Time Lapse of Every Nuclear Explosion


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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Kind of long but kind of interesting.

A lovely and clever way to visualize this data. Some numbers surprised me, like why did France require so many nuclear tests -- some well into the 1990s -- given their rather small warhead inventory? Perhaps they were simply posturing, to feel more important on the world stage.

Also, I didn't realize the Soviets had tested nukes all over their territory, with such a multitude of sites. Just one regret: atmospheric and underground tests were not differentiated.

Overall, 14 minutes well spent! Thank you for posting this link.
circle-5 said:
Just one regret: atmospheric and underground tests were not differentiated.

My two regrets: that we went from atmospheric to underground tests... and that we stopped testing. Nukes are now so far in the past that they're like manned space exploration: something from a distant age of greatness that recent generations know nothing of.
OBB - Could not have said it better myself. We need to have a robust research, development, test and evaluation program. The US should be at the forefront of all things nuclear. I have advocated a "Nuclear Deterrence Agency" along the lines of the Missile Defense Agency to insure all aspects of the nuclear mission from warhead development to RV to delivery vehicle (and every technology in between be supported through the revitalization of the "nuclear" industrial base).

I just read a story that the US is facing a Tritium shortage. Combine that story with the "Fogbank" issue from awhile back and I really start to get concerned.
Returning to the question on France. Almost all the last run of tests in the Pacific were devoted to qualification of the new TN-75 warhead for the M-45 SLBM. The TN-75 is sophisticated, on par to the warhead of US SLBMs, and has some low-observability features that forced a reduction in size and weight of the physics package to a never before attained level in the French arsenal. Other tests of the last run were allocated to data-collection to shape computer models of nuclear explosion simulations (PALEN program), which allowed France to ratify the CTBT.
The last serie of france nuclear test
were to calibrate PALEN program database
for a more realistic simulation
I am French and I served in the French military. I was there when France kicked out U.S. allies and pulled out of NATO after strong-arming the U.S. for help with its nuclear program. I witnessed first-hand France's lingering Gaullist policies destabilizing intermediate nuclear arms reductions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the 1970s. I was shocked when France re-started nuclear testing in Mururoa, when the rest of the world had agreed on a moratorium (lookup the Rainbow Warrior incident). I remember when France denied U.S. overflights to bomb Libya and when it sold nuclear technology to Saddam Hussein. I could go on and on.

France always wants to show off its military independence and arms export capabilities, but keeps the Pentagon on speed-dial to win its conflicts. It has now abandoned two thirds of its nuclear triad (strategic bombers and ICBMs). Posturing, complaining and going on strike is what France does best. My prejudice is well-founded.
Oh, boy! A political threadwar and it's not about the US!!!

No, I'm not intimately familiar with these programs. I therefore prefaced my comments with I didn't realize..., because it was surprising to me. I hope that's OK with you.

Popcorn. Good idea.
Orionblamblam said:
circle-5 said:
France is the furthest thing from a despicable country. It's just a horrible and inept military ally.

If anyone ever needs military assistance in going on strike or burning cars in the street, though, France is there.

I doubt the Religion of Peace® would be willing to provide assistance. Throw a cartoon in the right direction and they could be lead by the nose though.

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