are broken. The whirlpool of air gets distorted. Even the direction of the wind can be changed significantly by this method.

Translated from the semi-monthly
ZB Illustrierte magazine, July 1957.


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Under water and in the air — as you like — the turbine aircraft will be controlled thanks to its adequate design. The concept is feasible since air is "liquid".

Translated from the semi-monthly ZB Illustrierte, July 1957.


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Stéphane, many thanks for pointing me to that magazine ! Really interesting reading, a lot
of in the style of "Atomic Cafe" .... "duck and cover !" in the event of a nuclear attack, but
nevertheless an authentic document about the sprit of the time of the '50s/'60s.

here is the Armstrong Whitworth imagination of future tailless transport aircraft.


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Back in 1964, a RAND paper predicted that the breeding of intelligent animals (apes, cetaceans, etc.) for low-grade labor would be possible by the year 2020. They also predicted possible uses for such animals in reconnaissance and other 'ground-combat tasks'.


A link to the mentioned RAND paper can be found here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,8219.msg186080.html#msg186080
The success of the Gerry Anderson TV shows in the 1960s led to a magazine based on them called TV 21. The relevance of this to this thread is that TV 21 portrayed a world about 100 years in the future from 1965.

The magazine (it was more than a comic) presented some fantastic, if totally impractical designs. I post two here from the 1966 Summer Special courtesy of google images. I would have posted a link to the site but my computer won’t connect to it at the moment. It is a great site called projects sword toys.

The reappearance of the Anderson series in the early 90s led to a new flurry of magazines with the original TV 21 artwork. These have also appeared in books.

The artist Graham Bleathman did some wonderful colour cross sections. Some can be seen on this site below.


TV 21 remains a strong memory for me because unlike Star Trek or Dr Who it portrayed a complete future world based on the world as it was in the 1960s extrapolated from the Anderson shows but with a whole back story. It even allowed Terry Nation to lend his Daleks minus Dr Who into a series of stories that were later re-published as the Dalek Chronicles. When this series ended it left open the possibility of the Daleks arriving in the TV21 world of 2067 (something I had a bash at describing


Nothing since has grabbed my interest quite so much.


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- - MAC-1; a low speed high capacity conveyor type system for use
in such Major Activity Centers as central business districts
and terminals.

- - MAC-2; a low speed, medium capacity, personal-vehicle-onguideway
system for use in central business districts and

- - Dial-A-Bus; a computer-scheduled jitney-size vehicle designed
to provide door-to-door service in low density areas characterized
by diffused origin-destination trips.

- - PAS; a Personalized Automobile Service which uses small battery
operated autos at depots 500 to 1000 feet apart in low density
areas for local travel.

- - NET 1-2; an urban wide Network of guideways 1 or 2 miles apart
for fully automated continuous auto type vehicle flow at 50 to
70 miles per hour.

- - NET 3; a second generation NET development to permit street to
guideway access to vehicles.

- - FTL-1; a Fast Transit Link designed to provide high velocity
(100 to 140 MPH), high capacity travel between major centers
for trips up to 50 miles.

- - FTL-2; service similar to FTL-1 with velocities of up to 300 MPH
based on use of evacuated tunnels to reduce drag.

- - HSR-A; intercity rail systems based on improvements to vehicles
and existing track which will allow maximum speeds of 150 MPH.

- - HSR-C; completely new rail system designed to provide maximum
speeds of 200 MPR.

- - TACV; a guideway and air cushion vehicle system for intercity
travel at maximum speeds of 300 MPH.

- - TVS; vehicles traveling on continuous tracks in reduced pressure
tunnels at intercity speeds of up to 400 miles per hour.

- - Auto-Pallet; fully automated individual flow pallets which bodily
transport automobiles for intercity travel at speeds of up
to 130 miles per hour.

Technological Forecast: 1975-2000. A Descriptive Outlook and Method for Quantitative Prediction May 1970
US Department of Transportation, Office of Systems Analysis and Information

here is a weird French SST aircraft.


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Got a few issues of the short-lived Science pour tous but none with that particular page I'm afraid.

The issue that is mentioned in the article (N°11, December 1947) I DO have but that's not the one which the page came from!
hesham said:
here is from a Russian film,a space rocket being launch from twin fuselage aircraft
in 1957.

Father of the Stratolaunch Roc!
this time french vision of future of 1970s the Mach 3 aircraft.
"Demain mach 3", in: "Vaillant" Nr.931, Paris, March 1963


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Hi Gray,

please,can you focus on aviation,that was my intention when I opened this topic.
Shown in the "Fliegerkalender 2014", just to show, that submersible aircraft were already en vogue before WW II,
a "Danish design, already tested in the North Sea", published in Modern Mechanics 1930. It bears some resemblance
to the Dornier Wal, should have telescopic wings, foldable tailplane ad torpedo tubes in the bow.


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