Your favourite Space Invaders

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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I must admit to loving a good alien invasion movie.
The 1950s film of "War of the Worlds" had all the necessary ingredients. Cool looking alien invaders. Helpless Earth super weapons (The flying wing drops the bomb to no effect on the invaders).
The 1990s version "Independence Day" takes the same ingredients. Except it adds a modern cynical take. Cinema audiences reportedly cheered when Washington got destroyed. The baddies are not defeated by a natural virus but by Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith wisecracking their way into hacking the mother ship. Oh and the flying wing now called a B2 still drops the bomb..

Japan has some fun invasion movies. British cinema has to make do with the rather lame "Day of the Triffids". France and Germany anyone?
War of the Worlds directed in 2005 by Spielberg with Tom Cruise, I find it good because it did not come out of the main theme. Spielberg hesitated to adapt the novel by H.G. Wells, but Tom Cruise convinced him. War of the Worlds (UK serie) 2019 and also The war of the worlds (FR serie) 2019. I would say that it is characteristic of works shaped by giants. They never lose their greatness
Le gendarme et les E.T
La soupe aux choux.
Both with De Funes...

Mars attack, aaaaak aaaak !
British cinema has to make do with the rather lame "Day of the Triffids". France and Germany anyone?
Well, the Daleks invaded on several occasions, mostly on TV, but also on film. And there is the Devil Girl From Mars.
War of the Worlds directed in 2005 by Spielberg with Tom Cruise, I find it good because it did not come out of the main theme. Spielberg hesitated to adapt the novel by H.G. Wells, but Tom Cruise convinced him. War of the Worlds (UK serie) 2019 and also The war of the worlds (FR serie) 2019. I would say that it is characteristic of works shaped by giants. They never lose their greatness
My favorite film version of the story - well done and the visuals were stunning. The train on fire blasting thru town was a powerful image. The film also was also produced in a toned down color/dark contrast - adds to the gloom of the story.

Enjoy the Day! Mark
War of the Worlds directed in 2005 by Spielberg with Tom Cruise, I find it good because it did not come out of the main theme. Spielberg hesitated to adapt the novel by H.G. Wells, but Tom Cruise convinced him.

Cruise has done *several* quite good "alien invasion movies." "Oblivion" and "Edge of Tomorrow" are worth repeat viewing.

Cruise has done *several* quite good "alien invasion movies." "Oblivion" and "Edge of Tomorrow" are worth repeat viewing.
.It is clear that there are movies where a fortiori there are indisputable stagings.
The invasion has started. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated. BOLOOOOLOOOOOOLOOOOOP !!!!

"The Invaders - alien beings from planet Oxo. Their destination, the Earth. France. Their purpose: to make France THEIR world.

Louis de Funès has seen them. TWICE. For him, it began one sunny afternoon, on a lonely country road near Les Gourdiflots, looking for a shortcut to Saint Tropez that he never found.

It began with a deserted road and a police man way too much excited to continue his journey.

It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy.

Now, Louis de Funés knows that the invaders from Planet Oxo are here; that they have taken human form. Somehow he must convince a disbelieving world and Gendarme colleagues that the nightmare has already begun."



Funnily enough, both movies drew inspiration from France most famous UFO encounter - Maurice Masse sighting in Valensole, 1965.
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Not quite a movie, rather a novel: Football by Niven & Pournelle with their Fhifp...

Shortly after the ill-fated "The Race" by Turtledove in his Invasion-Colonization cycles.
Good alien invasion movie.
War of the Worlds, by George Pal a Classic !
Invasion of Bodysnatcher (both versions)
They Live, the invasion already happen
Attack the Block, what happen if aliens attack suburb of London?
Oblivion, clever plot !
Edge of Tomorrow, more time travel but good
Quatermass and the Pit, (both version) really twisted plot
Quatermass 2.

Alien invasion movie that make fun to watch.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
Invader Zim
Mars Attack!
Killer Klown from Outer Space

Not so good invasion movie, but still fun
Independence Day, was that from Roland emmerich or Michael Bay ?
War of the Worlds by Steven Spielberg with WTF ending...
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the Novel Footfall is nasty fun, you get almost pity for the Fithp
as the those pesky Humans not give up and escalate the conflict further.

A Footfall Movie adaptation is needed by Christopher Nolan or James Cameron ...
My favorites are the alien scouts who dress up on cat suits to observe us. They quietly study us with their vertical slit irises. One alien scout convinced me to serve her for 16 years. With mind-control waves, he convinced me to provide her with a warm, dry place to sleep. Even more powerful was her mind-control techniques that compelled me to re-fill her food bowl every day and empty to litter box every second day. The little scout-in-a-cat-suit was far more powerful and far more pleasant than my ex-wife. Nothing quite as pleasant as waking up every morning with a purring alien scout sleeping on my hip.

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers

I watched it in the late 70's early 80's when i was a kid loved the Alien costume design !!! I believe Mars attacks was a semi remake of it. They killed the aliens the same way in both movies radio frequency or some such thing it i remember correctly .
Not quite a movie, rather a novel: Football by Niven & Pournelle with their Fhifp...

Shortly after the ill-fated "The Race" by Turtledove in his Invasion-Colonization cycles.
Footfall is a movie that should have been made. In the same genre there is Harry Turtledove's invasion series wherr a bunch of lizards (The Race) arrives on Earth at the end of World War Three.
Has to be Quatermass... i

The Quatermass Experiment.... we go to them...
Quatermass II... they come to us...
Quatermass and the Pit... they have always been here...
Also have a soft spot for The Thing (both versions and prequal), This Island Earth and for some reason, They Came From beyond Space...

@UK75 I though I was the only person who liked Invasion: Earth, my partner, an occasional SF writer and fellow geek refuses to even talk about it...
If any Brit should have made a movie it is this chap who produced two novels about an alien invasion here.

Oh no... not him again... ;)


How about David Ickle ? To every country, it's alien / UFO conspiracy nut. In France we had Jean Pierre Petit and Jean Claude Bourret (whose names in passing mean "little" and "drunk" - so, little drunk men ?) - and also fucking Rael.
I must admit to loving a good alien invasion movie.
The 1950s film of "War of the Worlds" had all the necessary ingredients. Cool looking alien invaders. Helpless Earth super weapons (The flying wing drops the bomb to no effect on the invaders).
The 1990s version "Independence Day" takes the same ingredients. Except it adds a modern cynical take. Cinema audiences reportedly cheered when Washington got destroyed. The baddies are not defeated by a natural virus but by Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith wisecracking their way into hacking the mother ship. Oh and the flying wing now called a B2 still drops the bomb..

Japan has some fun invasion movies. British cinema has to make do with the rather lame "Day of the Triffids". France and Germany anyone?

This one was always fun (1953):

"Why won't these grown ups listen to me?"

And of course these little darlings:
Village of the damned (1960).
Japan has some fun invasion movies. British cinema has to make do with the rather lame "Day of the Triffids". France and Germany anyone?

I've got to put in a word for Quatermass and the Pit (US title, Five Million Years to Earth).
I saw that in 1972... when I was 9 or 10.
Rather spooky and unsettling for one my age.

Somehow I managed to watch it through - despite it being on very late (like 11pm to whenever it ended), I think my parents had gone to bed while something else was on.

I never had any bad dreams from it... but then I was already well-indoctrinated into sci-fi (having quit Cub Scouts because it conflicted with Star Trek re-runs, and my Mother having been reading works by Andre Norton and other "adult" sci-fi authors to my next-older brother and I since I was 7 or 8).
Rather spooky and unsettling for one my age.
Exactly what happened to me with some episodes of Space 1999 season 1.

Especially "The force of life" when a completely burned out Anton Zoref sorted out by nuclear reactor, I jumped from my sofa and ran to hide behind it, I was about 8 yrs old and I had bad dreams for some time....
The Earth Died Screaming doesn't deliver the goods compared to the title.
Everyone is killed by some kind of nerve agent except for a few people who happened to be in an airtight room/oxygen tent/bank vault/test pilot in a fighter who randomly all turn up at the same pub. Cue clunky robots controlled via radio and, bizarrely, dressed in spacesuits. The robots have ray guns and can revitalise dead humans into zombies. In the film it's never explained whether the robots are a Soviet invasion or aliens but both are speculated upon by the characters.
The plucky survivors blow up a transmitter tower which knocks out the local robots then they nick a Boeing 707 and fly to Spain for 'reasons'.

There was a similar US film, Target Earth, but the robots are from Venus and their cathode ray tube sensors are shattered by high frequency sound to save the day. It does have some nice footage of B-47s though and even the XB-46 sneaks in a cameo in one or two clips.
Japan has some fun invasion movies. British cinema has to make do with the rather lame "Day of the Triffids". France and Germany anyone?

I've got to put in a word for Quatermass and the Pit (US title, Five Million Years to Earth).
Get the BBC tele-series -- quality stuff!
Quatermass is very 1950s British with lots of rubber monsters and WW2 style dialogue. But it ia very good.

Nice site with a list of 1960s Japanese Sci Fi films.

The Japanese take rubber to a whole new level and their great models must have indluenced and been influenced by Gerry Anderson.
Footfall is a movie that should have been made.
But until recently, it couldn't have been made on any sort of reasonable budget. The aliens were not only distinctly not "human in a rubber suit," they were also major characters. So not only do you have to create an actual alien, you have to get the alien to *act,* and to look and act distinctly different from a dozen other aliens.

Given the utter failure of, say, "Star Trek: Discovery" to create a dozen *human* characters with any actual distinctiveness, imagine the difficulty modern Hollywood would have with a dozen "baby elephants with bifurcated trunks."
The best invasion flick would be an amalgamation. CONTACT type lead in…ID4 destroyer-saucers dropping Tripods from the central section… Battle: Los Angeles aliens spilling out of those… Xenomorphs as war-dogs whose bite gives you THE THING virus…
Good alien invasion movie.
War of the Worlds, by George Pal a Classic !
Invasion of Bodysnatcher (both versions)
They Live, the invasion already happen
Attack the Block, what happen if aliens attack suburb of London?
Oblivion, clever plot !
Edge of Tomorrow, more time travel but good
Quatermass and the Pit, (both version) really twisted plot
Quatermass 2.

Alien invasion movie that make fun to watch.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
Invader Zim
Mars Attack!
Killer Klown from Outer Space

Not so good invasion movie, but still fun
Independence Day, was that from Roland emmerich or Michael Bay ?
War of the Worlds by Steven Spielberg with WTF ending...
The worst ever: Battlefield Earth
The worst ever: Battlefield Earth
yes that is worst, but there much badly movies:

Battlefield Earth
Battle: LA (alien invade Earth for Water ? the most common stuff in Univers !)
(aliens allergic to H2O invade earth ?!)
Star Wars episode I (technical a Space Invader movie )
The 5th wave
Out of the Darkness (Thailand first Sci-fi Movie from 1971)

Rather surprised no-one's mentioned 'Life Force' yet...? Oh well... ;)
I saw that one ages ago, one of movies were Patrick Stewart confess later: "I made it for money, needed my home roof repaired"
if we descent into that Territory watch this with truckload of beer or drugs:

Bad Taste Peter Jackson first movie o_O
Space Invasion of Lapland
Wahan Ke Log
(India first Sci-fi Movie)
Santa Clause conquers the Martians
Starship Invasions (with Christopher Lee)

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