Walter Zuerl`s "Werks Chroniken"


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25 October 2007
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Hello there,

does anyone know this book series? There are five volumes on german aircraft manufacturers, along with Junkers and BMW engines. I believe they have a comprehensive list with projected designs. Is it true? Do this list contain sketches?
This is a series of small format soft bounds(format 9.5cmx15.5cm) produced in the early seventies
in Germany by Walter Zuerl Luftfahrt Verlag.

Contents and number of pages is very variable.
For exemple Dornier Flugzeuge ,150 pages,no type list,7 project illustrations
Flugzeuge von HFB(Blohm&Voss) ,118 pages,projects list 1 to 215 many project
illustrations-3views and artist impressions.
Junkers is produced in 2 volumes.
There's also a Cessna title and one about BMW ,Messerschmitt and Focke Wulf.
At the time of their publication this series offered good value for money...
Me ,Do,Go ,Fw,Ar, Bv,Ju,He .
All are good value for money ,the pics are good ,little text,some projects
Do this books have more to offer on projected aircraft than Nowarra`s "Die Deutsche Luftrustung"?
Paul, which 7 Dornier projects can you trace? And about Bv projects, anything beyond Nowarra`s?
The publisher, Aero Verlag, is about to release them again, each one at 40 Euro.
Me either...

I payed about 6DM(3Eu) at that time-1970's
I you you have Nowarra's four volume , I think the Werks Chroniken-if they are the same- can't
add much more except perhaps for the photo's of constructed aircraft.

projects in the Dornier vol:Do-214/216/435/635/247/252/256
Hi guys,

the work is condensed, with two manufacturers per volume. Only one, Gothaer flugzeuge and BMW flying engines is 19 Euro ( can`t figure why, because it has about the same pages as the others ). Cheers.
Volume 10 of this series was entitled "DFW-Klemm-Siebel-Bolkow Flugzeuge" but I've never seen it, though I've been trying to find it for many years. Does anyone know for sure whether it was actually published?
Another Walter Zuerl publication that I've been looking for, in the series "Flugzeuge in der Geschichte der Luftverkehrsgesellschaften", is volume 1 "Air France". Though all the other books in this series are relatively common, this one seems to be very rare as I've never seen it either. Any information would be most welcome.

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