U.S. Experimental & Prototype Aircraft Projects: Fighters 1939-1945


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22 January 2006
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I've just discovered that book at amazon


Anybody can give some info about it?. I'd like to know if it's a serious book, if unbuilt designs are covered and if it's only a photoalbum book?

Thanks in advance

Re: American Secret Aircraft from WWII


Please ask the publisher ;)


Bill Norton's Aerofax title on the V-22 "Osprey" is excellent, so I hope he will do a good job with the new publication enjoying us all :)
Re: American Secret Aircraft from WWII

Thanks a lot Thomas,

I've already sent my email
Re: American Secret Aircraft from WWII

Received that email from speciality press about the book:
The book "American Secret Aircraft: Fighters 1938-1945" is a 100,000-word in-depth review of both U.S. Army Air Corps/Forces and U.S. Navy fighter projects. The book has many never-before-seen photos. It is written by widely respected author William Norton, who has authored a number of previous titles for Specialty Press in the past.

In answer to your questions, I'm taking the liberty of pasting the detailed table of contents below:

Chapter 1 Background to Growth x
Pent-up Capability x
March of Progress x
Weapon Moves x
Systems Complexity x
Engine Challenges x
Speed Limit x
Jets Emerge x
Hard Lessons x
Shifting Plans x
Army Struggles x
Navy Steam x
Chapter 2 Navy Fighter Bazaar x
Core Competency (F3F) x
Unfit for Duty (F2A) x
Hard Worker (F4F, FM) x
Late Bloomer (F4U, FG, F3A) x
Staunchness (F6F, FV) x
Variants and Deviants x
Wildcat Litters (experimental F4Fs & F2Ms) x
Corsair Rarities (experimental F4Us & FGs, F2G) x
Hellcat Vigor (experimental F6Fs) x
Last But Not Least x
Feline Twins (F7F) x
Worthy But Too Late (F8F, F3M) x
Chapter 3 Army Fighter Clan x
Gene Pool x
Breed for Speed (P-35, P-41, P-43, P-44) x
Steady Pace of Progress (P-36, P-37, P-42) x
Family Tree x
Older Brother (P-40) x
Stunted (P-39, P-63, P-400, P-45) x
Maverick (P-38, P-322) x
Big Guy (P-47) x
Over Achiever (P-51, P-78) x
Misfits x
Sharing Among Friends (Spitfire) x
For the Foreign Crowd x
Weak Sister (SW-21, SW-22) x
Quick Change (NA models, A-27, P-64) x
Get What You Pay For (V-48, P-66) x
Chapter 4 Army Miscreants x
Missing Links (P-40 variants) x
Cross Dressing x
Look Alike (P-46) x
Misdirection (P-53) x
Cavalcade (P-60) x
End of the Line (P-62) x
Cobra Strikes (P-39 & P-63 variants, P-76) x
Lightning Flashes (experimental P-38s) x
Thunder Echoes (experimental P-47s) x
Mustang Strays (P-51 variants) x
Chapter 5 Navy Heavy Lifting x
The Scout-Bomber Fades x
Legacy x
Two for One (SBC) x
Last Legs (SB2U, V-156) x
In the Way (SBN) x
Ole’ Faithful (SBD) x
Tough Row (SB2C) x
Helldiver Miss (SB2C-6) x
Sour Brew (SB2A) x
Near Miss (SB2D) x
Infant Mortality (SB3C) x
Torpedo-Bomber Saga x
Sparse Stable (TBD, TBF) x
Old School (TBD) x
Rough ‘n Tumble (TBF & TBM) x
Avenger Theme (TBF/M variants) x
The Almost-Ran (TBU, TBY) x
Clean Miss (TBV) x
Good in Concept (TB2D) x
Miscues (TB2F, TSF) x
Last Gasp (TB3F) x
Chapter 6 Army Aberrations x
Misbegotten – Bomber-Destroyers x
First Out the Gate (FM) x
Swings of the Pendulum (P-58) x
Escort Reach x
A Good Try (P-75) x
Radical But Practical (P-82) x
Missed Goal: Single-Seat Twins x
Left Behind (P-49) x
Army Dance (P-50, P-65) x
Appearances Can Be Deceiving (P-67) x
Size Does Not Matter (P-71) x
Chapter 7 Army Experimentals x
Queer Company x
Into Limbo (P-52, P-59) x
Weight Gain (P-54) x
Just Out of Reach (P-55, CW 24B) x
Monstrosity (P-56, N-1M) x
Stretching x
Largess (P-61E) x
Engine Bottleneck (P-68, P-69, P-72) x
Quest for the Light Fighter x
Less Filling (P-48) x
Sales Job (P-57) x
Overcome by Events (P-77) x
Chapter 8 Navy Experimentals x
Reaching x
Crossbreed (FL) x
First Twin (F5F) x
Flash in the Pan (F14C) x
Odd Balls (V-173, F5U) x
Mixing Missions x
Singularity from Seattle (F8B) x
Near-Run Things (BTD) x
Try and Try Again (BTC) x
Near Miss (BTM) x
Out of Left Field (BK, BTK) x
Longevity (BT2D) x
Last Roll of the Dice (BT2C) x
Chapter 9 Army Attack Diversion x
Saga Defined x
Might Have Been x
Old Reliable (A-17, A-33) x
No Future (A-18) x
The Few (A-19) x
Dressing for the Party x
Keeps Going (A-24) x
Tough (A-36) x
Misfires x
The Unwanted (A-31 & A-35) x
Wrong Path (A-25) x
No Way (A-34) x
Attacker cum Bomber x
Trying Hard (A-32) x
Infanticide (A-39) x
Never Mind (A-40) x
Fine Specimen (A-41) x
Swift Twins (A-37, P-73, A-38) x
Forget It (A-37, P-73) x
Pinocchio (A-38) x
Chapter 10 Night Fighting x
Emerging from the Lab x
Army Hustle x
Scrambling x
Ersatz Solution (P-70) x
Making Do (B-25, P-38) x
Strangers in a Strange Land (Beaufighter, Mosquito) x
Loose End (A-26A) x
Better Late Than Never (P-61) x
Spider Bites (P-61 variants) x
Late Arrival (P-38M) x
Navy Course x
Sea Change x
Air-to-Air Assets x
Better Than Nothing (PV-1) x
Late Start (F4U variants) x
Prime Time (F6F variants) x
Too Late to Place (F7F & F8F variants) x
AEW Appears (TBM-3W) x
Air-to-Ground Assets x
Raptors (SBD, SB2U, SB2A, SB2C, TBF/M, TBY,
F6F variants) x
ASW Contribution (TBF/M & SB variants) x
Chapter 11 Jets – First Blush x
Engine Facilitators x
Mother of Invention x
Old World Examples x
America Steps Up x
Turn ‘n Burn x
Incipient x
Army Leads Off (P-59A, P-80) x
Cautious Navy Steps (F2L, FD, FR) x
Chapter 12 Jets – Full Bore x
Pubescence x
Army Follow-up (P-84, P-86) x
Navy Strides (F2D, FJ, F6U) x
Over-Exuberance x
Beating & Mixing (F15C, F2R, P-81) x
Escort Challenge (P-83, P-85) x
Rocket Option (MX-324, MX-334, P-79, P-79B) x
Bibliography x
Index x
Author’s Biography x

I have no more questions, I'm going to order it ;)
Now this looks interesting… Not yet released but coming in September:

U.S. Experimental & Prototype Aircraft Projects: Fighters 1939-1945 (Specialty Press)

by William Norton

Product Description
America's military aircraft industry was forced to grow at an incredible pace during World War II. At the beginning of the conflict, the nation's air arms were out-matched by better-performing Axis aircraft. It was the development, often in secret, and subsequent performance of America's fighter aircraft that helped turn the tide of the war.
This book focuses on those American fighter projects of WWII that never reached combat forces, or only in a very limited manner. The book illuminates little known or minimally documented aircraft and projects that significantly advanced fighter design but never went into full-rate production and deployment. The standard types are also examined to illustrate the state of the art at the time, the American posture and capabilities, goals set by national and military leadership, and general factors affecting the course of development for classes of fighters. Hence, this work follows the overall development of American fighter aircraft, but emphasizes those little-known projects that matured to the point of significant design development such as mockups, wind-tunnel models, and especially those yielding flying prototypes. Also includes dead-end variants of service types, those only exported after US evaluation, and aircraft that entered service in only small numbers before being overcome by more advanced models or the end of hostilities.

About the Author
Bill Norton is a retired U.S. Air Force officer presently employed by JT3 at the Air Force Flight Test Center. He has been active in flight-test engineering and aircraft development since 1980. He has held numerous positions as a discipline engineer, lead engineer, project manager, and business manager. He has contributed in many flight-test disciplines, on more than two dozen programs, including fighters, bombers, rotorcraft, UAVs, and missiles. His most recent efforts were as the lead flight-test engineer on the CV-22 program, structural loads FTE on the F/A-22, and as test director on the Global Hawk and Predator UAVs. He has written eight aviation books and many other professional publications and has served as a guest instructor at both United States Air Force and national test-pilot schools.

Product Details
Hardcover: 264 pages
Publisher: Specialty Pr Pub & Wholesalers (September 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580071090
ISBN-13: 978-1580071093




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