Winchell Chung

Very sad indeed, I hope he can find time to be at peace and complete his most important works. With good fortune his doctors can ensure his passing is comfortable and peaceful.
Sometimes you only learn about someone when they are leaving us.
Now I have learnt and share everything written above by those who know Winchell Chung.
I collaborate with him for Atomic Rocket with informations and graphics mostly for Perry Rhodan Hardware.

and for Alternate History story "Eyes turned Skywards" (Winchell Chung was advisor for Authors)
I made this illustration about the First Asian Astronaut on Moon, in this alternate History.

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This sucks. Atomic rockets is outstanding indeed. The one and only website coming close I can think off is that one.
Very recent, in comparison Atomic rockets has been there since, what, 1999 ?
Atomic rocketry is a world apart among generic rocketry -and his website really helped me filling a lot of blanks I had.
The way he explains how Pulsed-NTR & FFRE works is brilliant. I have a much clearer vision of NERVA strengths and weaknesses thanks to him. Same for others NTRs. Now I see where did GCNR came from in the first place.

You guess, I poured all this into Dark Moon Rising.

I feel I have barely scratched his website surface... and now this. I never contacted the author and may never have the ocasion to do that.

From what I've red about his cooperation with Eyes turned skywards authors, he seems to be a true gentleman.

Cancer must die. The proverbial "SOB illness".
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I collaborate with him for Atomic Rocket with informations and graphics mostly for Perry Rhodan Hardware.

and for Alternate History story "Eyes turned Skywards" (Winchell Chung was advisor for Authors)
I made this illustration about the First Asian Astronaut on Moon, in this alternate History.

View attachment 664072
I think that 1km station—if it gets made—should have his name.
Dostarlimab works wonders for rectal cancer...maybe this too?

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