Turkey requested purchase of Reaper drones back in 2008, this interview is in 2012 - when not supplied, Turkey took upon itself to develop.

Because it would have been illegal under MTCR regulations to supply them...
Turkey responded to Russia's fears about the sale of drones to Ukraine

"Turkey is selling its drones to those who need them. The deal [with Ukraine] is not aimed against Russia. If Russia has the need to buy our products, it can buy them, just like we earlier purchased its S-400 [air defense systems]," he told the Haber Turk TV channel.

Moroccan media outlets close to the government have reported that the country is set to acquire 13 Turkish made Bayraktar TB2 drones in a bid to boost the effectiveness of its armed forces.
EMT SAVUNMA developing tethered drones for Naval Forces. With tether length of 100 meters, giving naval assets over the horizon capability without need to launch helicopter or in-case helicopter operations not available on Naval Asset.
In this example, E/O are fitted however could be exchanged for LPI radar.
Azerbaijan MOD releases new 11min footage of TB2 UCAV drone strikes as well as some SPIKE-NLOS strikes during 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war

This video (youtube.com/watch?v=KPcDpF07SAA&t=89s) shows real war scenes, and real people at the
receiving end of drone/missile attacks. For this reason, the direct was edited, watching on everyone's
own responsibility !
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Do we really have to see ppl being blown-up in serie?!
This video mostly brings nothing new.
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50 ULAQ Unmanned surface vessels in various configurations are planned to be procured by Turkish Navy, boats will be operational from coastal stations or launched and operated from ships. Test firings will commence sometime this month with Roketsan's 2.75" Cirit laser guided missile.



Coastal Ground Control Station
Do we really have to see ppl being blown-up in serie?!
This video mostly brings nothing new.
I don't want to encourage anybody to post now every video of that kind here ! Looking at that footage, with many scenes showing bodies tossed around, or man (of whatever nationality/religion/opinion) vainly trying to flee the
attack. isn't really pleasant, at least not to me.
But perhaps, from time to time, it's quite ok to realise, what those gadgets are made for, and what they can do.
And always remember, it's hard to say from such pictures, who was on the receiving end, and if it really was
someone, you can say about "He got, what he deserved !".
But to me, the most macabre picture somehow is that van, which wouldn't look misplaced on a camp site, maybe
with an awning and the second shift of drone controllers drinking their beers in front of it, while one of them is
barbecueing. Perfect camouflage ... until the other side notices ... and you are sleeping in the tent nearby !
Poland will buy 24 armed drones from Turkey, the Polish defence minister said on Saturday, becoming the first NATO member to buy Turkish-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).


Akdoğan (Gyrfalcon) within visual range mini air to air missile developed for UCAV to UCAV/Manned aircraft combat. The A2A missile is also small and light enough for manned aircraft to be loaded a dozen of.
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Royal United Services Institute assesing Turkey's drones capabilities - on the panel is Haluk Bayraktar General Manager of Baykar Makina, the producers of TB2 and Akinici UCAV

What are Turkey’s calculations and ambitions for its military drones programme? What are the implications for regional conflicts from Turkey’s increased use of drones across the Middle East and North Africa?
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZYgI-GRrJM

A still from the video above, Turkey's problems with procuring foreign UAVs underlined - There's also a segment on the timeline that designates 2023 for 'Unmanned Fighter Plane'


TB2 is flying minimum 10,000hrs a month platform has accumulated 300,000 flight hours



I believe this is the most important segment - being able to update software and hardware in ongoing battles. During Nargorno-Karabakh war, Russian E/W equipment was used to suppress TB2 drone operations. However, within a few days software and hardware updates made those E/W equipment used by Armenia redundant - as TB2 was adapted.
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All that is from a page in the UN report here:
63. On 27 March 2020, the Prime Minister, Faiez Serraj, announced the
commencement of Operation PEACE STORM, 46 which moved GNA-AF to the
offensive along the coastal littoral. The combination of the Gabya-class frigates and
Korkut short-range air defence systems provided a capability to place a mobile air
defence bubble around GNA-AF ground units, which took HAF air assets out of the
military equation. The enhanced operational intelligence capability included Turkish
operated signal intelligence and the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
provided by Bayraktar TB-2 and probably TAI Anka S unmanned combat aerial vehicles
(see annex 27). This allowed for the development of an asymmetrical war of attrition
designed to degrade HAF ground unit capability. The GNA-AF breakout of Tripoli was
supported with Firtina T155 155mm self-propelled guns (see annex 28) and T-122
Sakarya multi-launch rocket systems (see annex 29) firing extended range precision
munitions against the mid-twentieth century main battle tanks and heavy artillery used
by HAF. Logistics convoys and retreating HAF were subsequently hunted down and
remotely engaged by the unmanned combat aerial vehicles or the lethal autonomous
weapons systems such as the STM Kargu-2 (see annex 30) and other loitering munitions.
The lethal autonomous weapons systems were programmed to attack targets without
requiring data connectivity between the operator and the munition: in effect, a true “fire,
forget and find” capability. The unmanned combat aerial vehicles and the small drone
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability of HAF were neutralized by
electronic jamming from the Koral electronic warfare system.47

64. The concentrated firepower and situational awareness that those new battlefield
technologies provided was a significant force multiplier for the ground units of
GNA-AF, which slowly degraded the HAF operational capability. The latter’s units
were neither trained nor motivated to defend against the effective use of this new
technology and usually retreated in disarray. Once in retreat, they were subject to
continual harassment from the unmanned combat aerial vehicles and lethal
autonomous weapons systems, which were proving to be a highly effective
combination in defeating the United Arab Emirates-delivered Pantsir S-1 surface-to
air missile systems. These suffered significant casualties, even when used in a passive
electro-optical role to avoid GNA-AF jamming. With the Pantsir S-1 threat negated,
HAF units had no real protection from remote air attacks.

65. The introduction by Turkey of advanced military technology into the conflict was
a decisive element in the often unseen, and certainly uneven, war of attrition that
resulted in the defeat of HAF in western Libya during 2020. Remote air technology,
combined with an effective fusion intelligence and intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance capability, turned the tide for GNA-AF in what had previously been a
low-intensity, low-technology conflict in which casualty avoidance and force
protection were a priority for both parties to the conflict. The deployment of Mig-29A
(see annex 31) and Sukhoi Su-24 (see annex 32) FGA aircraft in May 2020, as well as
the Pantsir S-1 surface-to-air missile systems operated by the Russian private military
companies (see para. 94 below), has led to another military stand-off between forces
The Kargu drones look like this
Slaughterbots: why not?

Seems like the project name is MIUS


I don't know my way around turkish media so I'll just have to post what google translate tells me off random sites:
Combat Unmanned Aircraft System; It is planned to have an operational altitude of 40,000 feet, a flight time of 4-5 hours, a take-off weight of approximately 3.5 tons, an ammunition capacity of 1 ton, a turbofan propulsion system, a cruising speed of Mach 0.8 and the SATCOM Data Network, that is, the ability to communicate via satellite. MİUS will be used in strategic attack, close air support, suppression / destruction of enemy air defense (SEAD / DEAD) and missile attack missions with the various payloads it contains.

More info welcome~

Also: family of vehicles:
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First instance of 'killer robot' attacking human without orders recorded in Libya: UN report​

Are killer robots the next threat faced by humanity? A United Nations report claims that a killer drone trailed and attacked a human being without directives to do the same.

In 2018, the United Nations had urged countries to ban killer robots. But the plea was shot down. The recent report by UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts on Libya claims that “an autonomous weaponized drone hunted down a human target last year”.

The report was published in March 2021 in the New Scientist and foretells the dangers posed by militarised technology capable of making autonomous decisions. The attack in question was perpetrated by "Kargu-2", a quadcopter drone made by STM, a Turkish military technology company.

Manufactured by Baykar Makina, the TB2 drones cost as little as $1m to $2m each according to analyst estimates
At this price point, TB2 can come in vast numbers and cover foreseeable theaters with dense surveillance.

List of off the shelf parts discovered from shot down planes: It would be nice if someone figures out an good educated guess the radio performance with this info.
Obsessively anti-Turkey Michael Rubin lied again. In his piece for National Interest he says “I warned Obama administration when transferring drones to Turks.” Rubin is ignorant enough that he doesn’t know the US sold no UAVs to Turkey and Turks began producing UAVs because of this.

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