A small teaser for all Chinese aviation enthusiasts !


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2 January 2006
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I know I have been quite “arduously” for some of You because of my endless questions on Chinese military aviation topics, but finally here’s the result. ;D

Once initiated by Tony Buttler for an article regarding “Chinese Secret Projects” – THANKs for that ! – it now became a German two-part version at first.

These two articles are to be published in the German "Flieger Revue" related to the development of the Chinese military aviation and its industry.

The first part of that will - hopefully, as I'm currently just editing the final version - be published in the Summer-issue on 8. June 2007 and includes the build-up after the foundation of the PRC until the mid/late 1970s with the history of the J-6 family, the early Q-5 and J-7 versions, the J-8I and J-9 programme for the fighters and the H-5, H-6 developments as the bomber projects H-6I, H-8I and H-8II (albeit very speculative !)

Part two - hopefully in September 2007 - then will continue with the J-7-family, the J-8I and J-8II, the haevy J-10 fighter, the light-weight projects J-11 and J-12 until the latest projects from the 80s (J-13 ... to Su-27, J-10 and FC-1) with an outlook to the XXJ. For the mud-movers it will include the JH-7 and Q-6 projects.

A similar version in English is still planed later to be published together with Tony Buttler in the "Air Enthusiast".

And maybe as a special ::) … the artist for the side profiles is quite well known here !! :eek: So stay tuned.

Cheers, Deino ;)


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Deino said:
Part two - hopefully in September 2007 - then will continue with the J-7-family, the J-8I and J-8II, the haevy J-10 fighter, the light-weight projects J-11 and J-12 until the latest projects from the 80s (J-13 ... to Su-27, J-10 and FC-1) with an outlook to the XXJ. For the mud-movers it will include the JH-7 and Q-6 projects.

Will love to see your take on the XXJ (if that's a fighter). I think that's what we been pondering on in the AFTI thread. And how it would rate against a certain American fighter. We you be putting it on the site or how else can I get it from here in Japan?

PS: love the yellow Super Badger.

Cheers, Woody
elmayerle said:
So how may I acquire these issues in the US?

Hmmm ... as far as I know the Flieger Revue is usually only available in Germany - maybe Europe - ... but I will ask the publisher/editor ! ... and if nothing works, I can help You !

Thanks for Your interest.

Deino :)
Sentinel Chicken said:
Hmmmm....that work looks familiar to me!


Yes ... and esp. the Teaser 2 looks very similar to this one !

Cheers, Deino ;D


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I'll definitely have to pick up that issue somewhere, but if it is going to appear in Air Enthusiast, I know I can get that, although right when your article is in it is probably when Borders would decide to stop carrying it. ;)

Great art work Sentinel Chicken!
Thanks, Sundog!

The evolution of the illustrations was a lot of fun. I'd start out with something basic and send a preview to Andreas. He'd write back with some ideas and critiques and then I'd go incorporate his suggestions in the illustration. We'd go back and forth like this for weeks at a time eventually getting to a point where the details could be added and all we were doing was putting in little tweaks here and there to get the right feel.

He has been very generous in sharing his source material with me to create the illustrations which for myself has been a learning experience to understand these interesting designs. Sometimes we found we were on the same page in conceptualizing a particular part of the aircraft. I'm actually surprised at how close we came to approximating the latest set of CGI images of the J-9.
FLIEGERREVUE 06/2007 with the superb J-10 article is out now! Deino, you've done an excellent job. Hope to see the other types in one of the next issues.
boxkite said:
FLIEGERREVUE 06/2007 with the superb J-10 article is out now! Deino, you've done an excellent job. Hope to see the other types in one of the next issues.

Thanks a lot for Your kind words !!! ... but I think the best job and biggest contribution is JP's artwork !

Regarding the first part on the Chinese aviation history and it's projects ... I'm just doing the last and final add-ons, some last-minute picture changes ... and it will be ready for print on Friday !

Hope You like it.

Cheers, Deino
... part 1 is out on Friday ... and here's the preview for part 2 due out in September !


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Sentinel Chicken said:
Hey that Nanchang Q-6 profile looks suspiciously FAMILIAR!!:D

Are You sure !!!!

Hi JP, ... I think I'm juest going MAD as both editors are once again "online" with their wishes !!
Hope You could help ... otherwise I'm just finishing the "wishing-list" for this second part, which need to be ready at the mid August !

Just thinking about the SAC J-10 + J-11 + J-13, Nanchang Q-6 + J-12 and finally the Xian JH-7 side-by-side ... and if possible one of the concepts from Chengdu like the J-7CP and maybe MF ... + a scetch of both XXJ proposals !

I think You gonna hate me ! :-\

Cheers + THANKs a lot, Deino
... part 1 is out on Friday ... and here's the preview for part 2 due out in September !

Any details about when are going to be published in English? ::)
pometablava said:
... part 1 is out on Friday ... and here's the preview for part 2 due out in September !

Any details about when are going to be published in English? ::)

Not sure yet ... following our current plan I should be ready with the last revisions by next week (already two weeks behind :p ) and then Tony will put everything together for the AIR Enthusiast ... if everything goes well then about one year later ! = summer 2008 !

CHeers, Deino
Sorry for prevenient post where I made mistake of J-13 and Q-6
Here are J-13's variant candidated type


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Deino said:
... part 1 is out on Friday ... and here's the preview for part 2 due out in September !

Finally bought the "Flieger-Revue" issue with Part 1 last weekend. Great work, Deino! Can't wait for part 2 now ::). I feel slightly pity for those who can't read German ;D (SCNR!)
Andreas Parsch said:
Finally bought the "Flieger-Revue" issue with Part 1 last weekend. Great work, Deino! Can't wait for part 2 now ::). I feel slightly pity for those who can't read German ;D (SCNR!)

Thanks You Andreas for Your very kind words !

Regarding "our" English-language readers I have just got some news from Tony:

Hi Andreas,
I am back on the Chinese stuff today.


I have the J-6 to add, and the heavy bomber section to finish. I am also
giving a final edit to the rest of the 'finished' text. When it is done I
will send a final copy of the whole lot to you to check through for the last

Hope that sounds okay?
Very best wishes,

So we are finally nearing the end !!

Cheers, Deino
Finally after long negotiations some good news as I just got the o.k. from my editor to expand or split the second part to altogether three issues comprising now part two with:

• Harbin SH-5 amphibian
• improved versions of the J-7II (J-7B), its versions and the J-7III (J-7C)
• improved versions of the J-8I (J-8A) + the recce version JZ-8
• formally unknown projects: Shenyang J-10 heavy fighter (VG and / or Delta-concept) V/STOL- and other canard-concepts …
• light-weight fighters Shenyang J-11 and Nanchang J-12
• multirole fighter Shenyang J-13
• fighter bombers: Nanchang Q-6, Xian H-7 / JH-7 and Shenyang JH-8
• improved versions Q-5I / Q-5IA … Q-5II (Q-5B) … Q-5III (Q-5C) and special models
• improved bomber versions H-6D, H-6E / F … H-6G
• small jet-trainers: JL-7 (K-7 ?) , Hongdu JL-8/K-8

... and once again with JP’s fabulous profiles ! :D

Cheers, Deino ;)


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Dear Deino...

I NEED THAT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO REAR IT ON ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!


I think that after some years reading your post here and keypublishing... I think that those would be so great

Thanks and sorry ::)

roberto_yeager said:
I NEED THAT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO REAR IT ON ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!
*LOL* :D !

Deino said something about summer 2008 for the English publication. Maybe you can beat that with a crash course in basic German + a good dictionary?! ;D

Ok. at least JP is ready with his part of that project .... "ready for print" hopefully mid next week ! ;D


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Andreas is one happy camper with this latest set of profile illustrations. Now we're debating if he should name his next child after me or not:D

Seriously, though, I don't read a lick of German but it has been my pleasure to work with Andreas on these articles and he's got more cool stuff coming that I'm privileged to provide more profile art that secret projects fans will enjoy, regardless of languages spoken/read!
Sentinel Chicken said:
Andreas is one happy camper with this latest set of profile illustrations. Now we're debating if he should name his next child after me or not:D

YES for sure, cos we are all one big family !! ;D


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This is as interesting as it is excellent artwork! Anyone who can either pick up the copies for me or give me a US source? Thanks.
frank said:
This is as interesting as it is excellent artwork! Anyone who can either pick up the copies for me or give me a US source? Thanks.
Hmm ... for the artwork You probably have to contact “Sentinel Chicken” … for the Flieger Revue I think the best way is to order directly !

Just back from the summer-holidays ... and then this mail from Tony ! :'(

Hi Andreas,
Bad news! Air Enthusiast is to cease publication after the next issue because it does not make any money. Consequently, we no longer have anywhere to send our Chinese articles.

Hope you had a good holiday.
Very Best Wishes,

But regarding the hopes for the AE articles which are nearly finished ... Huhu :'( … with the end of AIR Enthusiast it means also the end or at least a break for our Chinese projects articles until we found another publisher ! (anyone with an idea ... maybe IAPR ! ???)

So long You have to take the German version from the FLIEGER Revue eXtra !

Cheers, Deino
Deino, have you tried Combat Aircraft?


They've had some features on Chinese aircraft recently, they might be open to the idea. They aren't strictly current aircraft either, so your articles should at least get a look by the editorial staff I'd think.
Yes, I had a similar I idea and suggested this to Tony, but I think he currently prefers International Airpower Review, but that surely would be an alternative !

Thanks a lot, Deino
International Airpower Review

I'd love to see the article published in it...if it is going to be published in English (fortunately if it is never going to be translated I can read German).
At least part 2 of the German version is out ....


Cheers, Deino
... due out in December !


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Great Deino!. The J-10 Red 10 model, I remember, is that what we discussed back in CDF, about the sighted yellow J-10 in primer with the yellow nose (no radar, only flight telemetry) that sits right in between the 100X series and the 101X series.
Tam said:
Great Deino!. The J-10 Red 10 model, I remember, is that what we discussed back in CDF, about the sighted yellow J-10 in primer with the yellow nose (no radar, only flight telemetry) that sits right in between the 100X series and the 101X series.

YES, but these Thanks should go to JP with his great profiles ... more to come in the next International AirPower Review with a preview here !


Cheers, Deino
Sentinel Chicken said:
When is that IAPR issue due out, Andreas?

Gotta plan when to start staking out the mailbox here at the homestead.........:D

Honestly I don't know ??? ... regarding the release date of the last issue (vol. 21) on May 16th, I expected something around mid to end August ! (When I left for the Summer vacation Dave told me that it will be a little later this time ! :-[ … but how long this “little later” is he didn’t tell.=

For those of us in the US of A wanting copies, I just found out that Linden Hill Imports, www.lindenhillimports.com, carries FR & has these issues in stock. If you've never dealt with LHI, it's hard to find a better outfit to deal with. Really good folks.
Thank you Frank for posting that information. I've gotten emails from folks who can speak German wanting to know how to get the FR and FRX issues in the US. If anyone else has used Linden Hill, I'd love to know your experience so I can refer folks to them.
Sentinel Chicken said:
When is that IAPR issue due out, Andreas?

Gotta plan when to start staking out the mailbox here at the homestead.........:D

Finally today !!!! ;D


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