Top secret UK military system is still managed by scandal-hit Fujitsu


Senior Member
21 January 2015
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They are so embedded in government contracts that even though they lost the contract for managing this system in 2022 they still haven’t been removed from it. Having to continue to pay them to manage it is also costing a large amount of taxpayers money. It sounds like some in the intelligence community have decided the only way to get something done about the situation is to draw public attention to it.

The IT giant at the centre of the Post Office Horizon scandal is still managing a top secret UK military system nearly two years after its Government contract to do so should have expired, i can reveal.

Fujitsu has been managing a highly secretive military computer system facilitating the “strategic command and control of UK armed forces” for decades.

The military project “is not public and kept secret” but Fujitsu are still overseeing the contract despite it being reallocated to another firm almost two years ago, according to a UK intelligence source.
The delays are due to the deep ties that the IT giant has with UK Government departments, the highly sensitive nature of the contract, and the waits for incoming staff to receive appropriate security clearances.

I'll bet half the problem is none of the documentation is written on the assumption people might have to take it over from Fujitsu, as opposed to being able to access all the 'tribal knowledge' from the people running it already. Filling that hole is not something that can be done quickly, nor is it in Fujitsu's interest to hurry the process.
When this was done Royal Mail was not a private business and while it was touted by somr it should be privatised. That argument wasn't over.
It occurs to me that maybe we should be looking at Horizon as an analogue for the issues that may arise with AI systems. After all, Horizon seems to have been decades ahead of the game in being able to hallucinate facts for itself.

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