Unpopular military aircraft projects


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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who believed that the Benes-Mras company which built and designed
a several of civil aircraft ,designes those two projects;
Be-74 was a medium bomber with Walter Sagitta engines.
Be-87 was a light bomber with a Walter Mars engine.

there was also Koolhoven P.1164 and P.1167 bombers and Fokker T.VI or P.115
which was bomber seaplane.

for the Fokker T.VI/Ontwerp 115 see http://www.airwarfareforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=6663&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15
Fokker T.VI is not the same as 'ontwerp 115'

T.VI should have been a twinboom development of the T.V bomber.
(kind of an enlarged G.1)
Thank you my dears,

Fokker D.XIX was single seat biplane fighter project,was based on D.XVII.
Fokker D.XXII was single seat fighter with retractable langing gear developed
from D.XXI.

for the Fokker D.XXI there was three projects developed from it,all
had retractable landing gear;
Fokker P.150 :single seat fighter with Bristol Hercules engine.
,, P.151 : ,, ,, ,, with Rolls-Royce Merlin engine.
,, P.152 : ,, ,, ,, with Daimler-Benz DB-600H engine.
Unpopular military aircraft? Here's one for you: The Silvansky IS. :p :p

Unpopular aircraft Ok, but the Silvansky IS was no project. It was a prototyp with a powerplant Tumansky M.88 ( 1100 PS ).
The aircraft crashed during flight tests in Moskau.


CKD-Praga BH-48 :was single seat fighter project.
CKD-Praga E-48 :was twin boom bomber powered by Avia HS-12Y engines.

Dear Matej,
do you have a more informations about them ?.

CKD-Praga E-49 was single seat fighter project powered by Praga
ARK engine.
CKD-Praga E-53 was a medium bomber project powered by Rolls-
Royce Peregrine engines.

some Fokker P projects from www.airwarfareforum.com
and P.115.


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CKD-Praga E-52 was twin boom lightweight fighter project.
CKD-Praga E-60 was two seat observation aircraft project
powered by one ZOD-260 engine.
CKD-Praga E-50 was two seat single engined light bomber

CKD-Praga E-55 was single seat fighter project powered by one
Rolls-Royce Merlin engine.
Letov S-43 was two seat light bomber project.

Letov S-44B was single seat fighter,as cabin monoplane and
powered by one Walter Sagitta engine,project only.
Letov S-49 was two seat twin engined light bomber project,powered by
two Walter Sagitta engines.

we know Fokker-Republic D-24 was VG fighter ,but what was
this ?; from www.airwarfareforum.com


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Maveric said:

Unpopular aircraft Ok, but the Silvansky IS was no project. It was a prototyp with a powerplant Tumansky M.88 ( 1100 PS ).
The aircraft crashed during flight tests in Moskau.


Most aircraft I read about, if it didn't go into production, it was a project. And the IS didn't crash. It made one flight and the pilot was lucky enough to land it WITHOUT crashing :eek:, even luckier he stayed in the air long enough to make one circuit around the airfield :eek: :eek:. It was, however, a crash course of how not to design a fighter. Scrapped after that one and only flight. Silvansky was banned from designing any other aircraft.
This was a really bad aircraft... :p
A bit more about the T.VI...

Fokker T.VI or Ontwerp 152,of October 1937 , was planned as successor of the T.V.
'152' was a twinboom design ,more or less of a T.V/G.1 hybrid.

In 1934 already,designation T.VI was also used for the four engined bomberdesign ,Ontwerp 115.

source : Dutch Profile Fokker T.V
Frits Gerdessen
Luuk Boerman
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
This topic makes no sense, Hesham. What links these projects? Popularity?
lol I haven't laughed so hard in a while...!

Nice work!
Avimimus said:
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
This topic makes no sense, Hesham. What links these projects? Popularity?
lol I haven't laughed so hard in a while...!

Nice work!


Via Corsarius over on the WarbirdsForum, from a similar topic:

Quoted from "The complete book of fighters" by William Green and Gordon Swanborough.

"In 1938, A V Sylvansky, assisted by Yu B Sturtsel and V D Yarovitsky, established an OKB with the express purpose of designing and building a single seat frontal fighter to a requirement formulated by the UV-VS. Referred to as the IS (Istrebitel Silvansky), the fighter was a low wing cantilever monoplane of mixed construction powered by a turmansky M-88 14-cylinder two row radial engine with a two speed supercharger and rated at 1100hp. Owing to a "miscalculation", the inward retracting mainwheel legs were of longer stroke than could be accommodated by the bays into which they were intended to retract. Once shortened, the legs provided insufficient ground clearance for the propeller, and as a temporary expedient and in order not to delay flight testing, this was allegedly cropped by four inches (10cm). The prototype SI was transferred to the LII at moscow in the summer of 1939. There it was found that, with it's cropped propeller, the aircraft required and inordinately long take-off run. Nonetheless, one attempt was apparently made to fly the aircraft, the test pilot succeeding in attaining an altitude of some 1000 feet (300m) at which the aircraft proved virtually unmanageable. He managed to effect a landing, pronounced the IS was unflyable, and the prototype was scrapped, Silvansky's team being dispersed. No data relating to the IS seem to have survived"

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