Venus VTOL Transport Aircraft


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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In a resource based economy, a lot more emphasis can be put on advancing medical, emergency, service, and transportation vehicles. Some aircrafts will use vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) system with three synchronous turbines, which allow for exceptional maneuverability. Some aircrafts can be controlled by electro-dynamic means eliminating the need for ailerons, elevators, rudders, spoilers, flaps or any other mechanical controls. In addition to providing better maneuverability and aerodynamic qualities, this innovative technology will also serve as an anti-icing system. In the event of an emergency landing fuel will be ejected to prevent fires. These VTOL aircrafts are designed to lift passengers and freight by the use of ring-vortex air columns. VTOL aircraft will be propelled by a variety of techniques, from ducted fans to vectored jets.



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My biggest issue with stuff from the Venus Project:
"It will work fanstastically because of 'words' that we keep saying but neither define nor use in a normal context"

"Controlled by electro-dynamic means" how's that work? (
"VTOL system with three synchronous turbines, which allow exceptional maneuverability" which means three ducted fans, ok I'll grant that could have some pretty good manueverabiity but ...
"By using ring-vortex air columns" isn't going to work really well since that's a known "very dangerous" situation to be in (
"VTOL aircraft will be propelled by a variety of techniques, from ducted fan to vectored jets" And since only a few of these types work with the "syncrhronuc turbines" and the rest have known issues and problems... I'll repeat they really need to either NOT try to be so detailed OR get the details right.

"The Venus Project", it rings a bell.
It's a child of Jacque Fresco (remember the film "Zeitgeist"? easy to find on the YTube), he worked at Douglas in the 30s. On some disk-shaped aircraft design and flying wings, then "Fresco resigned from Douglas because of design disagreements" (Wikipedia). An image here on the Fr wikipedia page:
Dunno surely if its one of his design though.
Interesting man.
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"The Venus Project", it rings a bell.
It's a child of Jacque Fresco (remember the film "Zeitgeist"? easy to find on the YTube), he worked at Douglas in the 30s. On some disk-shaped aircraft design and flying wings, then "Fresco resigned from Douglas because of design disagreements" (Wikipedia). An image here on the Fr wikipedia page:
Dunno surely if its one of his design though.
Interesting man.

Just as an FYI DON'T look up "Zeitgeist" on youtube. The Venus Project quickly broke ties with the group/individual that actually "produced" and edited that piece of drek and have vehmently denounced any and all content, and association with the same. Fresco himself before he died denounced the film as having used himself and The Venus Project to support conspiricy theories and psudo-science while reducing the actual message on the Project to a foot-note.

Fresco and those who took over for him deny any and all connection or relation to the "Zeitgeist" group and films and have tried legal action to get their content removed from and to stop being used in support of that group. Unfortunatly the legal action has stalled and its not clear they will every manage to extract themselves from being associated with the "Zeitgeist" group and one reason is the film-maker claims he does not make any "profit" off the video, (outright lie, he makes over $3.00 pure profit per DVD sold and he sells on average several thousand a month) so his "use" of The Venus Project work and the interview with Fresco falls under 'fair-use' rights. Because Fresco did not do his research he went into the deal blind and signed several releases that probably mean his organizatio will NEVER get the IP back nor ever be able to stop the Zeigeist group from using his IP without compensation or control.

Let's NOT support the Zeitgeist group if we can help it.

As for Fresco himself he wasn't an engineer or technical designer but a technical artist and graphic designer. The reason no one built any of his projects is that they are more art than engineering. The 'triangle' with 'lift fans' has appeared in a number of his illustartions with about as much information on HOW they would work as noted above.

In general Fresco and The Venus Project have many futurist ideas but in the end neither he nor those who've come after him have any solid means to get from "point-A" (where we are now) to "point-B" (the "resource based economy" they want to have) and also assume that the needed talent and resources required to actually achieve the goals will somehow 'accrette' as the word gets out. So far it hasn't.

Interesting thanks, I didn't know all that about the Zeitgeist film. saw it once, Found it rather interesting. But as science-fiction more than anything else.
Seems the Venus project is about the same.

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