Tupolev Aircraft List


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26 May 2006
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those two aircraft didn't exist in the Osprey encyclopedia of russian aircraft:
Tupolev ANT-33: high wing passengers transport,project only.
,, ANT-39 (SB-1):twin engined all metal cantilever low-wing
medium bomber fitted with M-25 engines.
Hi all,

No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
1ANT-1-light sportplane19231-
2ANT-2-light passanger a/c19242-
3ANT-3R-3two-seat recon. a/c1925103also PS-3
4ANT-4TB-1heavy bomber1925216also G-1
5ANT-5I-4single-seat fighter1927369-
6ANT-6TB-3heavy bomber1930819also G-2
7ANT-7R-6multirole aircraft1929407also MP-6, PS-7
8ANT-8MDR-2long-range recon. flying boat19311-
9ANT-9ANT-9 & PS-9three- & two-engined passenger a/c192975-
10ANT-10R-7two-seat recon. a/c19301-
My Tupolev list (sorry only in german) :'(


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...part 4,5 and 6.

Corrections are very welcome.

Thanks Maveric


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No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
11ANT-11MTBTheavy torpedobomber flying boat-project-
12ANT-12I-5single-seat fighter1930?-
13ANT-13I-8single-seat interceptor19301-
14ANT-14 "Pravda"-36-seat passenger a/c19311-
15ANT-15DI-3two-seat fighter(1930)project-
16ANT-16TB-4six-engined heavy bomber19331-
17ANT-17TSh-1 or TSh-Bheavy attack a/c(1930)projectbased on ANT-7
18ANT-18TSh-1 or TSh-Bheavy attack a/c(1930)project-
19ANT-19-passenger a/c-project-
20ANT-20 & -20bisPS-124 (2nd a/c)64-seat passenger a/c1934 & 392-
Thanks to you all for this very interesting thread which enables me to complete my list with some missing information.

Maveric, I'm doing an English-language translation of your list right now, but I need to know a few things:

1°) Why the separate additional list in two parts? I can find non-sequential designations here, but also duplicate designations.

2°) What does the concept of "arbeitsflugzeug" correspond to? "Working plane" doesn't mean much. Is it a commuter type, or a research type?

3°) Does the "U-Boat Pursuit" category signify an aircraft that was fitted to a U-boat as an escort?

No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
21ANT-21DI-3twin-engined multirolw fighter19332-
22ANT-22MK-1heavy bomber flying boat19341-
23ANT-23I-12twin-engined fighter with cannons armament19312-
24ANT-24TB-4heavy bomber-project-
25ANT-25RDrecord breaking a/c19332-
26ANT-26TB-6heavy bomber(1936)project-
27ANT-27 & -27bisMDR-4 & MTB-1long-range recon. & heavy bomber flying boat19341 & 15-
28ANT-28-cargo version of ANT-26-project-
29 (1st)ANT-29DIPtwo-seat fighter with cannon armament19351-
29 (2nd)ANT-29-passenger version of ANT-27-project-
30ANT-30SK-1military multirole a/c(1933)project-
Very interesting. Keep'em coming!

Some differences between your respective lists:

A.N.T. 11 = multi-purpose, or heavy torpedo bomber ?
A.N.T. 13 = one prototype, or none built ?
A.N.T. 21 = DI. 3 or MI. 3 ?
A.N.T. 26 = 1933 project or 1936 project ?
A.N.T. 28 = passenger or cargo ?
A.N.T. 29 = DIP. 1 or just DIP ?
A.N.T. 30 = multirole or reconnaissance ?
A.N.T. 11 = multi-purpose, or heavy torpedo bomber ?
A.N.T. 13 = one prototype, or none built ?
A.N.T. 21 = DI. 3 or MI. 3 ?
A.N.T. 26 = 1932-33 project or 1936 project ?
A.N.T. 28 = passenger and cargo ?
A.N.T. 29 = DIP-1 or just DIP ?
A.N.T. 30 = multirole or reconnaissance ?
Hi AM.
Thanks for the great begun.
If you will allow a small correction dates:
ANT-11 (1929)
ANT-19 (1929)
ANT-26 (1932) / All work on the project was completed in July 1934.
Date you specified (1936) is a possible date of the final construction (in the Air Force plans to build on the experimental)
And at the ANT-17-18 (in our country's press), there was some confusion.
I think that the ultimate authority in this matter shall be the authority of Vladimir Rigmant (chief archivist Tupolev’s)
According to him ANT-17 is a biplane, and ANT-18 on the basis of the ANT-7.
In addition, I want your advice - given the specificity of our forum, perhaps it makes sense to pay more attention to projects like this you have done
with ANT-29 (2nd).
For example, in addition to passenger ANT-14 "Pravda" there were two versions of the bomber with four engines and five ..., but this is only my opinion to the same in the future it threatens too heavier task? ???
In general, at your discretion
Best regards, Anatoly.


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Great additions and corrections. I appreciate and I'm sure I'm not the only one... Of course having the alternative projects is great too!

Regarding A.N.T. 17: the fact it was a biplane project is compatible with it being a heavy attack aircraft, isn't it?
Regarding A.N.T. 18: the fact it was based on A.N.T. 7 is compatible with it being a Heavy attack aircraft, isn't it?
Regarding A.N.T. 29: isn't it logical that the unbuilt passenger version A.N.T. 27 should be #1 and the built DIP. 1 be #2?

What exact year was the A.N.T. 24 project conceived?
Hi Stargazer2006,

for your questions: 1) Two seperate list, one for sequential designations and one for non-sequential and duplicate designations. Its my own system.
2) Multirole aircraft for the agrucultural action.
3) U-Boot-Jagdflugzeug means search and destroy U-boat...

Servus Maveric

No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
31ANT-31I-14single-seat fighter193318-
32ANT-32I-13single-seat fighter(1934)project-
33ANT-33-passener a/c-project-
34ANT-34MI-4multi-seat fighter-project-
35ANT-35PS-35passenger a/c193611-
36ANT-36DB-1single-engined long-range bomber193518-
37ANT-37DB-2long-range bomber19352-
38ANT-38VSB-1high-altitude high-speed bomber-project-
40ANT-40SBhigh-speed bomber19346831also PS-40 & PS-41
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
41ANT-41T-1torpedo bomber19361-
42ANT-42TB-7 (Pe-8)four engined heavy bomber193693-
43ANT-43-passenger a/c-1complete but not fly
44ANT-44 or TzAGI-44MTB-2amphibian heavy bomber flying boat19372-
45ANT-45DIPtwo-seat fighter with cannons armament(1936)project-
46ANT-46DI-8two-seat long-range fighter1935--
48ANT-48SSsport a/c(1935)project-
49ANT-49-recon. a/c-projectbased on ANT-40
50ANT-50-passenger a/c(1937)project-
Hi all!
Some corrections from me. The ANT-12 (I-5) fighter was projected from late 1927 to 1929, not in 1930. It was a counterpart of Polikarpov I-6 prototype. By the order, September 1929 was appointed as its rollout date, but the project wasn't completed. The works were abandoned, and the task was transferred to TsKB-39 NKVD special design bureau (where Polikarpov and Grigorovich created their well-known I-5, first flown at April 29, 1930). But it wasn't the end for ANT-12 project: engineer V. Rodionov suggested to continue project at free time, as a community work. Almost all TsAGI engineers undertook a commitment to work 70 hours free on this project, and it became known at TsAGI as Obschestvennyi Samolet - "community plane" or "volunteer plane". It wasn't scheduled into official plan of prototype aircraft production, but at December, 1929 the UVVS issued a specification for it. Since then, the aircraft was classified as interceptor fighter and obtained a new official index - I-8 (ANT-13)! So, ANT-12 and -13 are actually two stages of the same project!

The volunteer work resulted in real prototype which was first flown at December 12, 1930 by Mikhail Gromov. The I-8 was tested until April 1932, but wasn't delivered to the official state tests because its performance was worse than required by the specification. Another reason was that I-8 was powered by foreign engine (Curtiss Conqueror).

Now about the ANT-24: it was projected as a bigger version of TB-4 (ANT-16) with four (unrealized) powerful M-44 engines, 2000 hp each, instead of six 830-hp M-34. It was a precursor of giant ANT-26 (TB-6). The TB-4 specification was issued at March 1930, and the first flight was at July 3, 1933. And in March 1932 the production of ANT-26 prototype beginned - it means that design works were already completed. The ANT-24 was only a preliminary design, and I think it could be from early 1931.

ANT-30 (SK-1) was 4-seat "flying cruiser", further development of R-6 (ANT-7) and ANT-21 (MI-3); also a bomber version was projected. ANT-46 (DI-8) was also twin-engined heavy fighter / cruiser, derived from SB (ANT-40), and it was 3-seat; only one prototype was built. See more about both these aircraft at http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,7951.0/all.html.
Some I-8 (ANT-13) pictures here.


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Great thred! Thanks a lot redstar72 for those clarifications.

Do you confirm there actually was an A.N.T. 41 (T. 1 / LK. 1) prototype in 1936?
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
51ANT-51Su-2short-range bomber and recon. a/c1937877-
53ANT-53-four-engined passenger a/c(1936)project-
56ANT-56SRBhigh-speed recon. a/c and bomber?project-
57ANT-57PBheavy dive bomber(1939)project-
58ANT-58103medium dive bomber19411prototype of Tu-2
59ANT-59103Umedium dive bomber19411prototype of Tu-2
60ANT-60Tu-2 2M-82medium dive bomber194180-
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
61ANT-61Tu-2s 2M-82FNmedium bomber19432527-
62ANT-62Tu-2Dlong-range bomber19442-
6363 & 63PSDB & Tu-1high-speed day bomber and long-range all-weather fighter19442-
6464Tu-10 4AM-43TK & Tu-10 4AM46TKlong-range heavy bomber(1943)project-
6565Tu-2DBhigh-altitude resse-bomber1946?-
6666-passenger a/c(1944)projectbased on "64"
6767Tu-2Dlong-range bomber1946?version of "62" with diesel engines
6868Tu-10 2AM-39FNV-2high-speed bomber194510Tu-2 version
6969Tu-8 2ASh-82FNlong-range bomber19471 mod.based on "62"
--Tu-4long-range heavy bomber19471000B-29 Superfortress version
70Tu-70Tu-12 4ASh-73TKpassenger aircraft19461based on Tu-4
Stargazer2006 said:
Great thred! Thanks a lot redstar72 for those clarifications.

Do you confirm there actually was an A.N.T. 41 (T. 1 / LK. 1) prototype in 1936?

Yes, ANT-41 prototype actually existed in 1936; it was first flown at June 2 by A. Chernavsky, but one month ago - at July 3 it crashed because of wing flutter (the crew rescued with parachutes). It looked much similar to ANT-40 (SB) but was notably bigger, with powerful Mikulin M-34FRN engines (1275 hp each) and with large bomb / torpedo bay (6.5 meters length - 40 % of whole fuselage length) suitable for 920-kg TANF torpedo. Its army designation at final stage was T-1 only. Yes, when ANT-41 design began at early 1935, it was proposed as multirole aircraft: not only torpedo bomber, but also "normal" bomber and combat aircraft / flying cruiser, and the last purpose was the main one. In April 1935, the appropriate specification was confirmed by the head of UVVS, Yakov Alxnis, and ANT-41 obtained army index in "LK" category (some sources specify it as LK-1, some others as LK-4 - I can't say which is right). In every case, at 2nd half of 1935 the specification was revised and torpedo bomber become the main role for ANT-41. In accordance with this, the army designation was changed into T-1 (Torpedonosets 1).


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Thanks! I've been cross-comparing my files with all that has been shared in this thread, and SURPRISE! I have found a reference for A.N.T. 39...

According to Aviation Magazine #172, the A.N.T. 39 was a 1934 twin-engined fast bomber based on the ANT-29. Possible designations appear as SB. 1 and MI. 13, though TSB. 1 and even AR have also been quoted! The same source gives A.N.T. 40 as SB. 2 ONLY.

Some guy at Aviation Magazine in the 1950s used to be pretty close to someone at Tupolev from what I've heard, so it may be worth considering... What do you say about this, redstar72?
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
7171Tu-14 2M-93 / Tu-14 2M-82M / Tu-14 2M-45 short-range bomber(1946)projectversion of Tu-2
72 (1st)72Tu-24 2Ash-2TKhigh-altitude bomber(1946)projectversion of Tu-2
72 (2nd)72Tu-18 2Nene-1short-range bomber(1947)projectversion of Tu-2
73 (1st)73Tu-20 2Nene-1short-range bomber(1947)project-
73 (2nd)73Tu-14 2Nene-1 + Derwent-5 & Tu-16 2Nene-1 + Derwent-5medium bomber & recon. a/c19471 & 1-
7474Tu-22 2M-93 & Tu-22 2ASh-84TK + RD-45high-altitude recon. a/c(1947)projectversion of Tu-2
75 (1st)75Tu-26 2M-3short-range bomber(1947)project-
75 (2nd)Tu-75Tu-16 4ASh-73TKNVmilitary cargo version of Tu-41950?-
76 (1st)76Tu-24 2ASh-73TK + RD-45torpedobomber(1947)projectversion of Tu-2
76 (2nd)76Tu-28 2M-3bomber(1947)project-
76 (3th)76Tu-4Dmilitary cargo a/c?[300]re-built from Tu-4
77 (1st)77Tu-12 2Nene-1experimental jet bomber19475
77 (2nd)77Tu-30 4Nene-1bomber(1947)project-
7878Tu-16 2Nene-1 + Derwent-5recon.a/c1948?version of "73" (Tu-14)
79 (1st)79-version of Tu-4 with M-49TK engines?project-
79 (2nd)79Tu-20 2VK-1 - RD-500recon. a/c(1949)projectbased on "73" (Tu-16)
80Tu-80-long-range bomber19491based on Tu-4
Thanks Stargazer, it's an interesting info. But there are some questions. First of all, it's undoubtly fixed now that army index for ANT-40 was simply SB, without any digits. The popullar names "SB-2" for early production version and "SB-3" for the late one, widely used in literature during many years, both are incorrect. I guess that "SB-2" false index "derived" from the full "long" designation of the aircraft - SB 2M-100, where "2" is only the number of engines - such as, for example, "4" in TB-3 4M-17F. By the same principle, the ANT-57 project (PB 4M-105) is sometimes wrongly mentioned as "PB-4".

The index "MI-13" also looks strange, if ANT-39 was a bomber project: "MI" means Mnogomestnyi Istrebitel - multiplace fighter. Of cource, it could be designation for heavy fighter / cruiser version designed in parallel. But why such a big number? As far as I know, any aircraft designated MI-5 to MI-12 never existed.

And another strange thing: what's the difference between probable ANT-39 and the ANT-40, if the second was also an evolution of ANT-29 concept? (Though ANT-40 was first flown before ANT-29 - such a paradox :) ).

If the Aviation Magazine info had real basis, than it's possible that ANT-39 was a preliminary designation for some early ANT-40 concepts. Also it could be an alternative design from Sukhoi brigade, who worked on ANT-29 (ANT-40 was created by Arkhangelsky brigade). But it also could be a mistake: the authors might define the first SB prototype, with Wright Cyclone radials, as "ANT-39" - while it was also ANT-40.

It is interesting that V. Rigmant wrote in his cycle of articles in "Aviatsia i Kosmonavtika" magazine, that any info about ANT-39 project isn't known.
I'm sure the truth will be hidden for many years to come, possibly forever now...

Just one more piece of information from Aviation Magazine: they give the ANT-40 (which they call SB-2) as a derivative of the ANT-39, itself a derivative of the ANT-29.

The fact that they mention turrets as the main characteristic on ANT-40 may signify that ANT-39 could have been used for early prototype work in the form of an airframe WITHOUT turrets. Well, just a theory.
Some more corrections to AM's table.
There were two prototypes of "62" long-range bomber (Tu-2D). But, despite the identical designation, they had some notable differences. The first, converted from production Tu-2 #718, retained standard Tu-2 nose and 4-member crew (the differences from Tu-2 were: enlarged outer wings and vertical tail fins, larger fuel capacity, new propellers and modified pilot's canopy). Its factory tests took place from July 3 to September 23, 1944 (first flight at July 12), official state tests from November 20, 1944 to April 23, 1945. Later it was used for different experiments until 1947, and then was scrapped.

Unlike it, the second "62" (#714) had new longer nose with navigator in prone position and a crew of 5 (the co-pilot was added, his place was behind the commander). It underwent factory tests from October 20, 1944 to March 1, 1945; official tests from July 18 to October 31, 1945. Later, in July 1946, it was converted into a torpedo bomber version called "62T" (factory tests August 2 - September 28, 1946; official tests January-March 1947), and then into "69" (Tu-8) prototype. The "65" and "67" prototypes also were derived from second "62".

The main difference of "65" machine were liquid-cooled Mikulin AM-44 engines (1650 / 1950 hp each) with AM-TK-1B (TK-300B) turbo superchargers. The single prototype was converted from production Tu-2 #201 in May 1946. Its factory tests proceeded from May 21, 1946 until May 6, 1947, but only a few flights were done (the first only at July 1, 1946) - the cause was very unreliable work of turbo superchargers.

The "67" with diesel Charomsky ACh-30BF engines (1500 / 1900 hp each) was also a single prototype (# 402). It was built at November 1945; factory tests from January 15, 1946 to January 2, 1947; maiden flight at February 12, 1946. Neither the "65" nor "67" weren't transmitted to the official tests.


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The SDB ("63") also existed as two different prototypes. The first was converted from the first "103" (ANT-58) prototype and had only 2-men crew. Its maiden flight was at May 21, 1944. The second, tested from November 1944 to April 1945, was of special built; it was 3-seat and looked closer to production Tu-2. During 1946, this second prototype was converted into Tu-1 ("63P") heavy interceptor.

About Tu-4 (B-29 copy): according to V. Rigmant, 847 were built, not 1000.


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No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
81 (1st)81Tu-18 2VK-1medium bomber(1949)projectversion of Tu-14 ("73")
81 (2nd)81Tu-14 2VK-1torpedobomber194987 (?126)-
8282Tu-22 2VK-1experimental bomber19491-
8383Tu-22 2VK-1bomber(1949)projectversion of "82"
8484-recon. a/c(1948)projectbased on Tu-14 ("73")
85Tu-85-long-range heavy bomber19512-
8686-long-range bomber(1949-51)project-
8787-long-range bomber(1951)projectversion of "86" with other engines
8888 ("N")Tu-16medium-range bomber19521511-
8989Tu-16 2VK-1recon. a/c1951?version of Tu-14 ("81")
9090-medium-range bomber(1954)projectversion of Tu-16 ("88") with turboprop engines
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
91Tu-91-multirole strike a/c1954-
9292Tu-16Rlong-range recon. a/c195570-
9393-torpedobomber(1952)projectbased on Tu-14T ("81")
9494-long-range bomber(1950-51)projectversion of Tu-4 with turboprope engines
95Tu-95 ("V")Tu-95intercontinental bomber1952
96Tu-96-high-altitude intercontinental bomber19561version of Tu-95
9797-long-range bomber?projectbased on Tu-16
98Tu-98Tu-24supersonic bomber19562-
9999-intercontinental bomber?projectversion of Tu-96 with jet engined
100100-bomber(1953-58)projectparasite bomber for Tu-108
The first official designation of the "68" aircraft was Tu-4, changed into Tu-10 when Tu-4 index was fixed on B-29 copy (which itself was previously designated as B-4 or Aircraft "R" - without any "ANT" number).

The official designation of "70" was initially Tu-12, changed in 1948 into Tu-70 (Tupolev factory designation was confirmed as official).

The versions of "71" project with radial engines (ASh-82M, M-93) obtained official designation Tu-14; but the version with M-45 liquid-cooled engines was designated Tu-16 (Tu-16 2M-45).

Beside the "72" project with twin-fin empennage (Tu-24 2ASh-2TK), a version with V-tail (!) was projected. This version was designated as Tu-26 2ASh-2TK.

The high-altitude recon version of Tu-2, built in little series in 1947, was officially designated as Tu-6. These aircrafts had elongated outer wings like Tu-2D versions (22.06 m wingspan, instead of 18.86 m on standard Tu-2). It seems that this Tu-6 had no special "ANT" number.
Before the jet Tu-78 (Tu-16 2Nene-1 + Derwent-5) mentioned here, another "78" project existed - it was a photo recon version of Tu-8 ("69"). Its official designation was Tu-28 2ASh-82FN. It was only a preliminary design projected during 1947. (Source: V. Rigmant, AiK 9-1998).
The "84" photo recon project wasn't based on the "73": initially it was designed as "74" (Tu-22) derivative, with VK-2 turboprop engines instead of ASh-84TK radials, and with RD-45 jet engine replaced by more powerful VK-1. But, during the evolution, it turned into completely new aircraft. The jet engine was removed, and "84" became pure turboprop. Here is a 3-view; note the V-tail.

Technical data for Tupolev "84" (projected):
Wing span - 34.0 m
Length - 25.5 m
Wing area - 108 m2
Powerplant - 2x Klimov VK-2 turboprop engines, 4200 / 4800 hp each
Maximum speed - 725 km/h (at 6000 m altitude)
Service ceiling - 13 100 m
Flight range - 5600 to 5800 km
Crew - 5
Weapon - 8x 23-mm NR-23 cannons
(Source: V. Rigmant, AiK 10-1998)


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I found the drawing below that seems related to Tupolev works in the late 20s, early 30s,
Perhaps a project leading to the TB-3?


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Hi Philippe

This project P. Grokhovskiy Г-ЛК (Летающее Крыло) G-LK (flying wing) on the basis of TB-3 by A.Tupolev.
The project is inspired by the works of the bomber K. Kalinin, namely K-12 "Firebird" that some time in KB-29 Grokhovskiy and Kalinin with his family at that time lived at the villa Grokhovskiy and actually had some influence in the selection scheme flying wing.
In addition Kalinin K-12 there was a four-engine long-range bomber K-17 performed well under the scheme of a flying wing.
The fate of both designers tragic: both were repression, Kalinin was shot, Grokhovsky died in the camps.


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Hi Borovik,

Interesting connection, sad endings, but beautiful drawing.
Thanks a lot AGAIN.

Best regards,
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
101Tu-101-assault transort(1952-55)project-
102Tu-102-passenger a/c(1952-55)projectbased on Tu-101
103103-long-range bomber?projectimproved Tu-16
104Tu-104-medium-range liner1955?-
105Tu-105 ("Yu")Tu-22long-range supersonic bomber1958311
106106-long-range supersonic bomber(1954-63)projectTu-22 ("105") version
107Tu-107-military cargo transport19581Tu-104 version
108108-intercontinental supersonic bomber(1952-58)project-
109109-intercontinental supersonic bomber?project108 with new engines
110Tu-110-medium-range liner1957(1)+34-engined version of Tu-104
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
111111-24-seat passenger a/c(1954)project-
112112-frontline supersonic bomber(1955)project-
113113-cruise missile for a/c(1955)project-
114Tu-114-long-range liner195731based on Tu-95
115Tu-115 (Tu-114VTA)-military cargo a/c?projectversion of Tu-114
116Tu-116Tu-114Dlong-range VIP liner1957(2)rebuilt from Tu-95
117117-military cargo a/c?projectversion of Tu-110
118118-military cargo a/c?projectturboprop version of Tu-117
119Tu-119-experimental a/c with nuclear engines?projectbased on Tu-95M
120120-long-range supersonic bomber with nuclear engines?project
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
121Tu-121 ("S")-cruise missele1959?-
122122-supersonic bomber(1957)projectderiv. of "98"
123Tu-123 Yastreb ("D")-recon. UAV196152-
124 (1st)124-low-altitude bomber(1957)project-
124 (2nd)Tu-124-short-range liner1960165-
125125-medium-range supersonic bomber(1958)project-
126Tu-126-AWACS a/c19619based on Tu-114
127 (1st)127-supersonic bomber(1958)project-
127 (2nd)127-military cargo a/c?projectversion of Tu-124
128Tu-128 ("I")-long-range interceptor1961198-
129129-supersonic bomber?project-
130130 ("DP")-unmanned gliding a/c(1959)project-
No.Tupolev design.Official design.TypeF/FQtyNotes
131131 ("Z")-Surface-to-air missile(1959)project-
132132-low-level bomber(1960)project-
133133 ("ZD")-strategic cruise missile?project-
134 (1st)134-SST?projectbased on "106A"
134 (2nd)Tu-134-short-range airliner1963852-
135 (1st)135-strategic supersonic bomber(1958)project-
135 (2nd)135-supersonic bomber?project-
136 (1st)136 Zvezda-spaceplane?project-
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