September 2011 issues of Italian magazines


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9 September 2008
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Hi friends,
that's the usual date with some magazine issues appeared in Italy in September.
First is a Special 'La Guerra Aerea in Corea' (Air War in Korea) by Giorgio Gibertini; about 200 illustrations, also in colours, and some profile drawings, mainly by the former art director Pietro Mazzardi.
The present issue of the series GAS (Grandi Aerei Storici, Great Historical Aircraft) is devoted to the Bell P-39 Airacobra, by Riccardo Rovere; there is a small contribution from mine (eight pages) about the P-63 Kingcobra; total illustrations and artworks are over 130.
No German nukes this month on 'Eserciti nella Storia' (armies trough the history)! The N. 64 issue contains, among other themes, a very small feature about the RAF 'hidroplane' (sic), I posted a photo of under The Bar) and another very small feature about the German Gewehrpanzergranate 40. Another feature is the occasion to show some colour photographs with the Lumière Autochromie and Paget plates of the early British Mk.I and Mk.IV WWI tanks. Another lesser known subject is the hungarian Zrinyi tank destroyer, with a rare picture of the Zrinyi I prototype with the long barrel MAVAG 43M L/43 75-mm gun.
Another curious feature is a 1969 episode, when an off-shore tower in tha Adriatic Sea, outside Italian water was seized by Italian authorities and demolished. Naturally, there are also othe articles but regarding often debated subjects (the fall ofAugusta naval base in Sicily, Utah Beach and the US 4th Division, Italian submarine ace Cdr. Carlo Fecia count of Cossato, the Gurkhas).
Last but not least: 'AEREI' (aircraft) N. 65 with several features about the Operation Unified Protector, a reportage about the NATO Tiger Meet and Beale AFB and an article about the evolution of the Lockheed AC-130 gunship with the latest developments with and whithout the ATK 30-mm gun.
See you after the next thirty days

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