The South China Sea NEWS ONLY

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21 April 2009
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Catch all thread for everything, China/Rest of World, militarily related specific to activities in the SCS.

From Inside Defense pay site

Thornberry proposes $6B Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative that could get bipartisan support
House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Mac Thornberry (R-TX) is proposing a $6 billion Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative bill for fiscal year 2021 intended to enhance U.S. military presence in the region and deter China
Discussing current day political-military crises is different from re-imagining the past (and alternate history is not without its pitfalls as I know).
There is room in the military thread to report on developments announced by nations that effect military equipment and its development.
Beyond that and you might as well go off to Twitter. It just produces a playground/schoolyard brawl.
Necessary, China's Fishing Vessel Flotilla already has a bad reputation for bullying everyone out of the region. Those countries need to be protected.
As this thread was started due to various deemed “off-topic” posts under another thread we can try to keep it news only to capture military and geo-political happenings of import.

i personally find this thread (and similar) a bit off topic for 'Secret Projects', however one aspect in the consistent anti China 'briefings' seldom mentioned is the fact that Japan and China 'own' a large percentage of US. debt. Re. Japan, the US. can offset this by providing weapons, etc. its a different matter re. China, who are emerging as a global power in their own right.


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i personally find this thread (and similar) a bit off topic for 'Secret Projects', however one aspect in the consistent anti China 'briefings' seldom mentioned is the fact that Japan and China 'own' a large percentage of US. debt. Re. Japan, the US. can offset this by providing weapons, etc. its a different matter re. China, who are emerging as a global power in their own right.
Why it’s posted in “The Bar” “Post anything offtopic (but likely to be of interest) in here“

INDOPACOM: Aegis Ashore with SPY-6 needed on Guam by 2026 to counter Chinese ballistic, cruise missiles
Adm. Phil Davidson, head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, wants an Aegis Ashore missile defense system on Guam by 2026 to defend the U.S. territory against advancing ballistic and cruise missile threats, arguing the combination of land- and sea-based missile defenses currently deployed there are limited to protecting one side of the island only and insufficient to provide 360-degree defense from China's ships and aircraft
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Rare Earths aren't all that rare and the US used to have its own sources until they were priced out of business by Chinese imports. Any startups will need assurance that won't happen again before they invest dollars.
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