Want a good laugh? See this crappy "CIA" web page!!!


Senior Member
25 June 2009
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Some guys will be ready for just anything to convince people about wacky conspiracy theories... But what's even worse is when a guy creates a web page and gets ALL the designations wrong, ALL the captions WRONG and doesn't even seem to care! Worse, he makes it look like it's a CIA webpage!!!

So if you want a good laugh, check these (picked among a lot more nonsense):

- the "Dornier/FFA AG - Combat Aerial Vehicle (CAV) (Switzerland - 1945)" (in fact, the infamous German UFO hoax!)
- a "VTOL low-altitude 'propeller engine' UAV - U.S. Navy vessel aft launch (1972)" (in fact a CL-289 Sentinel, which the U.S. never purchased!)
- the "Lockheed Global Hawk short-range 'jet engine' UAV (foreground) and Lockheed GlobalHawk short-range 'propeller engine' UCAV (background) both with underbelly nose remote surveillance cameras (1970)" (in fact two General Atomics UAV types of the 1990s!)
- the "Lockheed GlobalHawk long-range high-altitude 'jet engine' UCAV - U.S. Air Force" (of course it should be the Teledyne Ryan Global Hawk, now Northrop Grumman)
- the "Boeing - DarkStar RQ3A Tier III - (minus)" (in fact the Lockheed DarkStar)
- the "Northop Grumman X-41A CAV - U.S. Air Force (Rockwell, Black Building, Seal Beach, California - 1970) (the X-47A Pegasus demonstrator of 2004!)
- the "Northrop Grumman X-45C Bomber UCAV - U.S. Navy (Area 51 - Nevada - 1995) (in fact a Northrop Grumman X-47B, probably a CGI image!)
- "Lockheed F-117-E Stealth Fighter-Bomber (1980) (the "E" suffix and the year are preposterous)
- "Lockheed X-32 (aka) X-37 Stealth STOVL Fighter-Bomber (Short Take-Off Vertical Landing - 1990)" (the undesignated subscale Lockheed deonstrator for the X-35B!!)
- "Project: MANTA - General Dynamics / McDonnell Douglas / Northrop Avenger A-12 Mark II (aka) B-II (B-2) Bomber (Single-Canopy Dual-Cockpit) (1975)" (do I really need to add anything to that?!?)
- "Lockheed B-2 D Spirit Stealth Bomber - U.S. Air Force (1980)" (the guy got the company, designation and year all wrong!)
- "smaller version of MANTA Avenger Mark III (aka) B-II (B-2) Bomber (1975)" (the A-12 Avenger II full-scale mockup!!)
- "General Dynamics / McDonnell Douglas / Northrop Avenger A-12 Mark IV (aka) B-IV (B-4) Bomber prototype (Single-Caopy Single-Cockpit ) (1975)" (in fact an Avenger II wind tunnel model!)

The guy is so pathetic that the descriptions given in the filenames do not match the captions in the page at all! They are more accurate on the whole. It's as if the guy took the images and rewrote the whole story from his own twisted (and sadly undocumented) imagination...

Especially laughable are legal mentions such as :

- "- - - [ NOTE: Photo Removal Request - Now In-Compliance ] - - -"

...in the midst of all this bulls**t!

All of this being said, some pics are really worth a visit and a right-click save... but make sure that the filenames are not bogus!!!

I especially enjoyed how absolutely wrong everything was on the Blackbird entries. And, although they do have a kid's page with games (I'm not making that up), I somehow can't see the CIA having a heading of "More Stuff"

As the great writer H.L. Mencken once remarked, "No one has ever gone broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"[I'm going to get in trouble for that]
It could of course be a joke page - intentionally wrong. Heck, it could be a tie-in to a TV show for all I know.
F-14D said:
As the great writer H.L. Mencken once remarked, "No one has ever gone broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"[I'm going to get in trouble for that]

It's true. At last estimation, there were somewhere around 60 million morons living here.

SOC said:
F-14D said:
As the great writer H.L. Mencken once remarked, "No one has ever gone broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"[I'm going to get in trouble for that]

It's true. At last estimation, there were somewhere around 60 million morons living here.


Well, as P. T. Barnum said, there's one born every minute.......

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
You missed the best ones.....

"High-Directional Magneto-Cumulative Generator Accoustic Waveguide for Molecular Dissociation Sonic Flocculator Weapon ( Cut Away Diagram - 1990 )

Killer Hughes ( KH-11 ) Satellite-Based Anti-Satellite Laser early model ( 1970 )

[ NOTE: underbelly nose camera lens shutter 'open' / SUB-NOTE: Germany World War II Dornier aircraft bomber in-background ]( BELOW )..... - It's a Dassault-Breguet Atlantic...

Project: TACIT Blue - Boeing Bird of Prey Stealth Fighter - Freighter (????)-Bomber - Surveillance Drone ( 1990 )"

Indeed I'd missed these out... Thanks! As I said, the above was merely a selection, and I did warn you guys there was plenty more in the page to roll on the floor laughing!!
A minor correction, the Mencken quote is :“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”
joncarrfarrelly said:
A minor correction, the Mencken quote is :“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”

You're right, but the more well-known misquote was too delicious not to use! ;)

In a similar vein, and with no disrespect to our colleague from Luxembourg, PT Barnum actually didn't say that (nor the other version, "There's a sucker born every minute").

...More lore from the fountain of arcane and often useless factoids. ;D
F-14D said:
In a similar vein, and with no disrespect to our colleague from Luxembourg, PT Barnum actually didn't say that (nor the other version, "There's a sucker born every minute").

Not P. T. Barnum? My world crumbles...... :-[

Completely OT, but do you know who (if anyone) did in fact say it, and why the quote has been attributed to P. T. Barnum (as I believe it has been)?

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen

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