South African Radar & EW and Communications Projects

Re: South African Radar & EW Projects

stealthflanker said:
Has South Africa every try to make fighter aircraft radar ?

Seeing advanced projects like Carver got me thinking of that.

There was some mention in Those Who Had The Power of a Project Mecanno that was to possibly produce a multimode fighter radar.
I seem to recall it lead (after Carver cancellation) to a ground based demonstrator or spin-off.


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Re: South African Radar & EW Projects

I had not been aware of this one before - apparently called "Eekhoring" - Radar, Troop Fire Control Post (FCP), was used with 23mm Bosvark AAA system. (taken from a recent FB post).


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Here's an interesting brochure from the CSIR on our SAR radar development - I collected it at AAD 2018.


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Here's a very interesting one - a Self Protection/Jamming Pod.


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Here's a flyer relating to the Meerkat radar and surveillance system (as per my post #33 above) - unfortunately, apart from a nice picture of the system, it gives very little in terms of detailed info/specs.


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Quite a nice article from the CSIR's internal Dossier - it covers South African radar involvement and development from the start of World War 2. While it does not go into as much detail on some of the project as I would have liked, it certainly gives some good clarification, correct chronological sequence and some interesting tid bits. I found it interesting that it states that SAR radar development has been re-activated, initially for use on UAV's and later for use on satellites. Note it's dated 2016


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An interesting update on a new generation of (software defined) radio development for the SANDF:

“The development and industrialisation phase of the new generation tactical communication system is nearing completion and industrialisation of the four major sub-systems: high frequency radio, very/ultra-high frequency radio, intra-platform communication and short range communication systems have been completed and all manufacturing baselines established”.

“The communication system encompasses state-of-the-art transmission and information security techniques, incorporating semi real-time data link performance characteristics and digital voice communication. Development of various elements in this system are completed and will result in the first tactical communications system in the world that will provide complete inter-operability between all elements of the battlefield (air force, army, navy, etc.) without using gateways or protocol converters,”


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Just a bit of nostalgia (although it certainly can be considered a prototype too), some info and a photo of a model of one the first South African radar 'houses' deployed on our coast during the earlier stages of WW2 - it has just gone on display at the Naval museum in Simon's Town.


This model represents South Africa’s first secret radar detection station installed in April 1942 above the Cape Point lighthouse. Using the JB system it added some protection to Allied convoys from enemy U-boats and surface raiders. Reutech repaired the model to a running (rotating) state, according to the Museum.



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Some stuff I scanned from Janes IDR (August 1997) Relating to our helmet mounted display/sight that we had developed. Although we partnered with Pilkington here, the whole helmet was pretty much our design and development (I think this was as part of the Rooivalk (Red Kestral offering to the UK at the time).


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Following on to the above, it's since been found that the helmet tracking part of our HMD's (head position sensor) is much more advanced and better than anyone else's (much more accurate, lighter, reliable and even more cost effective), however some of the giant international defence firms have by now overtaken us in terms of electronics/electro optical development. So now we provide the HMD tracking solution to a number of HMD's and in this case worked with SAAB and BAe to develop the Cobra HMD for the Gripens that we had just bought. Our HMD tracking solution is now used in both the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Dassault Rafale. I'm not sure as to the accuracy in this report about us using the Israeli DASH HMD's - The Israelis got the whole HMD idea and technology from us when we showed them our earlier (in operational use) designs during the late 1970's... Perhaps someone with some intimate knowledge on this can confirm?


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Just a general update on the South African division of Hensoldt's latest and forthcoming development (EW/Radar/Optronics/Comint etc.), just how much of it is local design and development as apposed to German tech, I cannot say, however it's very likely that at least a half to two thirds of these new products would be local (South African) developed/designed.


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A nice pic of the EDR 120 Radar (in the foreground), no other info, however I am very keen to find out as to what the radar in the background is..? (perhaps it's a counter battery radar?).


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Following on to my posts #60/61 - Here's an old Kentron brochure (pre 1996) on their Helmet sights - the cost effective, heavier Hesperus - designed more for attack helicopters/ships/armoured vehicles, featuring a mechanical arm attachment offering an aiming reticle and some basic weapons info/target range. Then the lighter and much more capable Hermes, with the ability to also add various type of fighter aircraft/attack helicopter HUD and other necessary/critical info. The Hesperus did not last long, but the Hermes was further developed and evolved to become the Guardian, in which Kentron partnered temporarily with Pilkington Optronics, mostly to get better access to the UK and other international markets.


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Following on to the Hermes, the now renamed 'Kentron-Denel' had just partnered with Pilkington Optronics to market the latest incarnation of the Hermes, now called the Guardian. It came in two flavours, the lightweight fighter pilot option - and the heavier, more aimed at the attack helicopter market, which now included a binocular mounted display. The brouchures are dated September 1997


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Kentron, now (briefly) renamed 'Cumulus' and still linked with Pilkington, prints these brochures in 1998. On the last page they introduce the Noctura, a integrated thermal imaging turret allowing it's image to be optionally selected by the pilot for viewing through his helmet sight when desired. I don't know if Noctura is a Cumulus design and build, or a foreign device that they had some input in - it could well be the Kentron/Cumulus developed "Kenis" thermal sight/camera that is being used.


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Article form Janes Defence (October 2004), giving some detail on the Nestor hand held target acquisition hardware for the German army - jointly developed by Eloptro (later renamed Zeiss Optronics, after Zeiss Germany bought a majority share in it) of South Africa and Zeiss Germany. I'm not sure what became of it - perhaps someone in the know can fill us in?


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Something a little different - btw, the South African Diel-Met company is not to be confused with the German Diehl company - there are no ties between each that I am aware of.


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Although this is from a Denel publication, it was originally published in Janes Defence - It covers the awarding by BAe Systems (UK) of the design, development and production on Denel (Kentron/Cumulus/Eloptro - later Ziess Optronics) for the helmet tracking portion of the new HMD chosen to equip their Typhoon fighters.


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An early version (protoype) of our airborne missile approach warning system - Circa "Bush/Border War" period, so I would guess it's mid to late 1980's. It was first installed on our licence built Aermacchi MB-326K (Impala Mk II). The 2nd pic highlights the initial installation and testing of the associated Chaff and Flare countermeasure dispensers (Pics taken off of FB - all credit to the original poster, Kobus De Villiers).

This and later systems got extensive combat experience over many years of of "Border/Bush War" against some of the most advanced Soviet SAMS and associated radar equipment deployed anywhere in the world at the time - and obviously saved many of our pilots and aircraft (despite the Cuban's and Russian's claims to the contrary).


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