Viktor Schaubergers Repulsator


Deleted member 18150

Hi there,

I think some of you might have heard about Viktor Schaubergers developments during WWII.

For those who don't know the historical facts:

On the 20. April 1943 the government director of Gau Oberdonau August Schmöller was meeting
Viktor Schauberger and Ziereis, the commander of the KZ Mauthausen, to initiate a project that
that commenced on the 27.09.1944 in a small and heavily guarded working group at
"Kraftfahr Technische Lehranstalt (K.T.L.) Wien". The K.T.L. was headed by Alfred Müller
(See notes on Alfred Müller in CIOS XXVI 30 ( on
page 9.)

In the working diary of Schauberger the group was called "Gruppe Versuchsbau der Waffen-SS". Deckname "Alfred".

After the war was over, Viktor Schauberger was confined to "house arrest".

Since Schauberger is often related to some non scientific approaches, I am interested in some credible
documents on that subject, especially from the archives.

My questions are therefore as follows:

1. Did anybody of you come across further information on Schauberger in some of the documents of the archives on the subject of "Gruppe Versuchsbau der Waffen-SS" (Deckname "Alfred") or some C.I.C. reports etc.?

2. Did anybody come across further information about or the developments of the Kraftfahrtechnische Versuchsanstalt (K.T.L.)
at St. Aegyd, Niederdonau, near Vienna?

Any information would be of great help and highly appreciated.
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Interesting but, any device used as a propulsor, will have drag and therefor also be a braking device. As I see it, simple physics.
Interesting but, any device used as a propulsor, will have drag and therefor also be a braking device. As I see it, simple physics.
Since Schauberger says that the Repulsine does liquify air in a rate quicker than the air liquification systems known at his time, I see the Repulsine as a concept similar to a Liquid Air Cycle Engine (LACE), however with certain deviations. The question is: How does the medium like air react if it is liquified quickly enough?

Thus I am interested in some credible documents of the archives on that subject to see how for instance the ALSOS teams evaluated Schaubergers devices, without diving into those documents circling around in the Internet, which are unfortunately full of strange and unhealthy philosophies in which I am (like many) not interested.
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Check your spelling: Die „Gruppe Versuchsbau der Waffen-SS“ (Deckname „Alfred“).
The records of the Counter-Intelligence Corps for the period are extensive. Aside from performing a security function, most of their work was highly secret. It included locating certain individuals and investigating certain technologies. They also worked with the British T-Force which was highly aggressive in securing Target sites and Targets of Opportunity. Their work is still partly classified. On the German side, SS General Hans Kammler was named plenopotentiary for all advanced aircraft and other secret projects. He coordinated and supervised all work. At the end of the war, several stories circulated about his suicide. However, researchers have determined that he ended up in American custody. The other untapped document source is Air Materiel Command at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. It occurred that a particular CIC Detachment was sent to locate information about a particular aircraft and to locate individuals who may have knowledge of its development. If any were located, Wright Field would provide the questions to ask.
The records of the Counter-Intelligence Corps for the period are extensive. Aside from performing a security function, most of their work was highly secret. It included locating certain individuals and investigating certain technologies. They also worked with the British T-Force which was highly aggressive in securing Target sites and Targets of Opportunity. Their work is still partly classified. On the German side, SS General Hans Kammler was named plenopotentiary for all advanced aircraft and other secret projects. He coordinated and supervised all work. At the end of the war, several stories circulated about his suicide. However, researchers have determined that he ended up in American custody. The other untapped document source is Air Materiel Command at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. It occurred that a particular CIC Detachment was sent to locate information about a particular aircraft and to locate individuals who may have knowledge of its development. If any were located, Wright Field would provide the questions to ask.
Hi edwest3,
thank you for your extensive answer. Can you direct me to some source of information on that subject?
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